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27 - Stranger

30 Days, 30 Stories

By Elizabeth ButlerPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
27 - Stranger
Photo by Amie Johnson on Unsplash

27 - Stranger

Entry One -

I start this journal, yes, a journal, [because diary makes me sound like a little girl] as I start my new life in the country away from the traffic and fumes of the city. Somewhere new to call home, where everything is slower and calmer. I’ll have time to think!

I will be able to start my own floral business in town where I can meet the locals. I’m more excited than nervous, does that make me sound too eager? I’m just that kind of person though, a friend of the world... doesn’t really suit me in the city depths where people are too busy reading their newspapers on their work commute, much like they are doing now. I am traveling by train with old men in business suits staring at their blackberries like mindless zombies.

Anyway, I should be arriving soon, I’ll check back in when I’m settled, I’m staying above a pub just so I can find an affordable place of my own, I heard the rent is much cheaper here.

Entry Two

I wasn’t sure what I was expecting when I arrived, a marching band on my arrival? Well, not that far-fetched, but thinking about it, it would have been better. The village itself is beautiful, rolling hills, grass everywhere I turn it’s just the locals...

I know many little villages like this one aren’t keen on strangers arriving, but I thought that was only in films, not that it happened... I suppose that’s how they got their inspiration.

I’ll try again in the morning. I don’t official open shop for a week or so and I haven’t even checked the place out yet! It was too dark when I arrived at the station, again that place was so quaint, much prettier than the station I arrived on.

I walked straight to the pub with my suitcase dragging behind me. The Cow Drippings. Not very conventional, but who am I to judge? I expected the interior to be dated and I wasn’t surprised. Creaky wooden floors, a burning fire in the main bar with a line of old farmers drinking beer. I can’t say they weren’t friendly, but they weren’t welcoming either. Seeing a thirty-year-old something woman from the city probably unevered them.

Anyway, what’s done is done. I will make amends in the morning when everyone is fully awake. Mornings prime time in villages, isn’t it? I’ll look at my place and mingle with locals, for now, I need to sleep.

Entry Three

The day I had! Where to start? I’ll have to write these entries every night as it looks like my days are going to be jam packed. My new shop, it’s nice, but it needs work, a lot of work. I don’t think I’ll be able to open by next week, the damages are more severe than I hoped. I knew I had to decorate and I do, it’s just the front window has been smashed, glass is covering the entrance, I walked around, but that needs to get fixed, it seems villages also have their run with trespassers like we do in the city...

On the other hand, the locals I met outside the pub are lovely! It must be the pub’s air in there, every time I pass them, they look depressed, even the bar man. I met a lovely old lady called Mary, she invited me to their bonfire display tomorrow night.

This is what I’d be looking forward to! Where I used to live my apartment was just egged from Halloween, it will be great to be a part of something for once!

Entry Four

Just a quick touch down before I join the bonfire. Someone graffitied on the side wall of my shop. YOU DON’T BELONG, GO BACK HOME! Stupid kids, or drunks, either one of them it’s annoying, but I can always paint over it, they cant scare me that easily. Anyway, I’m off!


HELP, PLEASE. I don’t even know why I’m writing but I need to write everything down so I don’t feel I’m going crazy. I’m stuck in between two planks of wood in what looks like an abandoned factory…

I’m scared. I walked to the village green, where the bonfire was and I was attacked, I thought it was them drunk men or kids fooling around at first, but ITS THEM. ITS DANGEROUS. I’m hiding while they search for me but so far no one seems to have come this way…


If you’re reading this, then, I guess you’re holding my phone. The rest of my entries are up in my room, back at the pub. OH GOD... THEIR GOING TO FIND IT ARENT THEY?

I hear something… I’m writing so faintly; it’s going to be hard to read... I can’t...

Short Story

About the Creator

Elizabeth Butler

Elizabeth Butler has a masters in Creative Writing University .She has published anthology, Turning the Tide was a collaboration. She has published a short children's story and published a book of poetry through Bookleaf Publishing.

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