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No Justice for Black Mentally Disabled Teen Sodomized With Coat Hanger by Racist Teammates

Lawyer said boy caused injuries himself

By True Crime WriterPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

On October 22, 2015, three white teenage football players, Tanner Ward, 17; John J.K. Howard, 18; and a third juvenile who cannot be named, were in the locker room at Dietrich High School in Idaho when they sodomized a Black mentally disabled teammate with a metal coat hanger after months of racism toward the teen.

When the juvenile boy asked the victim for a hug, Howard and Ward held him down, forcing a coat hanger into his rectum. The juvenile then kicked the coathanger further into the victim’s rectum, causing rectal tears that required medical attention to repair.

The Black male victim was adopted by a white family when he was a child.

Noteworthy Facts:

  • Tanner Ward Is a Star Football & Rodeo Star in Richfield, Idaho
  • Howard’s uncle is considered a basketball hero in Dietrich
  • Tim McDaniel (victim's father) was a Science teacher at Dietrich High school
  • According to the 2010 U.S. Census, Dietrich had 332 residents and is 90% white

Tim McDaniel

Months of Racism from Boys

The assault followed months of racial discrimination against the victim.

While the football team attended a camp in a rural part of town In August 2015, the boys pitted Howard and the victim against one another in a boxing match. Howard, much larger than the victim, was enraged when the victim knocked him out.

The racism started from that point.

The three boys reportedly called the victim the N-word, “watermelon,” “chicken-eater,” and “Kool-Aid” and posted a confederate flag on his computer before demanding that he recite a racist song called “Moonman Notorious KKK.”

The victim was repeatedly given wedgies and stripped naked during a football trip. Students also drew a picture of a school bus depicting the victim sitting in the back.

Victim Recants Statement

Six days after being named in the civil lawsuit, two Dietrich High School football coaches recorded a conversation between the victim and several of his teammates.

In this recording, a male voice can be heard saying ‘come on man, we love you. You got to tell the truth.” The victim can be heard saying:

“It’s always been about the money. It’s always been about the $10 million.”

And Howard and the others who were charged?

“I love those guys,” the victim said. “Those guys shouldn’t be charged, I don’t think they should, with any of that.”

He went on to say that he lied under oath during a court hearing and that his father told him they’d move to the Bahamas when they won the civil lawsuit.

In court, the victim said he recanted the statement because he wanted his friends back.

A defense attorney accused Tim and Shelly McDaniel, the victim’s adoptive family, of fabricating the story so they could file a civil lawsuit.

McDaniel family with their adoptive and foster children

Howard Goes to Trial

During Howard’s trial, his defense attorney passionately explained how his client was innocently sitting on a bench after practice when the victim backed up toward him with a clothes hanger hanging from his buttocks. He said Howard kicked at the victim to get him away from him, explaining the rectal tears and injuries. He stated that he did not know that a clothes hanger was between his buttocks and that he was not kicking at a coat hanger.

Howard took an Alford plea to the charge of felony injury of a child and was sentenced to three years of probation. The conviction will be dismissed upon successful completion of probation. Howard must also complete 200 hours of community service. Additionally, Howard was able to maintain his innocence by taking an Alford plea.

Deputy General Casey Hammer said that while he understands that Howard’s behavior was “egregious,” he did not think it warranted the original charge. Hammer stated:

“ We don't believe its appropriate for Mr. Howard to suffer the consequences of a sex offender, but he still needs to be held accountable.”

That version of events was first explained by Deputy Attorney General Casey Hemmer, who said the medical examination of the victim’s rectum “found no internal or external injuries.”

Tanner Ward Trial

Tanner Ward received a reduced sentence that transferred his case to juvenile court. Juvenile court records are not made available to the public.

Family Filed Civil Lawsuit Against Families

In a Civil lawsuit filed by the victim’s family, the paperwork states: “Mr. Howard is a relative of prominent individuals in the community and, at least in part due to his athletic ability and community connections, the Defendants ignored or were deliberately indifferent to the behavior of Mr. Howard which included aggression, taunting, and bullying.”

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True Crime Writer

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