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Dear Earth

A letter from Humanity

By Charlotte FayPublished 29 days ago 3 min read
Created in OpenArt

Dear Earth,

I write to you with a heavy heart, burdened by the weight of humanity's transgressions against you. As I look upon the beauty of your landscapes, the vastness of your oceans, and the diversity of life that flourishes upon your surface, I am filled with remorse for the harm we have inflicted upon you.

From the depths of my soul, I apologise for the destruction wrought by our species. We have exploited your resources recklessly, driven by greed and short-sightedness. We have polluted your air, contaminated your waters, and deforested your forests without consideration for the consequences. In our pursuit of progress, we have disregarded the delicate balance of your ecosystems, disrupting the harmony that has sustained life for millennia.

I am sorry for the climate change that ravages your shores, bringing with it rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and the loss of habitats for countless species. We have unleashed greenhouse gases into your atmosphere with abandon, heedless of the impact on your delicate climate systems. Now, we witness the consequences of our actions in the form of droughts, floods, wildfires, and the displacement of millions of your inhabitants.

I apologise for the extinction of countless species, driven to the brink by habitat destruction, pollution, and overexploitation. We have squandered the rich tapestry of life that you have nurtured over billions of years, extinguishing species at an alarming rate. Each loss diminishes the richness and diversity of your ecosystems, eroding the web of life upon which all living beings depend.

I am sorry for the suffering inflicted upon your creatures, both great and small. From the majestic elephants and whales to the humble insects and microorganisms, we have exploited and commodified life without regard for its intrinsic value. We have subjected animals to cruelty in the name of profit and convenience, treating them as mere objects to be used and discarded at will.

I apologise for the inequalities perpetuated by our actions, which have disproportionately affected the most vulnerable among your inhabitants. We have plundered your riches for the benefit of a privileged few, while billions struggle to survive in poverty and deprivation. Our greed has widened the gap between the haves and the have-nots, perpetuating injustice and exacerbating social and environmental crises.

I am sorry for the legacy of toxic waste and pollution that we leave in our wake, contaminating your soils, poisoning your waters, and endangering the health of future generations. We have prioritized short-term gains over long-term sustainability, sacrificing your well-being and that of our descendants for the sake of immediate gratification.

I apologise for the desecration of your sacred places, the destruction of ancient forests, the pollution of pristine wilderness areas, and the exploitation of indigenous lands. We have disrespected the sanctity of your landscapes, treating them as mere commodities to be exploited for profit and pleasure. In doing so, we have severed our connection to the natural world, forgetting that we are but one thread in the intricate tapestry of life that binds us all together.

I know that words alone cannot undo the damage that has been done, nor can they alleviate the suffering that we have caused. But I offer this apology as a humble acknowledgment of our collective responsibility and a commitment to do better. We must change course, embracing a new way of living that honors and respects your intrinsic value and the interconnectedness of all living beings.

Let us strive to be better stewards of your gifts, treading lightly upon your surface and living in harmony with your rhythms. Let us work together to heal the wounds that we have inflicted upon you, restoring balance and vitality to your ecosystems. And let us remember that we are not separate from you, but deeply interconnected with all of creation.

With humility and contrition,



About the Creator

Charlotte Fay

Rambling outdoors & writing about it. Love a good adventure. Passionate about holistic wellness & the natural environment. Studying a Wildlife Ecology & Conservation Degree. I also love to write about a variety of subjects that interest me.

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