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Joe Biden (United States)

President of the United States since January 20, 2021.

By AbiniahPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

Joe Biden, a seasoned politician and former Vice President of the United States, assumed office as the 46th President of the United States on January 20, 2021. Born on November 20, 1942, in Scranton, Pennsylvania, Biden has dedicated his life to public service and has played a significant role in shaping American politics over the past few decades.

Early Life and Career

Biden's journey began in a middle-class family, instilling in him the values of hard work and perseverance. He attended the University of Delaware and later earned his law degree from Syracuse University. Biden faced personal tragedy early on when his first wife and daughter died in a car accident in 1972. Despite this setback, he remained determined and eventually found love again when he married Dr. Jill Biden.

Political Journey

Biden's political career began in 1970 when he was elected to the New Castle County Council in Delaware. Later, in 1972, tragedy struck again when Biden's wife and daughter were killed in the aforementioned car accident. However, driven by a desire to make a difference, Biden took the oath of office for the United States Senate from his sons' hospital room.

During his time in the Senate, Biden built a reputation as a passionate advocate for justice and championed issues such as criminal justice reform, gun control, and healthcare. Serving as the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, he played a vital role in shaping important legislation and conducting foreign policy.

Presidential Campaign

In 2020, Joe Biden announced his candidacy for the presidency, running as the Democratic nominee against the incumbent president, Donald Trump. His campaign focused on healing the divisions within the country, rebuilding alliances with global partners, and addressing pressing domestic issues such as healthcare, climate change, and racial inequality.

Biden's message resonated with a wide range of voters, and he won the electoral college with a convincing margin, securing 306 electoral votes to Trump's 232. On January 20, 2021, Joe Biden was inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States, promising to lead the nation with empathy, unity, and a commitment to serving the American people.

Biden's Policy Priorities

Since taking office, President Joe Biden has prioritized several key issues. His administration has focused on tackling the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, rebuilding the economy, addressing climate change, advancing racial justice, and improving healthcare access. Through executive orders, legislative proposals, and international cooperation, Biden has worked towards creating a more equitable and sustainable future for all Americans.

Domestic Accomplishments

  • COVID-19 Response
  • One of the most pressing challenges Biden faced upon assuming office was the COVID-19 pandemic. He implemented a comprehensive strategy to combat the virus, including accelerating vaccine distribution, increasing testing capacity, and providing economic relief to individuals and businesses affected by the pandemic. Under his leadership, the United States made significant progress in curbing the spread of the virus and increasing vaccination rates.

  • Infrastructure Investment
  • Recognizing the need for substantial infrastructure investment, President Biden proposed the American Jobs Plan. This ambitious initiative aims to rebuild the nation's infrastructure, create jobs, and foster economic growth. The plan focuses on modernizing transportation networks, expanding broadband access, upgrading schools and hospitals, and investing in clean energy.

  • Social Justice Reforms
  • Biden has been committed to addressing racial injustice and promoting social equality. His administration has taken steps to advance police reform, promote voting rights, and combat systemic racism. Through executive orders and legislative proposals, Biden aims to create a more just and inclusive society for all Americans.

Foreign Policy Initiatives

In addition to his domestic agenda, President Biden has made significant strides in foreign policy. He has reaffirmed the United States' commitment to international alliances and multilateral cooperation. Biden rejoined the Paris Agreement on climate change, resumed negotiations on the Iran nuclear deal, and worked towards resolving diplomatic tensions with North Korea and Russia. Through his approach of principled diplomacy, Biden aims to restore America's standing on the world stage.


Joe Biden's presidency has been marked by a commitment to unity, compassion, and a focus on the challenges facing the United States. Through his policy initiatives and leadership style, he has sought to bridge the divisions within the country and tackle pressing issues head-on. As the 46th President of the United States, Joe Biden continues to shape the nation's future and work towards a better, more inclusive America.


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