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Vincent Crow

The importance of creating a "grave personality"

By Freddy TPublished 28 days ago 4 min read
Vincent Crow
Photo by Mathew MacQuarrie on Unsplash

Death will always be.

It can be embraced, chased or chosen. Those who choose, will be the ones who survive. Cultivating a personality for the "grave" is imperative to how you live and die.

What it is.

A grave personality is a personal cultivation of the most dangerous parts of yourself. The hate, anger and envy that is dwelling inside of you. This is to be used and upgraded. Why? Danger is protection. All great men and women were dangerous. Joan of Arc was not to be played with, neither was Alexander. Both stood tall and took everything by storm. What you are about to learn is the art of taking.

Lets say you are about to get into a major altercation with someone. Would you rather shrink in fear or strike with fear? This is the difference between a grave personality and a weak or normal one. You shouldn't take dying lightly and must fight in order not to.

By Geoffrey Moore on Unsplash

Being frozen in fear is a natural response to certain stimuli, it's also a death wish. You must obtain complete control over yourself and "return fire" if necessary. This is the part were you activate your "grave personality". Remember the time when you were the most violent. Cause all the emotion to well up inside you and aim the hate/anguish not at the memory, but at your enemy.

Here's the weird part, this doesn't have to be physical. It can be "e-motional". Whether or not you believe it to be so, you can influence those with sheer emotion. The human mind interprets millions of stimuli per second and this too means emotions. Coincidentally, emotions have actual weight, however small. Throwing them can be effective and you might even know this as projection.

When you project emotions the emotions you feel are then "attached" to the other person causing them harm. You can even influnce those around you by even just strongly feeling something. Have you ever been motivated by a speech...projection. You were projected upon by the speaker, and consciously he/she did not know they were projecting their own emotional power.

Projection can range from casual to severe. You have to be steward of your own emotional power because not everyone will take it lightly. This is a double edged sword, as it should be. You must be ready to not only hold your ground emotionally but physically too.

Combine all of these thoughts and you create a person inside yourself that is not to be messed with. Embody the most emo parts of you and use them as weapons for your protection or....attack. Yelling is a vocal projection of anger but it can be used internally to make others feel as if they are being yelled at without yelling. Have you ever just looked angry and people stay away from you? Unconscious projection can be the "resting bitch face". It's effective even when underutilized.

By Hédi Benyounes on Unsplash


Well, how do you protect yourself from projection or emotionally immature individuals? The answer is easy yet complex: Know Thyself. Becoming a complete person and knowing how you naturally handle your emotions causes you to understand that the "intrusive thoughts" are not yours but actually someone else's.

You also have to understand when someone is projecting that they want something from you, be it, time, attention, or money. You have to still your emotions and leave them in the past. If something is still bothering you after the breakup, loss or fight, you need to delete it and that person from your space. Distance is also protection.

Here's another example if you still don't believe me. Have you ever thought sexually about a person you never would? Could they be thinking about you? You can even test this theory....text someone who is infatuated with you but your not into them. The next time you get a "hunch" that the person is thinking/feeling for you, text them and ask. If yes, I'm right. If something has enough coincidences, its a science.

If you want science to back this all I will say is that your electromagnetic field gets bigger and smaller based on how you are feeling (intense emotions cause a bigger flux).... this is also further explained by sympathetic reflexes. Some people feel so intensely that others around them can feel it too.

By Folco Masi on Unsplash

Whether you believe me or not, others are doing this to you consciously. Yes, people are trying weird tricks to influence you. So heed them even if you don't believe them (belief is reality). A lot of people do not believe in themselves and this is good because if YOU believe YOU are a GOD, you are one step ahead of everyone else. When people see your "Godhood" they will feel it and understand that they too can become powerful. Act in the way you wish to be and you shall become it.

This is for confidence and a steel will. Whether you actually believe you can be a God is up to you. But, why not believe it to see if you actually can.

I tell you this because I've done it. This doesn't even have to be face to face. You can think about a person all day and when you meet them they'll sometimes say "I felt you thinking about me", because you were. Somethings human know are true but science, humans and unwillingness to believe the impossible has stifled a lot of innovation and discovery.

Whomever you are, However you are, you simply are. Be eazy.

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About the Creator

Freddy T

Make everyday a day you enjoy. I provide life learning in a variety of ways. Lets co-create together. Read and Believe!

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  • Ricardo de Moura Pereira28 days ago

    Very good

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