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The Sweetest of Memories

The ones never forgotten

By Sarah DanaherPublished 8 months ago 3 min read

My family had an older lady in town that we cared for; she treated us as her family. Her name was Grandma T to us children. She had lost her only child and husband years before. She was among the most extraordinary people I have ever met. She was Scottish and born there. After her mother's death, she had come over with her father as a child. Since my blood grandparents were several states away, we generally celebrated with her on holidays. So, she had been taught the classic Scottish dishes and made plenty of them throughout the year. Nothing was more important than her recipe for shortbread straight out of Scotland.

Whenever Christmas and New Year's came around. Christmas mornings as a child were always great when we went to visit. I remember all the sweet treats, but her Scottish shortbread was the best. It was thicker but flaked off into my mouth. One can taste the richness of the butter in it. We would get our small gifts and then eat some sweet treats.

The thing I most remember was my first time going to First Foot. This is a Scottish tradition of New Year's with a man to enter the house first and some traditional Scottish food. So, as I became older, I was finally invited. My Dad would come in first with some money and some type of food. Then, the rest of us could enter. Grandma T had made her famous Scottish pancakes and potted meat.

It was delicious, and she was proud of herself as the host. The best of all was her shortbread, which she would always make. It was so delicious and brought so much comfort to see her in her pride. She had her best teacups out, too. It was her tradition, and she was so glad to celebrate with us. I always loved her desserts and still miss the tiny pancakes.

I asked one time how to make her shortbread. I was told to mix the dough until it started talking to me and to use my hands to mix it. Also, she said to use real butter, not margarine. She was very proud of her cooking. We would mix the dough, and it still did not turn out like hers, but still good. She was so glad to even share the recipe. She was so delighted to be our adoptive grandma. My mom recorded the beautiful recipes that she used. Every Christmas now, the shortbread is still made like my Grandma T did, mixed with your hands.

Her love was in everything she made. Despite her passing, I have not forgotten Christmas with her smiling face and precious traditions. She showed how much love she had for our family. My First Foot was a wonderful time in my life. It was great to have someone to share such a wonderful tradition with others. I always remember her when I eat shortbread on the holidays.

Here is the recipe for Grandma T's Scottish Shortbread, entirely given with love.


½ lb. of real butter

1 cup of flour

1 cup of cornstarch

1 cup of powdered sugar


Preheat the oven to 275 degrees.

Mix all of the ingredients together with your hands till it talks to you (makes some sounds)

Press the dough into the pan. Pan size can be 8x8 and 9x9. The smaller the pan, the thicker the results

Bake at 275 degrees for 50 minutes or until light brown on top.

It can be cooked for up to an hour.

It can be cut into twenty-four pieces.

I do hope this recipe will bring memories and joy to all who make it. It was given by a remarkable woman in my life, and her legacy can live on in her dishes. Love was baked in every piece she made, and I hope you share the same with others. This dish has reminded me of the comfort of good memories and times, hopefully yours. Grandma T's simple act of kindness was to host and provide a decadent, wonderful dessert and a relationship I will never forget. It is a simple recipe, but much can be done to show the next generation the sweetest memories. If you choose to make this dessert, remember it is an old and good tradition. Giving others these treats can make a difference in others' lives. As the holiday season comes, please have a giving spirit and love those around you.


About the Creator

Sarah Danaher

I enjoy writing for fun. I like to write for several genres including fantasy, poetry, and dystopian, but I am open to trying other genres too. It has been a source of stress relief from my busy life.

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  • Antoinette L Brey8 months ago

    a magical story. Could feel the love

  • What a lovely, lovely warm-hearted story. I really enjoyed reading this. I got a warm feeling from it.

  • 🥹📝👍🌟♥️🕊️

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