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Umbrage Unseen

A not so subtle tale of the not so subtle (TW: Death and violence)

By Martin StonesPublished 3 years ago 9 min read
To my writing partner Ragnar

Chapter one

The sun had just set on a warm and beautiful summer night in the city. Julius was headed home with a small bag containing a pint of his wife's favorite ice cream. The store was only a few blocks away from his place and he had enjoyed the sunset on his walk there.

As the sky began to darken he decided to pick up the pace a bit. Julius disliked being alone in the dark, and he especially didn't want the ice cream to begin melting in the warm summer air. He was only half way home when he noticed the rhythmic sound of his footsteps were joined by another, and suddenly, a familiar feeling washed over him. It felt like being watched but far more sinister. "It" was here, that predator that terrorized him and his family. Julius scanned his surroundings quickly bracing for what was to come. He didn't know anything about his attacker because he had never seen them. Julius wasn't sure if anyone had ever seen them before. As he wondered this, his thoughts were cut off by the searing pain of a punch to the gut followed by a swift kick to the leg that sent him smashing to the ground.

As he laid there in the grass clutching his midsection, he listened to the sound of footsteps running away. He could tell the general direction of his attacker but as he expected, when he glanced in that direction, he saw nothing. This was not the first time Julius had been attacked in such a manner. Stories of unseen assailants had been passed down through his family for ages. Honestly, he had long since lost count of how many times he'd been attacked.

These incidents were usually small unexplained acts of violence that seem to carry no rhyme or reason. With a heavy heart Julius picked himself up off the ground and made his way home as quickly as he could. He was a little dizzy from the impact and his stomach was warm with a low hum of pain but he felt okay.

It did make him feel sad to not know or understand why he and his family had to live with this curse, but Julius was an eternal optimist. “At least I didn't land on the ice cream when I fell,” he thought to himself. Julius entered his home and made his way upstairs to where his wife was sitting in a candlelight bubble bath he had prepared for her. Rose petals littered the floor and the water's surface, making the room feel warmer somehow. She paused her podcast and spoke "where'd you go?". Julius responded. "I went to get you ice cream". She smiled as Julius knelt down and handed his wife Eliza the ice cream and a spoon. Eliza spoke "Thank you hubby you're the best" Julius kissed her forehead and replied "happy anniversary my love" Liza beamed with joy as she replied "Happy Anniversary baby! In this moment sitting there with his wife all the pain left Julius's body and his heart felt lighter.

Chapter Two

Amari was not her brother. Julius was content with living life in terror but not her. She was going to put an end to this nightmare. She had decided that she would no longer be hunted! She would be the hunter, the attacker, the predator. But she also knew that hunting an invisible enemy required creativity. She had questioned members of her family about the attacks and compiled all the information she could get her hands on (from those who said anything at all). It wasn't much but she knew that whoever was attacking her family usually only attacked at night or when the target was alone. The exception to this rule was the few attacks that took place during family events such as birthdays or family reunions. Consequently her family didn't come together very often these days. Amari thought back to the last time she had remembered her family all celebrating together. She was only six so she barely remembered much but what she did remember was how Julius kept a watchful eye over her the entire time. Her brother used to make her feel safe when she was younger but now she would only feel safe if she could put an end to this blight on her family.

Amari had started taking to the streets (using herself as bait) shortly after moving into her own place after college. Julius was always telling her not to go looking for trouble but Amari wasn't hunting unprepared. At first glance she seemed to be dressed normally but there was much more hidden beneath the surface. Under her shirt she wore a kevlar lined vest she has sewn from material she bought at the local army surplus store. Under her cardigan she had sewn three quick release straps which held a small can of spray paint, a taser and a can of OC spray (the later of which her brother had gotten for her). She was sure he would not like the idea of her playing vigilante each night but this was something she had to do.

Amari had been walking for a few hours now and it was getting late so she decided to make her way home. Her apartment was only a few blocks away and it took her no time at all to make it home. As she entered her home she quickly silenced her security system. She then began removing all of her tactical gear hanging her vest on a hook mounted in her bedroom. She was so tired but definitely needed a shower. Amari entered her bedroom to fetch her pajamas however, no sooner than she had left the room she was suddenly accosted by the feeling of being watched. She instantly turned, sprinting back across the apartment. she grabbed her vest and snapped off the taser and spray paint. Her back against the wall she sprayed the air in front of her. When nothing showed up she slowly started making her way towards the exit back pressed against the wall the entire time. Occasionally she sprayed the air but she was mostly listening for footsteps.

Suddenly a figure seemed to materialize in the mist and before she could react it swept her legs from underneath her. The impact sent the taser skittering across her apartment floor. Pinned to the ground the invisible assailant began to choke Amari. She fought back with everything she had but with her body receiving no oxygen she was forced to make peace with her own mortality. As the life quickly drained from her body her last thoughts were of her family, it wasn't fair how they had to suffer from some curse that seemed to predate anyone alive today. Her thoughts turned to her brother who would be devastated to find her body here. She hoped he wouldn't have to see her like this but as the light faded from her eyes she understood one last thing. Her brother and her were the same. They both had extreme reactions that stemmed from fear. Julius had a family so he tried to avoid anything that would bring them harm. Amaris' fear pushed her towards that thing but no more! with her final breath, she let that fear go.

Chapter three

The news had been difficult to watch since Amari died. Even so, Julius couldn't bring himself to turn away. He had seen news cycles like this before, he knew what would happen. Everyone spun the story to their own political benefit and people's passions would be roused. Some would take legitimate steps towards helping but eventually that passion would recede only to be replaced with the next big headline. To Julius this wasn't about headlines, he had lost his sister and for no good reason. He could understand the history of violence that plagued his family yet still this felt both unreal and far too real to bear. He was afraid of what would come next once the news stories went away and he was left in the silence to mourn his sister. This wasn't the first time Julius had experienced such emotions. Fear, loneliness, and hopelessness were old friends to him. They were heralds of the impending wave of sadness sure to sweep him into a sea of depression.

Amaris funeral was a few days before Julius’s birthday which only added to the pain he already felt That week was filled with friends and acquaintances offering words of sympathy. Others understood that only time could heal such grave wounds and offered Julius the gift of silent affection. These interactions all took place in a haze in which time both crawled slowly and yet before he knew it he was sitting outdoors in the front row of Amaris funeral service listening to each person come up and say a few words. Some offered stories of fond memories they had of Amari. Others regaled and comforted with humor. There were quotes from the bible and from some Amaris favorite authors that moved everyone to tears. Julius had since given up on wiping away his ever-flowing tears and It was with tears streaming down his face that Julius approached the podium holding a single rose for his turn to speak. He glanced over at his sister's casket which was now within arm's reach then calmed himself to address everyone.

“Amari was more than just a sister, she was a friend. She could be stubborn, snippy, and sometimes rude but she was human as we all are. But more so she was determined… determined to better herself, determined to be and spread kindness, and determined to help others. Amari was never the type to simply stand by as others suffered. When we were young she used to go play at the park in front of our house and I would sit in our window doing homework so that I could keep an eye on her. She was always so brave and fearless. One day in particular while chatting with some friends I noticed she kept glancing across the park at this kid playing alone. I didn't recognize him so he must have been new but just as she was walking over to meet him two other boys approached him and started playing a bit too rough. Amari raced over and shoved the boys away then shielded this kid with her body until I was able to run over and separate everyone. I noticed two things that day, first was the familiar look of fear in Amaris eyes. It was like staring at myself… Amari was terrified of those boys but she was even more afraid of what might happen to the new kid. The second thing was the look on the new boy's eyes. It was the look of someone who had a true hero. That kid's name was Geoffrey and from that day forward he and Amari were inseparable. That is until he died of cancer a few years later. I was at the hospital with Amari the last time she spoke to him and he said something that stuck with me. Geoffrey took my sister's hand and said “ I have grown to admire many people over the last few years, my parents, my doctors, some of the other kids at his hospital but you Amari are my hero and I regret that I won't be around to see the day everyone else finds out how special you are.” Julius paused for a long time and then spoke again. My sister was a hero… and sometimes that scared me because the world is a dangerous place for heros… but Amari never let her fear stifle her progress and neither will i.

Julius thanked everyone for coming and then turned to place the rose onto his sister's casket. Without another word, he turned to head back to his seat but as he did a familiar feeling washed over him. He looked up realizing that it wasn't just him but all of his family members felt it too, that sinister feeling of being watched swept over the crowd and stopped Julius in his tracks. Fear welled up inside but he would no longer be controlled by it. Mustering all of his willpower took a deep breath, took control of his thoughts then took a step forward unsure of what was to come.

fact or fiction

About the Creator

Martin Stones

I love creative writing

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