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Life is grand

There is goodness waiting to happen.

By Shays_creations homemade cardsPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
Mother & child

Blessings to you one and all. I wish you a wonderful day. There are times when life deals us a dirty hand. We as mothers have to stop and access the situation. We can't kiss all boo -boo's and make them vanish. What we can do is lean to the right and cradle them. There is one thing we all can agree on. It is so painful to witness our children cry. The truth is day one of life we are crying. Often dimes the day of death we will be too.

Recently, I came to hear of a mother's 'struggle. At times we can't avoid the bumps in life. I was supportive in all I could be. Then the day came to step up to the table. The mother chose her abuser. The safety of the children was second to him. I was beyond moved to disdain. I since realized it is not my business to have an opinion. I completely washed away that situation.

As moms, we have to always wear that cap. I am not saying that in terms of obligation. Some have no idea what motherhood is like. We wake up with that day in and day out. Our worries never stop after they are adults. At times that is when the worries intensify. I would like to say thank you to all the moms that are supportive and kind. Helping mold our future leaders to greatness.

We all do our best when we have our child's best in our hearts. I was driving the other morning. I saw two little children walking hand in hand. My heart froze because it took me back. I was so afraid to let Kay walk home at that age. I felt it was my duty and right. I was not living in the best neighborhood then or now. I thought to myself they look like little angels.

I have also noticed the changes in the style of clothing. I see bright cheerful colors. These cheerful colors are possibly brightening moods. I love it. I was thinking about a shirt I adored with red orange and green across the front. As moms, we get to take these little blessings to school shopping. Who does not recall the day they wanted to choose? I won't it was a little white purse gleaming across the store.

It was a moment I was not expecting at such a young age. At 29 years old. She is still a girly girl. These days I have grown to be in shock. I never was a fashionista. I am 53 and today a tote bag will arrive. It has strawberries all over it. This is my first total attraction to something like this. I am hoping to find a shirt to match it. We are never too old to change.

As moms, we don't want our kids to stop changing for the better either.

I hope for the best with everything. We need more kindness in tee world. I have been so amused by the sweetness some child show. You can't deny we can be standing in a long line. And the sweetest little angel waves hi. Even Scrooge would be moved by that. Please teach kindness and generosity to our young ones. These are two values we don't see enough of. Thank you for reading my thoughts. I hope this leaves you feeling good. It was not my intention otherwise.

I am shays_creations and the card above was made on the computer. I am a lover of crafting so I shared that with you. Thanks and have a wonderful day.


About the Creator

Shays_creations homemade cards

I am a mover and a shaker in life. I am a homebody with love. I am a helper of many but I need to work on more selfcare. I am addicted to greeting cards so shays_creations is my life and soul. Times are so hard I am just thankful.

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