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Searching for Long Lost Mother

Struggle and Sincerity

By acul 090Published 30 days ago 3 min read
Ilustrasion of mother and child

In a small town surrounded by green hills, lived a little girl named Maya. Maya lived with her grandmother since a young age, as her mother passed away when she was just a baby. Her grandmother, Nyai Sumi, was the only family Maya had. They lived happily despite being separated from Maya's mother who left them.

Maya was always curious about her mother. She often gazed at her mother's photos stored in her grandmother's wardrobe, pondering the unfamiliar face. Every time Maya asked about her mother, her grandmother would only give short and comforting answers, "Your mother will come back someday, dear."

However, as Maya entered her teenage years, her curiosity grew stronger. She wanted to know why her mother left her and if she would return as promised by her grandmother. Without her grandmother's knowledge, Maya began to search for her mother herself.

She started studying every detail she could find about her mother. She asked her neighbors, searched for information in the town library, and even dared to search on the internet. Although no one knew much about her mother, Maya never gave up.

One day, while Maya was cleaning the lower room of her grandmother's house, she found an old box hidden behind a pile of old stuff. With a pounding heart, Maya opened the box and found a number of old photos and letters that turned out to belong to her mother.

In disbelief of what she found, Maya read the letters with full of emotions. The letters told about her mother's past, about her life before Maya was born, and the reasons why she left them. It turned out, her mother left because she was involved in a complicated and dangerous family conflict.

Maya felt mixed emotions. She felt sad to finally know the reason behind her mother's departure, yet also relieved to finally have a glimpse of who her mother really was.

With determination, Maya decided to search for her mother, even though she didn't know where to start. She gathered all the clues she found from the letters and began her own investigation.

Maya traveled to the places mentioned in her mother's letters. She visited small towns in the countryside, met people who knew her mother, and tried to find out more about her mother's past.

Her journey was not easy. Maya had to face various obstacles and challenges along the way. However, she never gave up. Whenever she felt hopeless, she remembered the promise she made to herself: to find her mother, no matter what.

After months of traveling, Maya finally found clear traces of her mother. She learned that her mother now lived in a remote village in the mountains. Without hesitation, Maya continued her journey to the village, hoping to meet her mother there.

Arriving at the village, Maya felt like she found pieces of her mother's life that had long been separated from her. She met people who were once acquainted with her mother and listened to stories about her mother's kindness and wisdom.

Finally, after a long and exhausting search, Maya met her mother. She found her mother in a small house by the river, living a simple yet happy life. When her mother saw Maya, she was surprised but also very happy.

They hugged in happiness, crying and laughing in relief. Maya felt like she found the missing piece of herself, like finding the end of a long and winding journey.

Her mother then told everything to Maya, about why she left them and about her journey since then. Maya listened attentively, feeling grateful that she could finally start rebuilding her relationship with her mother.

From that moment on, Maya and her mother began to rebuild their long-lost relationship. They spent time together, sharing stories and memories, and fixing all the longing that had been buried for years.

Although separated for years, Maya and her mother realized that their love for each other had never changed. And although their journey was not easy, they knew that together, they could face any obstacles that might come. writing...

grandparentschildrenparentshumanityextended familyadvice

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  • Esala Gunathilake30 days ago

    Absolutely brilliant.

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