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8 Ways to Give Your Home a Wow-Inducing Facelift

Get on your DIY gloves, people!

By Mary Adeola ScottPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
8 Ways to Give Your Home a Wow-Inducing Facelift
Photo by R ARCHITECTURE on Unsplash

No one – absolutely no one – wants to live in an unkempt space.

But you know what’s even more desirable? Living in an aesthetically pleasing, tastefully designed home. I know you want that, and so do I. Interested in finding out how to make your home look amazing? Read on!

1. Layer Your Space

When it comes to decorating, think of the space as having many tiers. You should start with your most important pieces of furniture—the ones you'll take with you from one place to the next—as your foundation. Smaller pieces of furniture make up the second stratum. Textiles and accessories make up the third layer. When you travel from one place to another, you may want to switch out these layers since they are more adaptable.

Layers are a must in every setting. A couch, cocktail table, and rug all serve as important anchors for a room. To make a property seem like a home, you'll need secondary alternatives and accessories such as side tables, decorative items, linens, and paintings.

By Hutomo Abrianto on Unsplash

2. Add Fresh Flowers to Your Space

Adding fresh flowers to a room is one of the finest ways to spice up the décor. Vignettes are an essential talent for a designer, as we've learned through years of perusing picture tours of beautiful homes. Creating a relaxing and serene atmosphere in a room may be achieved by incorporating elements of nature into the design.

Fresh flowers, whether in a little vase on a nightstand or in a massive botanical display in a corridor, may help create a welcoming atmosphere and increase sentiments of joy and optimism. It's easy to overlook the impact of a simple addition like flowers, but you shouldn't.

Flowers are always a welcome addition to any room. It's pleasant to have a natural element in a place. To the eye, they give a new dimension of color that may either brighten the area or pull the rest of the décor together.

For a stunning interior design, it's important to match flowery wallpaper or greenery to earthy paint color, and these natural finishing touches can frequently pull a design concept together in a way that seems balanced and complete.

By Kellie Enge on Unsplash

3. Allow Your Drapes to Run from Ceiling to Floor

If you know how to properly hang your drapes, your rooms will appear ten times better. Curtains should always be hung at or near the top of the wall. Even if the window doesn't move all the way up, you should still do this.

It's a simple way to add immediate drama to your design by hanging drapes from the highest position feasible. Add an eye-catching shade of curtains as an essential aspect of the room's design to ensure that everyone can notice what you've done.

4. Painting Your Door Trim Works Wonders for Your Décor. Try It!

Adding an artistic and refined touch to your space requires the ability to accomplish something out of the ordinary. Patterns and colors in unexpected locations may shock and amuse people.

When you paint the trim around your doors, you create a dramatic entry while also providing a subtle and unexpected means of introducing color to your house.

5. Use Statement Pieces Sparingly

If you have too many statement-making things in your house, you risk overcrowding it and making it seem cluttered. Is there a general rule of thumb? In every room, place a single showstopper. A stunning stair carpet runner or a kitchen tile backsplash may all serve as excellent focal points.

Photo by Max Vakhtbovych from pexels

6. Paint Window Frames

Accessories alone aren't sufficient for introducing accent colors. Paint is an option. If you want to add visual interest to a space, painting the window frames, reveals, and shutters a bright color is a great option.

Choose terracotta or sunny yellow to provide a sense of warmth to the room, even on the gloomiest of days.

7. Stick With Warm or Cool Palettes

Even if you're a seasoned designer, balancing a slew of distinct hues may be a daunting task. Because of this, many designers recommend that you begin by simply choosing cool or warm hues.

If you are a beginner, avoid combining both warm and cool colors, as this may be quite difficult. If you're replacing your cushions, look for a variety of cool or warm color choices.

Photo by Taryn Elliott from Pexels

8. You Don't Have to Place Furniture against the Wall

You don't have to put your furniture right up against the wall, despite what many people believe.

Furniture placed in the center of the room can make the space seem larger. Despite the fact that this advice seems paradoxical at first, if you put it into practice, you'll have an "aha!" moment.


About the Creator

Mary Adeola Scott

Mary is an Editor at the online women’s magazine, AmoMama and is passionate about improving quality of life for the African girl child.When she's not writing, you can find her reading or just enjoying the hermit life.

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