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How to deal with someone that is waiting to die?

It's hard to be the only one having goals around people who don't see the point.

By Talara NolanPublished 2 months ago 3 min read
How to deal with someone that is waiting to die?
Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash

My family isn't healthy, most of them. I have known this for some time. However, living with them has brought a new level of understanding for me. Of things that I didn't see before. My mother is very unhealthy. She was diagnosed with having MS at some point. She has been getting worse over time. At this point, she doesn't leave her house ever. Last summer, she would sit on the porch at least. Though that has stopped. She only goes out if she has to go to the doctor's or get blood done or something like that. The frustrating thing for me is that she has no desire to get better. She has no desire to try and get better in any way. I don't think that people are understanding that. Her doctor's and her physio people talk to her like they are trying to help her. I'm not sure how else to say it to people, that there is no point in giving her advice, she won't do it. Unless you see it, you don't at all understand that this woman is just surviving.

But I have a few family members that both live her and don't, that don't have goals and are just surviving. I feel like they don't need to be living that way, they are choosing to live that way. There is a difference. I know that many people are out there living like this. Just living, just surviving, just going through the motions. Life has gotten so hard now that a lot of people are struggling. It's hard to think of goals and dreams and doing better when you are just trying to get through the days. So I get it.

The sad thing for me is that a lot of people in my family that feel like this don't have to. I get that a lot of them are sick in different ways. However, it's not like any of them are 90 or anything. They can get better, they can leave a good life. I just feel like so many people in my family are just waiting to die.

I am a person that likes to have goals. I feel like I am always trying to have a better life. No one in my family really gets it or understands why I do these things. They don't understand how or why someone is trying to reach their goals. For example, I go to the gym every day. It's very rare for me to miss a day in fact. This is a very odd and strange thing for everyone in my family. They don't get why I do this. So for me just something simple like going to the gym is a lot for me to deal with as I have to listen to them and everything they have to say.

What do I do? I know that there is very little that I can do to help them. Which is a very frustrating thing for me. I am the type of person that wants to help people and make their lives better. When I work with someone, I am always trying to help them and make their lives better. So the fact that I can't help them is frustrating for me. It's a frustrating thing for me to see every day. Knowing that they are just wasting their life. Wasting so much time.

I believe that everyone has a purpose and a goal in life. A reason why they are on this earth. It's not to just live their life and then give up. But I really am wondering what I should do. Is there a way that I can help them to make their life better? Keep in mind that no one listens to me. They should, I am usually right. But they don't. So what would you do if someone in your life is just waiting to die?


immediate familyextended familydivorcedadvice

About the Creator

Talara Nolan

I am a single parent to a 4 year old girl and live with her in Canada. I love working out and have lost over 45 lbs over time. I would love to share what I have learned and all the things that have worked for me over time.

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