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Cheeky mum invited my kid to birthday party - but wants me to pay for play and food

Parent Upset Over Birthday Party Invitation Requiring Payment for Play and Food

By Zeeshan MayPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
Cheeky mum invited my kid to birthday party - but wants me to pay for play and food
Photo by Fernanda Greppe on Unsplash

A mum has expressed her frustration after her son received an invitation to a climbing party from a fellow parent. While the invite seemed innocent at first, the mum was taken aback when she learned that she and the other parents would be expected to cover the costs for their children's participation.

The 10-year-old boy was thrilled to be invited to a climbing party with a small group of friends. However, the mum soon discovered that food would not be provided during the party, which was scheduled at an unusual time. She inquired about food arrangements, and the host mum admitted that she couldn't afford to feed the four boys. Understanding the situation, the mum decided to feed her son separately after the party.

By Pelayo Arbués on Unsplash

Things took a turn when the host mum later informed her that she had booked the climbing center and purchased unlimited drinks. The communication left the mum with the impression that the host mum had only booked for herself and her son, without mentioning her son's friend. Seeking clarification, the mum asked if her son's place had been paid for, to which the host mum admitted that she had forgotten to do so.

Feeling frustrated, the mum hoped the host mum would rectify the situation and confirm that her son's place had been secured. However, the host mum did not respond as expected. When the mum asked again, the host mum explained that she could only afford to pay for herself, her husband, and her son, along with unlimited drinks. As a result, all the other guests, including the mum's son, would have to cover their own expenses.

By Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

The mum couldn't help but feel a bit annoyed, as what was supposed to be a fun birthday party for her son turned into an expensive play date. Not only did she have to pay for her son's participation, but she also had to bring a birthday present for the host child. The situation perplexed her even more when she questioned why the host mum and dad included themselves in the party plans. She suggested that if they hadn't participated in the climbing and drinks, the money saved could have covered the entrance fees for the other boys.

The mum couldn't understand why the host mum sent out invitations if it was merely a day out climbing with her own family. The situation left her questioning the host mum's intentions and choices.

Overall, the mum found herself in an awkward position, as she wanted her son to attend the party, but the unexpected expenses made her feel uneasy. She shared her story on Mumsnet, and the situation sparked a divided response from other parents, with some understanding her frustration while others took a different view.


Birthday party invitations can sometimes lead to unexpected dilemmas, as shown in this particular incident. While the mum's frustration is understandable, it's essential to remember that party planning can be complex, and financial constraints may have played a role in the host mum's decisions. As parents, clear communication and understanding each other's perspectives can help navigate such situations with grace and empathy.

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About the Creator

Zeeshan May

I’m a Creative Content Writer,

I Possesses a Natural Flair for Crafting Compelling and Engaging Written Material.

Website : https://tap.bio/@zeeshanmay/

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Twitter : @KasheeeKi/

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  • Novel Allen11 months ago

    Honesty is always the best policy,

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