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Things that I am thankful for this Christmas

By Chloe Rose Violet 🌹Published 6 months ago • Updated 6 months ago • 3 min read

"Be thankful for everything that happens in your life; it’s all an experience."

Roy T. Bennett

I've been working on expressing gratitude lately. Creating daily lists of things that I am thankful for. If you follow my Facebook page, you've probably read a few of them.

In my writing prompt challenge for December, I prompted myself to write a list of things that I'm thankful for this year. You can check this post out down below.

I've said it before, but I had a hard year. I truly found grace in the midst of my struggles. I'm in a better place than I was last January and I couldn't be more grateful for that fact.

With all that being said, this Christmas, I'm thankful for a few different things.

•I'm thankful for my grandparents that are still alive. Those two keep my heart beating. And keep my Christmas spirit alive every single year. When I think about Christmas, I think about those two with their Christmas decorations up all year round.

•I'm thankful to have a roof over my head and a house full of food. That's a luxury that a lot of people take for granted and I really appreciate it this year.

•I'm thankful for the family traditions that we have managed to start and keep alive. (Like leg wrestling- not that I'm participating this year.)

•I'm thankful for my partner in crime being by my side this Christmas. He is such an amazing person and I truly appreciate the wonderful human being he is. I will cherish this Christmas for the rest of my life because of this amazing human being in my life.

•I'm thankful to have my kids home with me this Christmas. I'm super excited to watch them open their gifts on Christmas Eve. My son gave me my Christmas gift already and it utterly melted my heart into a puddle. Their school does a Santa's workshop and he got a little bit of spending money. He used it to buy everyone in our house a gift and watching him realize the power of giving was quite something for me this year. He's got a good heart and I want to remember that.

•I'm thankful for the mild weather this year. I truly despise the snow so not having very much has been quite a treat. I'm terrified of slipping and falling because I'm expecting my third child. Thankfully I've had a bit of luck on my side there. I haven't even had to plug my vehicle in yet this winter! Little things, right?

•I'm thankful for the relatives in my life. Christmas is about making memories and spending time with the ones we love. I'm thankful for an opportunity to do that this year.

•I'm thankful for a new beginning with the birth of my third baby after Christmas this year.

•I'm thankful for the friends that I have in my life. The ones who remained solid when so many people managed to walk out of my life.

•I'm thankful for all of you. ♡ The people that read my writing mean the utter world to me and I cannot thank you enough for that.


Oof that list became longer than i was expecting. I suppose that is a good thing to have so much to be thankful and positive about. Thank you for reading my list of things that I'm thankful for this Christmas.

What are you thankful for this year?

Let me know in the comments down below.

Chloe Rose Violet 🌹

Holidayfeatureextended family

About the Creator

Chloe Rose Violet 🌹

Writing from the heart about love, life, music, mental health, and everything else in between. 💀🥰

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