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Tortillas De Patatas


By John Biz24Published 24 days ago 3 min read

What are tortillas de patatas?

The tortilla de patatas is a basic, delicate, and soggy rendition of the Spanish work of art, made with just four fixings and a few flavors. It tends to be presented with garlic aioli, either hot, warm, or cool, contingent upon your inclination.

Here is a rundown of elements for Tortilla de Patatas:

- 2 pounds Yukon gold potatoes or chestnut potatoes, stripped

- 1 yellow onion, stripped and divided

- 1 1/2 teaspoons fit salt, separated

- 1/4 teaspoon newly ground dark pepper

- 1 squeeze cayenne pepper

- 1/2 cup olive oil, partitioned

- Eggs

Here is a synopsis of the strategy:

1. Cut the potatoes and onions into 1/8-inch thick cuts.

2. Join eggs, 1/2 teaspoon salt, dark pepper, and cayenne in a huge bowl and whisk completely; put away.

3. Add 1/3 cup olive oil to an enormous nonstick dish and set the intensity to medium-high. Add potatoes, onions, and the leftover salt. Cook for around 20 minutes, blending at times, until the potatoes are delicate and daintily sautéed.

4. Mix the potato combination into the egg blend and let represent 5 to 10 minutes.

5. Add the excess olive oil to a 8-or 9-inch nonstick dish over medium-high intensity. Pour in the egg and potato blend, and smooth the top. Cook, covered, for around 4 minutes until the base is sautéed.

6. Slide the tortilla onto a plate, cover with another plate, and flip. Slide it back into the container and spot it over medium-high intensity.

7. Cook, uncovered, until the tortilla is completely set, around 2 minutes more.

8. Serve hot, warm, or at room temperature with garlic aioli.

9. To flip the tortilla without a plate, slide it onto a level spatula or cardboard sheet, and afterward, put it back into the dish.

10. For the garlic aioli, consolidate 1/2 cup mayonnaise, 2 cloves of garlic (squeezed or ground), 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice, and a touch of salt in a little bowl. Race until smooth.

11. Change the aioli as you would prefer, adding more garlic for a more honed flavor or lemon juice to thin the consistency.

12. The aioli can be made quite a bit early and put away in the cooler for as long as 3 days.

A few hints and varieties for this recipe :

- Utilize a sharp blade or a mandoline to cut the potatoes and onions into uniform, slight cuts. This guarantees in any event, cooking.

- Cover the potatoes while cooking to diminish the cooking time and hold dampness.

- Change the intensity to medium assuming that you favor less carmelizing.

- For a fruitful flip, guarantee your plate is sufficiently enormous to cover the container. On the other hand, use a level spatula or a piece of cardboard to flip the tortilla.

- In the event that you favor your tortilla to be less set, cook it for a more limited time frame. It ought to feel delicate or soft when squeezed gently with your finger.

- For a more significant dinner, serve the tortilla with a side of meat, like chorizo.

- Have a go at utilizing various sorts of potatoes, like yams or purple potatoes, for a bright and nutritious wind.

- Add extra vegetables, for example, ringer peppers or mushrooms, to the potato combination for additional flavor and surface.

- Try different things with various flavors and spices, like smoked paprika or slashed new parsley, to add a one of a kind flavor profile to the dish.


With everything taken into account, tortillas de patatas is an essential, fragile, and adaptable Spanish dish that can be served hot, warm, or cool, joined by garlic aioli. The recipe is immediate and essentially contains potatoes, onions, eggs, and flavors. With several hints and assortments, one can without a doubt change the dish to suit their tendencies, making pursuing it a wonderful decision for any supper.

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John Biz24

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