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Could illuminated signage give your business the refresh it needs?

Signage plays a vital role in a business's marketing strategy and branding initiatives. It acts as a medium of communication with the target audience.

By Malcolm JudsonPublished about a year ago 5 min read
Could illuminated signage give your business the refresh it needs?
Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

Signage plays a vital role in a business's marketing strategy and branding initiatives. It acts as a medium of communication with the target audience. Signage can be used to entice potential customers and/or deliver significant information.

An efficient signage system can elevate brand visibility, enhance customer experience, and generate sales. This means that signage is often a pivotal factor for the success of any business.

What exactly is illuminated business signage?

Illuminated business signage refers to signs that are designed to be backlit or internally lit with lighting sources such as fluorescent bulbs, LEDs, or neon lights. This lighting creates an illuminated effect that enhances the visibility of the sign even in low-light conditions.

Illuminated signage can be used indoors or outdoors. It is an effective way to attract attention to a business and make it stand out from its competitors.

What are the different types of illuminated business signs?

Illuminated business signs come in various types to suit different types of businesses, locations, and aesthetic considerations.

Cabinet signs are enclosed signs with an illuminated face that is backlit with LED or fluorescent lighting. They are a durable and long-lasting option that can withstand harsh weather conditions and provide excellent visibility even at night.

Channel letters are individual 3D letters or shapes with a light source inside that illuminates the sign from within.

Digital displays use LED technology to display text, images, or videos. This can be updated according to a schedule and/or in real-time.

Lightboxes comprise an illuminated panel that is backlit with LED lights or fluorescent bulbs. The panel is often made of acrylic or polycarbonate and can be customised with graphics or lettering.

Neon signs use neon gas to produce a bright, colourful glow. They are no longer widely used outdoors but are still popular for indoor use.

Why should you use illuminated signs in your business?

Illuminated signs can provide many benefits for businesses looking to enhance their visibility and brand recognition.

High visibility even in low lighting

One of the primary advantages of illuminated signs is their high visibility, even in low lighting conditions. This means that they can generally be seen in all weather conditions and at all times.

Even in bright lighting, illuminated signs are also more eye-catching than non-illuminated signs, making them more likely to attract the attention of potential customers. This can lead to increased foot traffic, sales, and revenue.

Improved aesthetics in your business premises

In addition to their high visibility, illuminated signs can also improve the aesthetics of your business premises. They come in various shapes, sizes, and designs that can complement your brand and enhance the overall look of your business.

Illuminated signs can be used as focal points or to highlight specific areas of your business. This can help to create a memorable first impression for customers and encourage them to return.

Cost-effective way to increase brand recognition

Illuminated signs are an excellent marketing tool that can help to establish your brand and create a unique identity for your business. Illuminated signs can also be customised to match your branding and style, further enhancing their effectiveness as a marketing tool. By prominently displaying your business name, logo, and other information, you can increase brand recognition and attract new customers.

Considerations before implementing illuminated business signage

Here are the five key points businesses need to consider before implementing illuminated business signage.

Local authority rules

The regulations imposed by local authorities on illuminated signage can differ depending on the location. They may include restrictions on size, height, and type of sign that can be installed in certain areas and/or requirements for energy-efficient lighting.

Some local authorities may require businesses to obtain permits before installing illuminated signage. This is likely to require the business to submit detailed plans for review.

Adhering to local authority rules is essential for businesses to prevent potential financial penalties and reputational harm.


It is essential to ensure that the illuminated signage is consistent with the company's overall branding strategy. This means that the colour scheme, font, and design of the illuminated sign should match the brand identity of the company.

The type of illuminated signage chosen should also be in line with the branding strategy. For instance, a retro-style neon sign may be more appropriate for a vintage-inspired store, while a sleek and modern LED sign may work better for a tech company. Consistency in branding helps to build trust and recognition among customers.


The cost of illuminated business signage is influenced by various factors, such as the type of sign, its size, and the intricacy of its design. Typically, illuminated signage may require more materials and installation work, making its upfront cost higher than non-illuminated signage.

For instance, LED signs may be initially expensive due to the higher cost of LED lighting technology. Nonetheless, the benefits of illuminated signage such as increased visibility, brand recognition, and revenue can outweigh the upfront cost in the long term.

Apart from the upfront cost, businesses should also factor in the running costs of illuminated signage, particularly the energy efficiency of the lighting used.

Compared to other lighting technologies, LED lighting is considered the most energy-efficient option, as it consumes less power and has a longer lifespan. Therefore, it may result in lower energy bills and maintenance costs over time, making it a more cost-effective option in the long run.


Businesses should ensure that the signage is strategically placed to maximise its impact on the target audience.

In addition, the signage's location needs to be easily accessible for maintenance personnel. The sign will need to be cleaned and have its bulbs changed periodically. It may also need to be repaired occasionally.

As far as possible, the signage should be protected from hazards that could damage it and shorten its lifespan. Probably the most obvious hazard in the UK is harsh weather conditions such as rain, snow, and extreme temperatures.

Businesses should also think about the possibility of vandalism, theft, and accidental damage by humans and/or wildlife.

How to maintain your illuminated business signage

Maintaining illuminated business signage is critical for keeping it in good condition and ensuring it effectively attracts potential customers. It is important to clean the sign regularly, inspect it for damage and keep the surrounding area clear.

You might also want to schedule periodic checks by professional maintenance services to ensure that potential issues are identified and addressed promptly.

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About the Creator

Malcolm Judson

Malcolm Judson is the Managing Director at Judsons Signs, specialists in sign making for schools and commercial and retail spaces. Judsons Signs manage the entire sign making process, from design and manufacturing to installation.

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