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She shot her ex-boyfriend nine times, then claimed he committed suicide

Vegas dated Victor while the pair served in the US Navy

By True Crime WriterPublished 3 months ago Updated 2 months ago 3 min read

Vegas Bray, a 27-year-old sailor serving in the US Navy, met 31-year-old Victor Saucedo, a fellow sailor, and quickly fell head over heels in love with him.

Vegas Bray

Victor was everything she wanted in a man. He loved life, treated her wonderfully, and had goals for himself. However, he was not as sure as Vegas about their compatibility for a long-term commitment and broke it off with her a few months after they began dating.

Victor ended things with Vegas at the end of 2011 after enduring constant arguments with her over his son from a previous relationship. Vegas hated that seeing his 7-year-old son meant he saw the child's mother and did not shy away from telling Victor as much.

Victor Saucedo

Heartbroken and not ready to let Victor go, Vegas pleaded with him, trying everything to convince him they belonged together, but her words fell on deaf ears. Victor, done with the relationship, wanted nothing more to do with Vegas.

Vegas Began to Stalk Victor

Victor and Vegas both left the Navy early in 2012. Victor returned home to Imperial Beach, California, where he found a job at a local university. Vegas returned home to the same area. Content written by Criminal Matters. She found work as a waitress at a cabaret club. Her mind constantly revolved around Victor and how she missed the man she felt was the love of her life.

Most of us would let the pain burn for a few days or weeks and move on to another relationship. Vegas decided if she could not have Victor, no one could.

Vegas began showing up at places she knew Victor would be. She begged and pleaded with him to give her a second chance. He refused her advances. Vegas made Victor's life a living hell from that point as she began a stalking campaign that lasted almost one year before she killed him.

Vegas was relentless, filled with rage, and out of control. She slashed Victor's car tires, smeared peanut butter on his front door, broke into and splashed paint throughout his home, and committed other vicious acts.

Victor begged Vegas to leave him alone and stop all of her shenanigans. He explained how they did not belong together. He even moved out of his apartment to a new place across town. Vegas found him days after he relocated.

Although Victor reported the crimes to the police multiple times, there was little they told him there was little they could do unless Vegas physically attacked him.

Victor confided in his friends that Vegas stalked him and filled them in on the things she was doing to him. They laughed initially but soon realized that it was not a joke. Vegas was serious and was not going to give up on getting her man back.

Victor Agreed to Date Casually

Hoping he could keep the peace with Vegas, Victor met up with her on October 15, 2012, and told her they could casually date. Vegas was happy that Victor was back in her life but was devastated when she learned he did not want a commitment with her.

The couple had sex, but Victor gave Vegas the cold shoulder afterward.

On October 16, Vegas visited Victor at his Imperial Beach apartment armed with a handgun. When he opened the door, she emptied the revolver into her ex-boyfriend’s body. Although Victor was wounded and down on the floor, Vegas reloaded the weapon and shot him three more times.

He was struck in the head, the hand, and throughout his body.

Vegas dialed 911 and told the operator her ex-boyfriend had just committed suicide.

Police arrived on the scene to find Victor ridden with bullets. It was clear to them Victor did not kill himself. Neighbors told police they heard “about 10 shots” followed by a brief pause and “three to five more shots.

Vegas Transported to the Police Station

Police suspected Vegas was not being truthful with them. They took her to the station for questioning.

The biggest question police wanted to know was how Victor shot himself six times then reloaded the gun and shot himself three more times. Content written by Criminal Matters. Nothing Vegas told police made much sense. She eventually told them she blacked out and was unsure what happened.

She was charged with first-degree murder and later convicted of the crime. She got a sentence of 50 years to life in prison.



About the Creator

True Crime Writer

The best of the worst true crime, history, strange and Unusual stories. Graphic material. Intended for a mature audience ONLY.

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