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There's No Place Like Logan's Place

Small Town Star Spot

By Kylie BestPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Logan's Place

Growing up in a small town has it’s staples. Everyone knows everyone, there’s team comradery for the local high school, a church on every corner and of course, the local eatery. Having grown up in the small Texas town that I’ve now relocated back to, I look back and realize I didn’t appreciate it as much as I do now. The local restaurant that is now the “it” place in town is new, but it has absolutely established itself as the new place to be.

Logan’s Place is not just about the food, it’s about the community and the inclusiveness it provides. Don’t get me wrong, the food is amazing and you will find me at the bar two to three times out of the week, but I really show up because of the staff. This is largely due to the fact of their customer service, but also because there is history there. Logan, the owner and chef of this restaurant, went to high school with me. He was in the grade below me, but we had Drama class together. As our high school years came to a close and discussions about the future, I remember Logan always saying that he wanted to own his own restaurant one day. About eight years after graduating high school, I moved back to the area (a whole other story in itself), and I was excited to see that there was indeed, a place for Logan to call his own.

From the outside looking in, it might look like just another antique shop or so in the downtown area, much like all small towns across the United States. It sat close to the corner, along a famous and old hotel, the Beckham Hotel. It was famous because it was the place to stay once you rode the train into the town when it was first established. The Beckham Hotel has always maintained their style and presence in the downtown scene, and that is where Logan’s Place is connected to. The 1950’s style and decor sets the tone for the experience you are about to embark on.

Walking in the door, you are greeted by a member of the staff, while you take it in the view. Straight ahead, a fireplace on the back all. Hanging above the mantel is the famous slogan, “There’s no place like Logan’s Place.” Bookshelves line the front left and right corners of the room, followed by vintage couches and chairs. To the left is the bar, the end spot being the seat I frequent the most. Upon entering, not only are you welcomed promptly, but you are also walking into a place where you can almost taste the food you smell. Once you sit any place you’d like and place your drink order, comes the hardest part of visiting Logan’s Place. That is, deciding on what to order.

Now, I’ve stopped by enough times now to have my regular orders which typically consist of a turkey and bacon wrap or a chicken and bacon wrap, both with their sweet potato fries. However, I have strayed from those a few times. My favorite time was when I ordered their salmon and shrimp. Being an East Texas town, I grew up without a knowledge of much seafood until just a few years ago. Let me tell you, they have the best salmon in all of East Texas (it’s a bigger area than you think! Texas, am I right?). What they are known best for are their burgers. The one I fancy the most would be the jalapeno and pineapple burger. Pineapple may not belong on pizza, but it was surely made specifically for this burger!

Local eateries vary from hole-in-the-wall taco places and bars, upscale dinner places or small cafes. I’ve always been one to love the run-down places, but Logan’s Place has a different touch that the other places around don’t have. Anyone can tell how hard they work to make this place special because it shows. Not only am I proud of Logan and his wife for opening this restaurant in our small town, but I am extremely thankful. They alone make you feel like someone in this town, and they are always happy to see your face. There’s really no place like Logan’s Place.


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