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Decoding the Minds of Serial Killers and the DC Sniper's Unprecedented Profile

Explore the darkness outside the crime scene

By July NgPublished 4 months ago 4 min read

Many individuals wonder whether serial killers are products of their genetics or their environment. The truth is, it's a combination of both, and more. Genetics provide the potential for violent behavior, while an individual's personality and psychology shape their experiences and reactions. Criminal profiling involves analyzing the perpetrator's behavior and motives to identify and catch them.

The FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit studies violent and sexual crimes to train law enforcement and develop a deep understanding of offenders. Profilers like John Douglas and Robert Ressler gained insights into criminals by interviewing convicted serial killers and understanding their backgrounds.

This knowledge helps in understanding how and why crimes are committed, assisting in the pursuit of the perpetrators. Profiling involves reverse engineering the crime by examining victimology, crime scenes, organization level, and pre-and post-event behavior. Each of these factors reveals crucial information about the offender, aiding in their identification and capture.

When examining a crime scene, I review various types of evidence including photographs of the crime scene and autopsy images, as well as a summary of the case's facts and the crime scene description. Based on the evidence, it appears to be a case of a double homicide involving a male and a pregnant female. The male victim, in his early 20s, was shot approximately five times, while the female victim was shot seven to eight times in her face, head, and upper torso.

Additionally, it seems that the male may have left several letters scrawled in grease on the floor. Initial assessments suggest that the male victim was killed first as a practical measure, while the female was the main target of the attack. The male victim had roots in the town and had returned after a period of absence. Despite having no known criminal history, the discovery of a significant amount of cash, drugs, and drug-related paraphernalia in the house suggests involvement in drug trafficking.

However, the fact that these items were left behind indicates a lack of criminal sophistication on the part of the offender. Notably, the presence of the scrawled letters with grease on the floor may indicate a message from the dying male or a deliberate attempt to mislead investigators. Further investigation is necessary to determine the significance of this message. The low level of organization in the crime scene and the presence of forensic evidence left behind suggest a lack of criminal sophistication on the part of the offender. In contrast, the D.C. Sniper case involved a series of random shootings that terrorized the Washington D.C. area for 23 days.

The offender demonstrated a high level of calm, planning, and execution, suggesting potential police or military training. This case differed from typical spree killings due to the absence of a decompensation pattern typically observed in such cases. The offender's ability to carry out six murders within a short timeframe without being seen indicated a high level of experience and composure. Overall, the analysis of these cases reveals distinct patterns and behaviors that can provide valuable insights for criminal behavioral analysis. When firing at a paper target, it's different from taking the life of an unknown person.

When we began the profile, it was solely based on statistical data. According to these statistics, snipers are typically white males in their 40s or 50s with a grudge against society or a particular individual, which they take out on their victims. Another characteristic of snipers is their God complex. They seek to take lives from a distance to feel powerful, akin to a deity. It is crucial to appease them and avoid challenging them. Unfortunately, law enforcement at the time did not act in this manner. They labeled the sniper as a coward and claimed that the streets and schools were safe.

Consequently, the sniper shot a child entering a school the following day. The sniper left a Tarot card, the death card, indicating duality. It read, "Call me God," reinforcing the belief that the sniper had a God complex, and "This is for you, Mr. Police," suggesting a level of respect towards the police. The card also showed signs of Caribbean influence, but the use of the word "press" indicated a certain level of sophistication inconsistent with the respect for the police.

This led to the consideration of whether the offender was composed and collected during the planning and execution of the murders but became unstable when writing. This raised the possibility of a sniper team, consisting of an older individual in his mid-40s and a younger one in his teens, which was unprecedented in US history. However, snipers with a God complex do not typically work well together. It was theorized that the older individual was controlling the younger one, possibly through sexual victimization, giving him complete dominance.

It was later revealed that the older individual had indeed been sexually victimizing the younger one. The ultimate profile was that of two African American snipers, one in his mid-40s with police or military training and experience, and the other in his teens. This profile, along with parallel FBI efforts, led to the arrest of Muhammad and Malvo within 24 hours. The development of this profile in the DC Sniper case was groundbreaking, as previous sniper cases in the US primarily involved lone white male offenders in their 40s or 50s with specific grudges.

As Criminal Behavioral Analysts, we analyze how and why the crime was committed, ultimately leading to the identification of the offender. In many cases, local law enforcement has no leads, but Criminal Behavioral Analysis has led to the identification, arrest, and conviction of offenders across the country.

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July Ng

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