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Big Bird Is the Word

Big birds from around the world

By Rasma RaistersPublished 2 months ago 3 min read
Common ostrich

Just looking at the title some might be reminded of the big yellow bird from the children’s TV show “Sesame Street”. He was big and yellow and children adore him. However, he was not a real bird. The size of some of these birds would make it hazardous if they were to fly over our heads. So it is no wonder that the bigger a bird is it usually is flightless. However, there are also big birds that fly.

Common Ostrich Average height over 2 meters and weigh up to 160 kg

Common ostriches are the biggest birds in the world. They are both the tallest and the heaviest. These birds are flightless but to make up for that they can outrun other animals at a running speed of 69 km per hour. This makes them the fastest animals on two legs. Their legs are also powerful enough to kick at predators.

Somali Ostrich Average height of 2.7 meters and weigh 130 kg

Somali ostriches are a sub-species of common ostriches. They are native to Somalia and parts of Ethiopia and Kenya in Africa. They’re also known for their running speed.

Emu 1.9 meters tall and weigh 60 kg

Emus make their home in Australia and are the third largest birds in the world. Emus are also fast birds reaching running speeds of 48 km per hour using their three-toed feet and tiny wings to keep them stable while running.

Southern Cassowary Average height up to 1.8 meters and weigh 85 kg

Southern cassowaries are huge, flightless blackbirds living in north-eastern Australia, Indonesia, and New Guinea. They are one of three cassowary species and are the fourth-largest birds in the world. To protect themselves they have large feet with sharp 13-centimeter claws they kick out in defense.

Dalmatian Pelican Average height up to 1.75 meters tall and weigh 15 kg

Dalmatian pelicans are the heaviest and one of the largest flying birds in the world. They’re native to Eurasia and are usually found making their homes in rivers, lakes, and estuaries in southeastern Europe, Russia, India, and China. Being social birds they live and travel in flocks choosing a mate for life.

Mute swan

Mute Swan and Trumpeter Swan Average height up to 1.7 meters tall and weigh 14 kg

Trumpeter swan

Both mute and trumpeter swans are similar in build, height, and weight. They’re two of the heaviest flying birds on Earth. They defend themselves by standing tall, hissing, and assaulting intruders with beaks and wings.

Greater Rhea Average height up to 1.5 meters tall and weigh 35 kg

Greater rheas are the largest birds in the Americas and are native to Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. They’re flightless and can run up to 35 km per hour with their long powerful legs. They protect themselves by gathering in flocks of up to 100 birds during non-breeding season.

Marabou Stork Average height up to 1.5 meters and weigh 8 kg

Maribou storks are large wading birds in Africa south of the Sahara. They make their homes in both wet and arid habitats near human habitation, particularly landfill sites. These birds are scavengers and will feed on almost anything including carcasses. They are unusual- looking bald-headed birds. Their hollow leg and foot bones help them to fly.

Shoebill Average height 1.5 meters tall and weighs 6 kg

Shoebill storks are large birds with blue-gray, plumage with black- tipped and green-tinted feathers. They are known for their enormous beaks which allow them to hunt various animals like water snakes, catfish, and even monitor lizards.

Cinereous Vulture Average height 1 meter tall and weighs 10 kg

Cinereous vultures are the heaviest and largest birds of prey in the world. They are Old World vultures with excellent eyesight spotting carrion in flight.

The albatross is considered to be a bird with the largest wingspan up to 3.7 meters wide of any living bird on Earth.

Albatrosses can glide for long distances with their huge wingspans with no need to flap their wings. They spend most of their lives in flight, landing to feed and breed.

California condor

California condor and Andean condor with the Andean condor with a wingspan of 3,3 meters and weight 15 kg being larger than the California condor

Andean condor

California condors and Andean condors are the largest flying birds in North and South America. These are long-living animals that scavenge on dead mammals.


About the Creator

Rasma Raisters

My passions are writing and creating poetry. I write for several sites online and have four themed blogs on Wordpress. Please follow me on Twitter.

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