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The media and Self esteem

The overall look from the impact of media to our self esteem

By Muhammad Salfan MahakimPublished 17 days ago 3 min read

Before we looking the overall relation of media and self esteem, we have to know first what is media?

Media are the tools and channels we use to communicate and share information.

When you think about media, what comes to your mind? and im pretty sure most of it is social media, and of course there's no wrong with this answer, but media is not just that, there's a lot of media

So the one that i have said is one of the media categories and it included in digital media, there's social media, application, website

But if we look back in the past, there's old or traditional media, there are newspaper, magazines, radio, television, and etc.

And now we are going to self esteem, the media that I'm focusing to right now is social media, because nowadays people often using this thing.

And there's a lot of information inside social media, and when we see social media there's negative and postive impact on ourself and our self esteem

and when it comes to negative impacts, people been setting unrealistic comparison,

like looking up to celebrities, and comparing their face, body, and finance like they have new cars and all of that, we always comparing ourself to other people

and this can lead us comparing our everyday lives to unrealistic portrayals, making us feel inadequate

how we can avoid or overcome this situation?

by self compare, and there are 4 in self compare :

1. know yourself, figure out where you are now, what you're good at, what you struggle with, and what you've already achieved. you gotta be honest, because this is the only way to know yourself

2. know where you want to go, set goals for yourself, what do you want to be better at? who do you want to become?

3. bridge the gap, see the difference between your current situation and your goals. this is what you need to work on.

4. make it happen, turn your plans into action! create habits and routines that will help you reach your goals.

By embracing self-comparison and actively shaping our media consumption habits, we can empower ourselves to filter out the negativity and harness the positive potential of media. This involves:

Critical Thinking: Developing the ability to critically analyze media messages, questioning the motives behind curated portrayals and recognizing the constructed nature of online personas.

Selective Consumption: Consciously choosing to engage with media that uplifts and inspires us, seeking out content that reflects diverse perspectives and promotes positive values.

Cultivating Gratitude: Shifting our focus towards appreciating what we have and the positive aspects of our lives, fostering a sense of contentment that is independent of external validation.

so we nearly close to the end

and there's analogy that saying, you want to be as a ceo who has known himself, or as an office boy who is constantly regulated throughout his life, and the choice is on your own hands, you have to make the best decision so you can control and known yourself to avoid negative impacts from the media.

the analogy i presented perfectly captures the essence of navigating the media landscape. We have the power to choose whether we become like the CEO, self-aware and in control of our self-image, or the office boy, constantly dictated by external influences. By actively engaging in self-comparison, critical thinking, and selective media consumption, we can cultivate a strong and resilient sense of self-worth that thrives in the face of the ever-present media influence.

Remember, the media is a powerful tool, but it doesn't have to define us. By taking control of our media consumption and nurturing our inner sense of self, we can ensure that the media plays a positive and empowering role in our lives.

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