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Her Mother And Stepfather Murdered Her And Threw The Body Into A Garbage Bag —Bella Bond


By Based On a True StoryPublished about a month ago 6 min read

The afternoon of June 25, 2015, a woman who was walking her dog made a terrible finding. On the coast of Deer Island in Boston, she found a garbage bag that contained the lifeless body of a little girl.

Inside there was also a pair of leggings and a blanket with a zebra print.

Due to the advanced state of decomposition and the lack of obvious injuries to the remains, the coroner could not establish the cause of his death.

According to her analysis, the girl seemed to have been “well cared for” during her life and did not observe signs of malnutrition or abuse.

They couldn’t identify her either, so they named her Baby Doe.

For weeks, the researchers tried to find out the identity of the little girl.

To do this, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children created a digital image with her face. With this they wanted to provide the public with an estimate of the appearance of the victim during her life.

Her goal was for someone to recognize her and thus try to locate the person or persons responsible for her death.

The agents distributed the photo on social networks, posted posters all over the city and the news was covered nationwide, which helped it to have a lot of public attention.

Investigators received hundreds of calls with clues that followed throughout the country.

They also searched all the files of missing people, but they didn’t find anything.

This surprised them a lot because it meant that no one had reported the disappearance of the little girl. From here they elaborated 3 theories about what happened:

The first was that perhaps her parents had died in the same way and that their bodies had ended up in the sea.

The second that perhaps the little one belonged to a family that was in the country illegally, hence no one reported her disappearance, for fear of being deported

And the third and most disturbing was that someone in her family had taken her life.

Even so, without the girl’s identity, they could never know what had really happened to her.

The police even interrogated a woman who had thrown a garbage bag over a bridge, but it was discovered that the contents of the bag were simply fruit in bad condition.

However, the case took a radical turn in September 2015 when the police received a call from Michael Sprinsky.

This man said that he lived in Dorchester, Massachusetts and that he was a neighbor of Rachel Bond and Michael Mccarthy.

Apparently Rachel had a two-year-old daughter named Bella Bond, and as Michael told them, one day she asked the couple about the little girl. They told her that social affairs had taken her away.

But Michael was not satisfied and told his sister the suspicions he had: for him the unidentified little girl of the news was Bella, because of this his sister insisted that she call the police.

Finally and after several weeks of searching, the police were able to confirm that Baby Doe was actually Bella Bond.

The little girl’s neighbors were quite surprised by the news and many of them said that the computer-created image was nothing like her.

Who was Bella Bond?

Bella Amoroso Bond was born on August 6, 2012. Daughter of Rachel Bond and Joe Amoroso came into this world when her parents lived in a tent in a homeless area of Boston.

Soon her father left and they never met in person, however they talked a lot on the phone.

When Joe was interrogated by the police, he said that months ago he went to Boston to see his daughter, but it was already late. According to Rachel, the social services had taken her, and he believed it.

The agents found out that the 40-year-old woman had been hooked on certain illegal substances for a long time and that she had even been arrested for this in the past.

In addition, custody of two older children had been withdrawn for not being able to take care of them.

Before what happened, the police had already received several calls from neighbors complaining about the negligent behavior that the woman had with Bella

When the little girl was only one year old, the social services investigated the case but immediately closed it and Bella continued to live in a dysfunctional home.

The arrest and the trial:

On September 18, 2015, the couple was arrested and interrogated for the death of the little girl.

Rachel admitted that she and Michael consumed substances while Bella was in the house, in fact when Bella passed away they spent all the time intoxicated to escape reality.

During the interrogation she said that on the day of the events he had seen Michael standing next to the girl’s bed, but that she didn’t see anything else.

For his part, Michael said that he was innocent and that he didn’t know how the little girl had passed away.

Finally, the man was accused of homicide and Rachel of being an accomplice necessary to carry it out, and it is that according to the police, the woman not only covered him up but was collecting the social benefits they gave her for the little girl who had already died.

The trial began in February 2017 but before the prosecutor’s office offered Rachel an agreement to testify against Michael.

This is why Rachel told on the stand that the night Bella died she saw Michael hitting the girl in the stomach while she was lying in her bed.

Then she tried to resuscitate her but it was already late because she had stopped breathing.

When she asked him why he had done it, he answered the following: she had to die, she was a demon.

According to Rachel, Michael put the body inside a garbage bag and left it for a few hours in the refrigerator of the house. Then he removed it from there and took it to throw it into the sea.

Rachel said that she didn’t tell the authorities because the man threatened to do the same to her.

During the trial, the woman was very questioned since her testimony had nothing to do with what she told the police at the time of her arrest.

The defense lawyer alleged that Rachel was a monster who was weaving a web of lies to cover up her guilt, and that the prosecutor had made a deal with the devil himself.

For his part, Michael stated that Rachelle was responsible for Bella’s death and that before the events he had left the woman’s residence due to the physical and emotional abuse suffered by the girl by the mother.

The forensic doctor’s testimony left more doubts if possible since according to him it was unlikely that Bella had died just as her mother told.

At the trial, a childhood friend of Micahel also declared. According to him, when Bella misbehaved, Michael used to lock her in a closet so that she could learn the lesson.

She also warned Rachael about her partner’s dark obsession with the devil and certain rituals.

The trial lasted 3 weeks. Finally, Michael was found guilty of second-degree murder and sentenced to life imprisonment. In 2037 he will be eligible for parole.

Due to the agreement she made with the prosecutor’s office, Rachel was sentenced to two years on parole.

Bella’s father said that he had missed the opportunity to meet his daughter and said that no guilty sentence was going to erase all the pain that he and his family felt.

He remembers her daughter as an innocent and happy girl who learned very quickly.

To this day, Michael continues to maintain his innocence and in November 2020 he appealed his sentence.

During an interview with him for a television program, he said that there was no evidence that he had taken Bella’s life.

In June 2021, the appeal was dismissed by the Massachusetts Supreme Court

Bella Bond’s story overwhelmed the entire American society and as a tribute hundreds of people left flowers and toys near the place where her body appeared.

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About the Creator

Based On a True Story

Hi everyone! My name is Marta and every week I write about true crime, always with an educational purpose.

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