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The Storms Marriages Go Through

By Nathal NortanPublished 3 months ago 3 min read
My days of devastation and confusion

I met Robert during our first year at the university during study hall week.  We immediately took a liking to each other.  I couldn’t take my eyes off him.  He had auburn hair and a stunningly handsome face and his eyes were just wow.  

We ended up belonging to the same study group, but as many young relationships normally go, we lost touch after high school and married other people. 

I never forgot about Robert till my husband died in 2019.  I searched for Robert on Google and discovered he had also become widowed.  I sent him a card with my phone number and after chatting for a bit, I drove over 350 miles to visit him because he couldn’t come because of his work. I occasionally stopped for gas and also bought him some gifts.

When I got to his door, I rang the bell, and once again that charming face came popping out of the door.  With a broad smile on his face, we hugged and in the process, he cupped my face in his hands and told me that, “No matter what I’m going to kiss you”.  This we did with so much excitement.  I realized he was also happy to see me and was relieved that he had finally crossed my path again.

In 3 months we got married with a modest wedding closing with a dinner with most of our old friends.  After 2 years of marriage things started going bad with the relationship and for the first time in my life I heard some of the meanest things a husband could ever say to a wife.

In the course of the marriage, Robert became very jealous and suspicious of every move I made.  At one point, he openly accused me of sleeping with one of his close friends from school and that he didn’t know I was such a prostitute.

I was devastated and did not know what to do, me, a prostitute.  I also didn’t want our newfound love to abruptly come to an end.  I decided to seek council.  I came across a renowned marriage counselor who has redeemed thousands of marriages from such crumbling situations.

My first encounter with the counselor was to heal myself from the devastating words that are hurting me deeply.  I also want complete healing to be able to love again.

Brad Browning, the expert counselor took me through complete therapy and later also invited Robert and psyche him up to put him straight on a more level plain when it comes to marriage.  Overall, we realized that we both needed this experience if we were to save our marriage from any further damage.

In marriages, issues may happen and sometimes we go out of our way to say damaging things but upon further reflection, we realize we have missed the point and it's better we come back, apologize, and pick things up again.

If some of these meanest things have been said to you, for you to have complete healing and overhauling, kindly listen to Brad Browning, the expert who has the healing power to transform both you and your partner into a sound footing.

Don’t let your soul be cast down, remember there’s always a second time.  Give yourself the chance for complete healing.

Relationships pass through a lot of stages, and we must be aware of the simple fact that, when the turbulence starts, remember it won’t last forever.  In those times, what becomes important is how you handle what you are going through.

What happens to you is not as much as what happened in you.  The decision relies on you to let the impact degenerate you or let it just pass as one stormy wind.

From the various sessions we had with the counselor, we got to know that what we were experiencing were normal stages that marriages go through.

For instance, you initially go through infatuation and romance, then settle into reality.  We were at the stage of reality before we would launch into infatuation and romance then come establish roles and responsibilities before even parenting and family building would show up.

So you can see that we have a long way to go and this is just the beginning of the journey. I encourage everyone on this journey to brace his or herself in order to have a successful journey.

To further assist you, you could click the link below to access a free audiobook from Amazon on Audible by Elaine O. Foster  and Joseph W. Foster (Author)  on;

I Wish I Knew This Before My Divorce: Ending the Battle Between Holding On and Letting Go. 

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About the Creator

Nathal Nortan

About Me:

Embark on a journey through the sultry landscape of love, science, and technology. I'm an unapologetic wordsmith and fervent explorer of the heart's deepest desires. My tales are woven with threads of deep care for humanity.

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