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Milk and Cookies

Sonnets have been written about milk and cookies.

By Shandi PacePublished 4 years ago 3 min read

I propose the question, is there a more perfect pairing in the world than milk and cookies (I’m drooling just thinking about it)? At its root, the combination of the two is simple. It’s once you deconstruct the pairing that there’s so much more deliciousness to unpack. Sure, they might not be as classy as wine and cheese; instead, they’re so much more.

Milk and cookies are adequate on their own, but they’re much better together. In 2020, not many people are drinking a glass of milk with a meal. The same can be said about having a cookie with nothing to wash it down. Don’t get me wrong, cookies are one of life’s greatest pleasures; milk is just a welcome addition. Milk is what turns this classic dessert to another level, which is one of the reasons why they’re so great together.

By Pranav Kumar Jain on Unsplash

What makes milk and cookies unique are that everyone has their own favourite combination. Peanut butter cookies with almond milk? Sure. Warm 2% milk and a handful of Oreos? Sign me up. A cold glass of oat milk and sugar cookies straight from the oven? More, please! My favourite milk and cookie combo? A warm chocolate chip cookie and a chilled glass of 1%. This ability to mix and match our favourite milk and cookies incomparable to other dessert options. Tea and cake just aren't the same as milk and cookies.

Sonnets have been written about milk and cookies. The creation of hundreds of thousands of new desserts is all because of this combination. Cakes, ice cream, fudge, popsicles, bars, dessert lasagna; there are even milk and cookie shots. It’s hard to name another pairing that has this much versatility. If a combo can be explored this much to include this many different recipes, clearly something is going right.

At their core, milk and cookies are fun to eat. Most can recall a memory from their childhood that involves making cookies around the holidays and eating way too many afterwards. Plus, there are not many foods you can play around with as an adult.

I tend to look back to making gingerbread from scratch with my grandmother as a child, the kitchen filled with the sweet aroma of fresh cookies. I’d always want to lick the batter, but my grandmother would tell me to be patient and wait for the cookies to finish baking. After a few more minutes, I’d get to try one of our homemade gingerbread and pair it perfectly with a delicious glass of milk. It can be times like these that make milk and cookies such a staple, as recipes and traditions pass down from generation to generation. These moments are the ones I wish I could relive over and over again.

Milk and cookies are also the best at any time of the day. It could be the morning or the middle of the night, and most of us would not hesitate if we were offered this heavenly couple. They're are a pick-me-up when times are bad and a way to treat ourselves when everything is going right. Milk and cookies are more than a snack; they're a way of life for some people. This is why they have such longevity when it comes to other simple desserts or food pairings.

Milk and cookies are easily the superior dessert combination and one of the best food/drink pairings to exist. There’s a reason why you crave milk and cookies every time you think about the delicious duo. Despite the numerous times we’ve all had milk and cookies, this classic pairing never gets old.


About the Creator

Shandi Pace

History lover, music nerd and sports fanatic. | Instagram & Twitter: @shandipace, YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/shandipace

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