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Series of Letters from the Other Woman, the Wife, and the Ex-Husband

Read letters from and to the other woman, the wife, and the ex-husband.

By Margaret MinnicksPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Sometimes when there is infidelity in a marriage, there are confessions from the cheating spouse as well as from those involved in the affair. Below are letters that originated with a confession from "the other woman" to the wife. There is a response from the wife to the other woman. Next, there is a letter from the wife to her ex-husband, and finally a letter from the ex-husband to the ex-wife. In all, there are a total of four letters from four people whose lives were changed forever because of an affair.

Letter from the Other Woman

Dear Wife,

I want to confess that your husband has been cheating on you with me for the past five years. I am surprised that you haven't suspected anything during that long period of time. Surely, you have seen my lipstick on his collar and smelled my perfume on his clothes. I am the one who has been calling your house, and your husband acted like it was an emergency at work. I want to confess and set the record straight. I want to move on with my life with or without him.

I did not know he was married when we first started the affair. By the time I found out he was married, the relationship had deepened to the point that I was too involved to call it off. After I found out, I tried not to feel guilty because your husband told me he was not satisfied at home. In fact, he told me that the two of you had separate living quarters in your big house.

I should have suspected something because we shared no candlelight dinner at famous restaurants, no vacations in romantic places, no going dancing, and not even any enjoying leisurely walks in the park. We stayed alone behind closed doors. A big red flag should have gone up when your husband called your name when we made love. However, I dismissed it.

Please forgive your cheating husband and me. He never said anything bad about you or the three children you both share. You probably are a wonderful person. Perhaps we could have been friends under different circumstances.

I am writing to you to rid myself of the guilt and shame. I have ended the affair because it was affecting me much more than I thought it would. I did not want to continue being "the other woman" in your marriage. It is hard letting your husband go, but I must do so for my own sanity. I realize now that I will never be the one he finally comes home to.

"The Other Woman"

Letter to the Other Woman

Dear "Other Woman,"

In response to your recent letter, I must say I feel sorrier for you than for me who was cheated on. You admitted my husband never treated you special. He kept you behind closed doors away from the world and especially from a man of your own who wasn't married.

After reading your letter, I was flooded with many emotions: anger, bitterness, sadness, feeling of betrayal, and the urge to get revenge. Then I realized that I am not the loser as a result of my husband cheating on me with you. You are the loser because a married man usually doesn't divorce his wife for "the other woman." In the event my husband divorces me and marries you, you will always think he will cheat on you just as he cheated on me with you.

Because of my husband's long infidelity, we have agreed to call it quits. I don't know if he will make things legal with you. That's between you and him.

The Cheated on Wife

Letter to the Ex-Husband

Dear Cheating Ex-Husband,

In case you are not aware of it, it was "the other woman" who confessed to me about your affair with her that last five years. If the affair has been brief, I probably would have tried harder to make our marriage work. We have a five-year-old son. That means you had been cheating on me while we were raising him together.

I find it easier to divorce you than to pretend you were a faithful husband the whole twelve years we were married. I had the choice of becoming bitter or better. I decided to become better. I knew I had to get on with my life without you.

I heard that even before the ink was dry on our divorce papers, you were married again but not to "the other woman" you had an affair with while you were married to me. I want you to know that after years of cheating, I forgive you. The forgiveness was more for me than for you. Like a phoenix, I intend to rise from the ashes.

Your Forgiving Ex-Wife

Letter from the Ex-Husband

My Dearest Ex-Wife,

I regret the pain I caused you. I valued our marriage vows at the time we made them, but I got off track and cheated on you.

I am sorry for the many things you now know about and for the things you will never know. I deserve losing you even though I confess you were the best thing that ever happened to me. I wish I had never cheated on you.

Yes, I have married again, but I am not happy in this marriage. My wife is cheating on me the way I cheated on you. What I did to you while we were married is exactly what my wife is doing to me. I am getting what I deserve. The sayings are right: "What goes around comes around" and "You reap what you sow."

I see that you didn't remarry as I did. Perhaps you are still single because of the way I treated you. I hope you are not thinking all men are cheaters. They are not. I was the foolish one.

Your Foolish Ex-Husband


About the Creator

Margaret Minnicks

Margaret Minnicks shares articles with readers all over the world. Topics include celebrities, royal family, movies, television, foods, drinks, health issues, and other interesting things. Thanks in advance for TIPS that are sent my way.

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Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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  • CarmenJimersonCross2 years ago

    Well thank the lord they're just fictitious I'm not the only one that didn't get apologies thank you for your Insight on the subject!

  • I am fascinated by the thought that an "other woman" outside of a soap opera, would actually write. A letter to the married woman. That has never been my experience. They always go as far as to spend the wife for her credentials and more. They don't apologize. Impressive idea though.

  • Heather Hubler2 years ago

    This was fascinating!! I loved reading what you put together. Perspective is everything and rarely do we get to see all sides of a situation. Thanks for sharing!

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