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Social Media AR Filters

Your Friendly Guide to Understanding Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok Augmented Reality Filters in 2024

By Susan ScavaPublished 3 months ago Updated 3 months ago 4 min read

Welcome to the fun, immersive universe of AR filters! We'll explore the enchanting features of augmented reality on platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok and how they're spicing up our digital interactions.

What Are AR Filters?

Many of us saw the hyping videos of people walking in Apple Vision Pro devices on the streets. It's an augmented reality that uses extra devices to work. On the contrary, Social AR filters have the developed and already worked for several years in augmented reality, which requires only a smartphone and one of the social media - Instagram, TikTok, or Snapchat to work. AR filters are these cool digital effects that can transform your selfies, videos, and photos in fun and interactive ways. Yet it's essential to acknowledge that AR filters go beyond aesthetics and entertainment; they serve a purpose greater than merely creating appealing content. For instance, AR filters can become a powerful medium to highlight significant social or environmental concerns.

The Big Three: Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok’s AR Filters

Instagram’s AR Filters: Stylish and Engaging

  • Similar to the platform's evolution, filters on Instagram are maturing too. While they maintain a casual essence, the visual element continues to take precedence.
  • Perfect for: All ages, especially if you love sharing polished, creative photos and videos.
  • Developed using Meta Spark Studio

Snapchat Lenses is a playful playground. It’s where AR filters often turn into games or funny animations, making your chats and stories extra lively!

  • Perfect for: Younger folks or anyone who enjoys a good giggle with their snaps.
  • Remember this popular lens with a dog and he is already 9 years old. This figure speaks for itself; Snapchat was one of the first to introduce AR technology into social networks
  • Developed using Lens Studio

TikTok Effects are like the hip new club everyone’s talking about. Its AR filters often start trends and challenges, making them super popular and fun to share.

  • TikTok effects offer a space to let loose, experiment, and set aside formality, an approach that numerous companies have embraced.
  • Perfect for: Teens and young adults who love being part of the latest viral sensation.
  • Developed using Effect House

5 Popular AR Filter Categories:

Face and Body AR Filters

For all the brands out there looking to get a slice of the spotlight, these AR wonders are your new best friends. They’re not just about looking good – they’re about making a statement and sticking in the minds (and feeds) of your audience. So, let’s get those AR filters rolling and turn your brand into the talk of the town, one fabulous filter at a time!

Edd objects, make stylized/beauty filters, use randomized emersion of content, deform face shape, etc.

AI technologies kick in too. For example, on TikTok, you can include prompts that change users' appearance in your AR effect.

Portal Filters

Step into a new dimension from wherever you are. These filters create doorways into different worlds. Imagine popping into a concert or walking through a virtual gallery showcasing the latest tech gadgets.

AR filters with portals are a storyteller’s dream, offering a captivating way to immerse users in a brand's universe. It’s a step closer to the future of full immersion into imaginary worlds, now already available using only a smartphone and a social media platform.

Target Tracker Filters

Point your camera at a product packaging, and voilà—interactive content pops up. It can be a video explaining the product, a cool animation, or even a mini-game.

This brings print advertising to life, adding a layer of surprise and engagement to everyday items.

AR Games

These are not your average mobile games. They use your facial expressions or screen taps to control gameplay, making you the show's star. Brands create mini-games that are not only fun but also shareable, multiplying their reach.

World Effects

With these, your living room could host a concert or become the site of a new product launch. Using the rear camera, these filters detect surfaces and spaces in your environment to place 3D objects and not only.

Also, it’s a creative way to showcase products in a real setting, making them relatable and tangible.

And last but not least

  • Graphic Effects: These are the visual spices that jazz up your camera feed. Think of them like filter effects—adding a touch of old-school film grain, some funky rainbow flares, or that cool warp-like lens distortion that makes your content artsy.
  • Interactivity: This is where the magic happens. AR filters respond to what you do. They can track your facial movements for a funny expression, respond to a tap on the screen, or even react to sound picked up by your phone's microphone.
  • Segmentation: Imagine an intelligent filter that knows where your hair ends and the background begins, or one that can differentiate between your skin and your clothes. This smart separation lets the filter apply effects to just the right spots.

Why AR Filters Are a Big Deal in Marketing

  • Brands are jumping on the AR filter bandwagon because it’s a fantastic way to connect with real people. These filters can:
  • Boost brand recognition: Kick off a gaming contest or introduce an eye-catching filter with a narrative, or conduct an engaging quiz. Sounds great, doesn't it?
  • Engage Customers: Filters make ads interactive. Instead of just looking at a product, you can play with it, virtually try it on, and have fun!

Stand Out: In a world where everyone is vying for attention, AR filters help brands create unique, memorable experiences.

Conclusion: AR Filters Are Here to Stay!

So, there you have it – a simple guide to understanding AR filters in 2024. Whether it’s trying on virtual clothes on Instagram, swapping faces with your bestie on Snapchat, or joining a challenge on TikTok, AR filters are changing the way we interact with social media. And for brands, they’re an exciting new way to engage with people. The future of social media is here, and it's augmented!


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