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For The Whodunit Challenge

By Babs IversonPublished 5 months ago Updated 5 months ago 5 min read
Photo by dylan nolte on Unsplash

Who won the 100 million lotto? Have you heard? Do you know? Rumors ran rampant. Even the news anchors added their spin, reminding viewers that whoever won had ninety days to claim their winnings. 

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Earlier -

Three weeks after the 100 million lotto drawing, four coworkers sat in Attorney Venton Vance's law office conference room on the eleventh floor of the glass and steel high rise two blocks from the Dallas Museum of Arts.

Ginger, Venton's blonde paralegal, hurriedly handed each member of the lottery group forms to be completed and filled in.

"Mr. Vance will be finishing up with his client and will be joining you shortly," Ginger announced.

Venton Vance confidently strutted into the conference room, glanced out the window, and sat at the head of the table.

"When completed, please pass your forms to me!" Venton requested.

Passing his forms forward, Ralph sipped on his Dr.Pepper and belched, "Excuse me! Ah! Ahhh! I'll second that."

Venton raised his eyebrows and inquired, "What are you seconding?"

"I don't know," Ralph whimpered.

Venton placed his glasses on the conference table and stroked his beard. Pushing his office chair backward, he questioned, "Who collected the money and purchased the lotto tickets?"

Maggie pointed across the table and whined, "Sandy did that!"

Sandy squirmed in her chair. "Yes! I did that. Every week like clockwork, I collected six dollars from each member of our group. I purchased the tickets. I did all the work. Furthermore, I selected the winning ticket numbers, I should be the sole winner," she cried.

Ralph, Maggie, and Bob squealed, "No way!"

"Were all the tickets purchased with the group's money?" asked Attorney Vance.

Sandy grabbed her purse and pulled out a tissue. Dabbing her eyes, she stared back at Venton Vance.

Sandy mumbled, "Yes, it was the group's money. I just made my car payment and didn't have any money in my checking account. I would have used a credit card, but they don't accept credit card payments for lotto tickets at the corner gas station."

Venton hammered his desk and exclaimed, "In that case, it's the group's win!"

Shaking their heads up and down, Ralph, Maggie, and Bob cried, "Yes!"

"Sandy, you shouldn't have purchased that red sports car five months ago," Maggie admonished.

Sandy gasped, "Maggie, you shouldn't talk! You often borrowed money from others for your share of the weekly lotto tickets."

"Maggie and Sandy that's enough. Do you have a group name?" Venton inquired.

Shaking their heads from side to side, everyone replied, "No!"

"First, a partnership needs to be established with a group name. Any name suggestions?" Venton added and asked.

Bob raised his hand and muttered, "Luckylotto Group."

"Bigbucks Business," Ralph shyly said.

Betty, Bob's wife, rubbed her temples to relieve a sinus headache and blurted, "Play to Win."

"I like that name," Sandy sighed.

Bob whispered, "Good one, Honey!"

"If everyone agrees on the name, Ginger will have all the papers drawn up and ready to sign in two weeks," Venton explained.

Bob chimed in, "I have surgery scheduled at that time."

"Okay, we can schedule our next meeting for three weeks from today, replied Venton.

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By Jessica Loaiza on Unsplash

A few days later, Maggie received a box of chocolates, and she didn't show up at work. If she was going to be late, Maggie always called the office. Because she hadn't called, this set the wheels in motion for a welfare check.

The first responders found Maggie collapsed in her apartment's bathroom. An ambulance was called. She didn't make it out of the hospital's emergency room. The doctors claimed that Maggie consumed fentanyl and overdosed. The police announced that a full investigation was ongoing and an autopsy would be performed.

A week later, Ralph's car broke down. While waiting for a tow truck, a hit-and-run driver killed Ralph. According to the police, there were no witnesses.

With the loss of Maggie and Ralph, Sandy and Bob consoled each other. Bob considered canceling his surgery but that wasn't an option.

By Acton Crawford on Unsplash

On the day of the surgery, Betty drove Bob to the hospital. She waited in the lobby checking in with the receptionist. The receptionist reassured Betty that she would be called once Bob was out of surgery.

Engrossed in the Southern Living magazine's articles. She didn't hear the hospital paging her. Remembering Betty, the receptionist walked over to where she sat.

When the receptionist tapped Betty's shoulder, she jumped and jerked.

Having Betty's attention, the receptionist informed her that she was wanted on the seventh floor. Once on the seventh floor, the surgeon met Betty close to the elevator door and informed her that Bob hadn't made it. Without a word, she fainted.

Moments later, Betty recovered. She shivered and shook feeling chills and flu-ish. Betty went home and flopped on the couch. The following day, she wasn't feeling any better but made a few calls and funeral arrangements.

After staying in bed for two days, Betty smiled recalling that the lotto meeting would take place in four days.

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Three days before the second meeting with the attorney, Sandy stopped by the corner gas station on her way to work. A drive-by shooter killed Sandy. The police requested witnesses to come forward and anyone with information to call their tip hotline.

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By Mahad Aamir on Unsplash

On the day of the meeting, Betty entered the elevator, selected the 11th floor, and rode up to Attorney Vance's office.

In a cheerful mood, Betty thought about the 100 million and how she would spend it. For four days, that's all she thought and dreamed about.

Once on the eleventh floor and at Attorney Venton Vance's office, Ginger greeted Betty and informed her that Mr. Vance requested that she meet him at the Fifth Floor Coffee Shoppe.

Sipping his coffee by a corner window, Venton waved Betty over to his table.

Pulling out a chair, Betty asked, "Did you hear about the drive-by shooting?"

"Of course! Before I forget, I wanted to thank you-you for referring the lotto group to my practice," Venton stammered.

Betty responded, "You are welcome! I'm ready to claim the winnings."

"Winnings! You have no grounds to claim the lotto win," Venton objected.

"Where is the ticket?" Betty asked.

Venton answered, "At the first meeting, the ticket was locked in my safe."

Trying to maintain her composure, Betty bit her lip and faked a smile pouring extra sugar into her coffee.

Drinking half, she stopped suddenly. Betty choked, "This tastes off and bitter. You, you poisoned me!"

"Sorry!" Venton exclaimed. Grinning, he stood up and walked away.

A week later, the police found Attorney Venton Vance's car parked along the Dallas Parkway and his body slumped behind the wheel.

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Before the deadline, the 100 million lotto was claimed.


About the Creator

Babs Iverson

Barbara J Iversen, also known as Babs Iverson, lives in Texas and loves her grandkids to the moon and back. After writing one story, she found that writing has many benefits especially during a pandemic and a Texas-size Arctic Blast.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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Comments (21)

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  • Randy Wayne Jellison-Knock5 months ago

    I always knew Ginger couldn't be trusted. Always turn to Marianne. (Gilligan's Island)

  • Real Poetic5 months ago

    Babs, you did it again!!! You are such a great writer! I wish you well in the challenge! 🩵

  • Brilliant read... suspects 'dropping like flies'! Bit of a workout for the brain. Thanks. Happy New Year.

  • Lamar Wiggins5 months ago

    The root of all evil strikes again. Excellent tale, Babs!💖

  • Denise E Lindquist5 months ago

    A great whodunnit Babs 😊💕❤️🌹

  • Phil Flannery5 months ago

    So dark. Human nature is tricky to judge when it comes to money. Great story. Did Ginger get the money?

  • Novel Allen5 months ago

    Great story Babs, almost like my Teenage whodunnit, people dropping dead all over the place. Tis the season of the ghosts. Great story,

  • Cathy holmes5 months ago

    Great mystery, my friend. I had to go back to see who was left.

  • Rene Peters5 months ago

    Incredible story! Love the suspense!

  • JBaz5 months ago

    You slowly unveiled this mystery perfectly…..we could see where it was going but the question is “who?” Nicely done

  • I totally think Ginger did it. She is the only one left lol. My money was on Sandy.. I was way off. Great story Babs!

  • Glad you got it in the right community, now it will be a top Story I am sure

  • Tiffany Gordon 5 months ago

    WOW! You are a Master Storyteller! Awesome work Babs!

  • Hope Martin5 months ago

    Hey Babs! I saw this was a submission to the Who Dun It challenge - It's an awesome story but if you want it to a submission it needs to be in Criminal community <3 I don't want you to be disqualified from it!

  • Hannah Moore5 months ago

    Argh, now I need to read it again but I'm on a plane that's about to close the doors....

  • J. S. Wade5 months ago

    Great story! I have two suspects’. You and Cathy. 🤣

  • Mariann Carroll5 months ago

    Babs, this was such a great suspenseful story💗I love it ! Lots of twist and turns 🥰🥰🥰🥰

  • Test5 months ago

    Babs you have a way with words. I must say that this was an exceptionally well written piece that I thoroughly enjoyed

  • Omgggg, if Venton had been the one killing off everyone, then who killed him? Ginger maybe, lol. Or could be Betty. The things people would do for money. Loved your story!

  • Kodah5 months ago

    Loved this Babs! 💟 💕 💖

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