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(These Are Super Easy To Make & You Can Freeze Them For Later Too!)

By Socialite SandePublished 2 years ago Updated 6 months ago 2 min read
Top Story - February 2022
Jaxson and Jayla absolutely LOVED making these!

If you are a parent like myself, I know you've experienced meal ruts! (And if you're like me...more specifically, BREAKFAST ruts!)

I also understand how important it is to get the kids out the door and headed out to school or whatever activity they have planned with a healthy and balanced breakfast that is going to keep them full longer throughout the first part of the day.

Lastly, if you are dealing with what I'm dealing with lately...VERY PICKY EATERS...this breakfast idea will come in SUPER handy!

Let me put you on to a breakfast idea that is not only healthy...but absolutely delicious! (Annnd the kiddos can make them themselves!)

Try out this SUPER EASY kid-friendly healthy high protein waffle recipe using Herbalife products! (These are better than the store-bought brands I'm telling you!)

First of all, you will need just a few things:

  • 2 Scoops Herbalife Formula 1 (We used Banana Caramel Formula 1 but you can use whatever flavor floats your boat!)
  • 2 Scoops Herbalife Vanilla Protein Drink Mix
  • 1/2 Cup Water
  • 1 Whole Egg
  • 3 Egg Whites

You will also need a blender and a waffle maker a

If you don't have Herbalife products, you can purchase them here: https://teamtransformation.goherbalife.com/Catalog/Home/Index/en-US

Combine all ingredients into your blender and blend away!

Once you do that, you will pour your blended mixture to into your waffle maker and let it cook for close to a minute...they should be nice and golden brown. Repeat the same steps until you have all the waffles you need!

Once you are done making all of your waffles, top them with your favorite fruit like strawberries or blueberries, a little whip cream and your favorite maple syrup and ENJOY! I'm telling you...it's a HIT every time! :)

The kiddos aren't too big on syrups and extras so they enjoyed them just as you see them in the photo above...they loved them plain jane but don't feel like you have to limit yourself with these...you can make them as jazzy as you'd like and they are SUPER DEELISH!

We've also made this recipe with 1/2 of a banana in the mix as well. (And they LOVED that too!) You can add strawberries to the mixture, chocolate chips, blueberries, etc...the possibilities are ENDLESS! Plus, the banana adds a little more sweetness to them as well!

It's THAT easy! :)

Trust me when I say that it can be frustrating at times to find the foods and eats that the kids enjoy...heck...it's frustrating at times just to get them to "try" something new! The great thing about this recipe is that it's so easy for them to make them themselves annnnd...because they made them...they are more prone to eat it because it was their own creation! :)

Oh yeah! One last thing! You can FREEZE your waffles for another day! (Do you know how much TIME this will save you when you're running around trying to get the kids ready for school?! PHEW!) Just slide them onto some parchment paper and place them in freezer safe bags and store them in the freezer to consume later!

When you're ready to have waffles again...just take them out of the freezer and reheat them in the toaster oven and ENJOY!

I hope you enjoyed this post!

Remember, kids' meals don't have to be boring so have fun with it! Stay tuned for more recipes like this from me and let me know if you attempt this recipe for your kiddos at home as well!

Bon Appetit!


About the Creator

Socialite Sande

I'm a Twin Mom, Youtuber, Wife, Fitness lover & All-Around DORK! Here you'll find all things Parenthood (Mom Hacks included), Fashion, Party Planning, Travel, Food & Fitness! I'm a firecracker & love to make people laugh so enjoy your stay!

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  • Melissa Ingoldsby2 years ago

    Cute recipe

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