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The Drunken Jurors Who Used an Ouija Board to Decide the Verdict in a Double Murder Case

The Ouija board told the jurors to vote guilty

By True Crime WriterPublished 3 months ago 3 min read

Stephen Young, an insurance broker, called car dealer Harry Fuller with a prospective business deal one February evening in 1993. Fuller agreed to meet Young the next morning at his cottage in Wadhurst, Sussex, to discuss the deal. Unbeknownst to Young, Mr. Fuller recorded the phone call he made to arrange the meeting.

Mr. Fuller married Nicola six months earlier. He was known to flaunt his wealth and often exaggerate the amount of money he earned. Stephen hoped the robbery would land him a nice chunk of change.

Young Shot Couple

When Mr. Fuller opened his front door, Stephen walked in and immediately shot him in the back. The bullet pierced his heart and killed him instantly. Nicola tried to run. Stephen shot her. And again. And again. She dialed 999, her voice heard vaguely by the operator on the other end. He fired another shot into the back of Nicola's head. She fell to the ground; the phone went silent.

After killing Nicola, Stephen sprinkled fine powder sugar over her body in an attempt to make the crime look drug-related. He then ransacked the place and fled. CCTV footage from a nearby bank camera recorded Young entering and leaving the Fuller home in his vehicle.

The following day, Stephen made a £6,000 deposit to his bank account.

Stephen told authorities he found the couple dead when he arrived at their cottage for his meeting with Mr. Fuller. He did not report the crime to authorities, he claimed, because he received threatening phone calls.

In 1994, a Sussex jury found Young guilty of double murder after a 3 ½ week trial. The judge sentenced him to two life sentences.

A Shocking Newspaper Headline Sparks Interest in Case

A month later, the families of Harry and Nicola, detectives who worked their case, and the rest of the world were in shock when the front page headline of the New of the World newspaper read

Murder Jury's Ouija Board Verdict: Booze, Dirty Jokes, and then the Ouija Board.

In the article, one of the jurors, 24-year-old Adrian, claimed four members of the jury used an Ouija board to decide their verdict in the case.

Adrian claimed while sequestered at Brighton's Old Shop Hotel overnight, they were banned from watching TV, listening to the radio, or doing much at all. The four members met up at the hotel's restaurant and bar. After a few drinks, the group decided to consult with spirits to help them decide Stephen Young's fate.

Using a homemade Ouija board and a wine glass as a planchette, each of the four people placed their fingers on its edge and asked the spirit guides to guide them to the answers to their questions.

One juror, Ray, spoke to the spirit.

After the spirit identified itself as Harry Fuller, the group asked the spirit,

"Who killed you?"

The spirit spelled out,

"Stephen Young done it."

Ray asked,


The spirit spelled out,


When the group asked what they should do, the spirit spelled out,

"Vote guilty tomorrow."

The group agreed to keep quiet about the seance and parted ways.

The newspaper headline sparked shock and disbelief across the world. Many people thought the headline was nonsense and would soon pass, including Graham Hill, the lead detective who investigated the Young case, They were wrong.

The jury had, in fact, consulted with an Ouija board to help them decide the verdict in the case. The families of Harry and Nicola were appalled that jury members had taken their loved one's deaths as a joke. Young saw an opportunity to escape a life in prison and immediately filed an appeal.

Young Convicted of Murder -Again

The UK Court of Appeals quashed the guilty verdict and ordered a new trial. During the second trial, the jury used early evidence to find Young guilty of murdering the Fullers. Young was sentenced again to two life terms in prison.



About the Creator

True Crime Writer

The best of the worst true crime, history, strange and Unusual stories. Graphic material. Intended for a mature audience ONLY.

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