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Carrot ginger soup

Comforting spiciness

By Andie EmersonPublished 7 months ago Updated 7 months ago 3 min read
Top Story - October 2023
Carrot ginger soup with maple pumpkin seeds

The unfamiliarity of the surrounding walls has me trapped in a turmoil. The air is soaked with a scent that has yet to be mine, I am breathing in my new reality and it is nearly suffocating. My existence has been altered and I can only adapt to my current environment.

I stand in the kitchen, my eyes carrying the weight of a stormy night and my heart just a subtle thump against its skeletal armour. It is minutes past 6 pm and the sun has already said its goodbyes. The cries of my stomach–one of the few organs I have been neglecting lately–are competing with the dominating silence.

My soul is aching for the comfort of home, the stiffness of my chest and shoulders begging for limpness.

How do I want to feel right now?

I want to feel loved. I want to feel safe and carefree.

Safe and carefree...

My limbs are made of cement, heavy and cold. I close my eyes, force my lungs to swallow as much air as they possibly can. I set my phone so that it echoes bangers through the first floor. My head starts to swing from side to side, my legs get bouncy and my arms are striking the air above my head. I can't dance, even if my life depended on it. But here I am. It's not a party if I'm on my own, so I invite the person I know that deserves love to tag along. I look up at the worn out picture of little me pinned to the fridge–come on buddy, let's make soup.

Carrot ginger soup

What you will need :

  • 5 cups of carrots (about 5 medium ones)
  • 2 large russet (or white) potatoes
  • 1 medium onion
  • 3-4 garlic cloves
  • 1.5 tablespoon of fresh ginger
  • 4 cups of vegetable broth
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon of dijon mustard
  • 1/4 cup of canned coconut milk
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • 2 tablespoons of maple syrup
  • 1/2 cup of pumpkin seeds

How to make it :

1.In a large cooking pot, warm up the olive oil, setting the heat at medium-high. Chop the onion into chunks (the size of the vegetables does not really matter here since they will have to take a spin in the blender anyway) and add to the pot. Cook until tender and translucent, tossing them once in a while.

2. Mince the garlic and grate the ginger. Cut the carrots into chunks and mix in with the onions. Cook for 5 minutes and appreciate the invigorating smell.

3. Drop in the carelessly diced potatoes. Pour in the vegetable broth along with the apple cider vinegar and the dijon mustard. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Let the concoction simmer for about 40 minutes.

4. While you wait for the veggies to cook, you can go on with that dance party, cuddle your cat, start your Christmas list or get the caramelized pumpkin seeds ready.

5. Turn the oven on at 375 °F. In a small bowl, combine maple syrup with the pumpkin seeds. Lay them evenly on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Leave in for 10 to 15 minutes, stirring every few minutes. They will burn if you do not keep an eye on them!

6. Once the veggies are soft, incorporate the coconut milk and let the soup be for a while–it needs to cool down before hitting spinning machine.

7. Get that dusty blender out, now comes the fun part! I get my ear plugs for this step, that blender is loud. Using a ladle, move the soup from the cooking pot into the blender and blend away until smooth.

8. Pour the liquid into a bowl, top it off with a generous handful of maple pepitas. Enjoy with a hunk of toasted baguette.

This soup has magical powers, a recipe for nurture. My insides got all fuzzy the instant the first spoonful traveled from my lips to my belly. I felt the warmth of a hug, from the core out. Try it with a grilled (vegan) cheese and your inner child will thank you.

Bon appétit !


About the Creator

Andie Emerson

Queer. Awkward. An anxious wreck, but firm believer in self-work.

Authenticity & progress over illusion & perfectionism.

Makes a living working in home improvement.


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Comments (4)

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  • Caroline Jane7 months ago

    Yum. This sounds delicious. 😋🥰

  • Joyce O’Day7 months ago

    Great recipe and beautiful writing!

  • Donna Renee7 months ago

    I want this right now! 🤤🤤🤤

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