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Alienated Mother

Lost Daughter

By Mariann CarrollPublished 2 months ago Updated 2 months ago 3 min read
Alienated Mother
Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash


Becky gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby girl on Valentine's day. She was so happy. Jerry, Becky's husband was out of town messing with another woman and the other woman's teenage daughter.


Becky found out about the affair when Jerry was hiding in the bathroom. He was talking to somebody on the phone. Becky was curious as to who Jerry was talking to.

"Honey, I will be visiting you and Kaitline in a few days, don't worry." Jerry was talking on his cell phone.

Becky accidentally bumped her head against the bathroom door, trying to listen. Jerry ended the call quickly.

Jerry came out with a smile from the bathroom like nothing had happened.

" Becky, I have a photo shoot in a couple of days. I will be gone for a week." Jerry informed Becky.

" You hardly spend time with our daughter." Becky accused her husband.

" When I get back I will make it up to her, "he replied.

Jerry left and came back two weeks later.

Becky handed her husband the divorce paper she filed a week ago.

"What is this?" he asked.

" I am divorcing you Jerry, you are hardly home. When you are home you are on the phone with your other woman." Becky explain.

"What other woman? When I am on the phone, it's my business partner I am talking to." Jerry made false excuses about his phone calls.

" I do not believe you. And I am not happy about it." Beckey replied sadly.

" You are going to regret divorcing me, I will take our daughter with me. You do not know who I am and my connections!!" Jerry shouted with an angry tone of voice.

On their court date for the divorce, Jerry put on the act of a caring father. Always bring up concerns for their daughter who was almost four.

The law guardian for the child can see through his act. Jerry did not like the court-appointed law guardian so he requested the court assign a new guardian.

The new guardian was a beautiful blond lady whom Jerry was very happy with. He also gave the new law guardian money under the table.

The case quickly turned from Jerry filing a petition of his estranged wife being an unfit mother. He had his mother and sister testify against his wife falsely.

Becky was in disbelief at what was happening, she got very sick. The new female law guardian would not even listen to what Becky had to say. She would give Becky sly looks.

Becky lost custody of her daughter, Casey. Becky lost her great-paying job because of her court trial. Instead of paying her mortgage, she was paying a lawyer's fee for the trials. Becky lost her house.


Becky was now living with one of her girlfriends who had five kids of her own. Becky almost lost everything. She still had her car. Her Ex-husband wanted to take her car, too. Becky had her seven-year-old BMW before she married Jerry.

Becky was given a supervised visit because of her ex-in-law's testimony in court and the law guardian's recommendations.


Becky tried again for custody of her daughter, she found a new place to stay in a good neighborhood. She also had a support system in place.

Becky was able to have her daughter on the weekend when she filed a new motion in court. It was granted.

Casey was eight years old and was brainwashed not to like her mother. Casey felt like her mom was a stranger. She looked at her mother as the provider.

No matter how kind and loving attention Becky gave her daughter. When Casey got home from a visit from her mother's the grandmother would start talking bad about Becky. Casey's dad told her not to get close to her mom.

Casey stopped visiting her mom altogether when she turned eighteen.

Becky died from a heartbreak in the year 2016.

fact or fiction

About the Creator

Mariann Carroll

Proactive for positive change.Born in the City of Chicago ,Illinois.

Multi race .Studied in a foreign country .Fluent in several languages .

fascinated by diversity.A Romantic and a dreamer.Interest in healthy living

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  • Tiffany Gordon 25 days ago

    Very well written! Poor Becky! What a sad story...

  • L.C. Schäfer2 months ago

    This was too sad 😣

  • Those with the power do all that is needed to make all else cower & bow to their ends, litigating their adversaries into oblivion. I'm guessing the other woman had to take on the responsibility of providing a warm & welcoming home to Casey as I'm doubting Jerry could be persuaded to improve on his parenting (while he's doubtless continuing to flatter & court the pretty blonde court-appointed guardian & anyone else for whom he can find the time).

  • Hahahahahahahahahahaha well Becky, that's what you get for getting married and having a child! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Poor Becky, she would have still been alive if only she stayed single. Moral of the story is, always say NO to marriage and kids. Stay single and live your life without the extra stress and responsibilities. Loved your story for creating this awareness. Marriage and children are very dangerous and detrimental.

  • Shirley Belk2 months ago

    There is so much injustice in life...one reason I believe in God...He has the ultimate justice system and the truth will come out and consequences paid

  • Clyde E. Dawkins2 months ago

    OMG what a story! I've seen some movies with this type of plotline. I truly felt for Becky; just heartbreaking all around!

  • Babs Iverson2 months ago

    Heartwrentching tale!!! Superbly written!!!💕❤️❤️

  • Rene Peters2 months ago

    That's so sad! I actually teared up reading it. Life can be so cruel to people.

  • JBaz2 months ago

    Well that is a very sad story. some times life is not fair

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