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Word Vomit

#100 things in 20 minutes challenge. You can blame Judey for this rubbish

By Lena FolkertPublished 11 months ago β€’ 5 min read
"This is my Brain!" Β© Lena Folkert. Created with Wombo Dream Ai

You've probably seen the #100 things challenge around. If not, well, where've you been??!? Here's my version. Not sure I did it right. I tell you, though... this was therapeutic!

Oh, It's COMPLETELY UNEDITED. So, read at your own risk ;)


  1. Twenty minutes for a hundred things.... hmm...
  2. well this should be easy because they're just the sentences popping out of my mind.
  3. a black hole of useless and unceasing trivia and anxieties
  4. i have adhd, afterall... this should be easy.
  5. finally my time to shine.
  6. so what would i write about?
  7. well, how about we start with the most obvious question on my mind...
  8. how could i even hope to start the challenge when i never get twenty minutes to myself?
  9. i mean between the dogs and my husband, I can never find a minute to myself without constant interruptions.
  10. so thats the hardest part, but then again, it's only twenty minutes.
  11. quick, now.. . husband is asleep and the dogs are napping. could it be my opening?
  12. my mind reels with thoughts and possibilities.
  13. should i be extra clever and find the dusty stories that live on even dustier shelves of my subconscious just waiting to...
  14. ooh... only sixteen minutes left.
  15. wait. that means i did thirteen things in four minutes, right?
  16. but what's the math on that?
  17. here, pause the stopwatch feature and grab the calculator feature on the phone...
  18. wait... is that cheating? best not.
  19. oh crap, just debating over the timing took a whole minute!? Frick!
  20. and i've not even said anything worth saying yet
  21. bugger!
  22. Okay, so skip that and write the next thing that pops into your mind...
  23. squirrel!!! Jk Jk
  24. But actually that's how my mind works.
  25. Should i be ashamed that I still use that reference pretty much daily?
  26. Nah... I do have dogs, afterall, and it's so true.
  27. speaking of dogs.... they woke up.... best try to wrap this up before it's too late.
  28. oh man, my fingers are going numb on my right hand... it is getting harder to type
  29. damn, this is actaully kind of hard.
  30. oops. my phone just lit up... twelve minutes left. EEK
  31. okay but that's okay because i havent even unloaded the thoughts from mymind yet.
  32. sonofa! NOW myADHD wants to be silent!?
  33. figures. its not supposed to be a superpower, I suppose.
  34. but it often felt like one for me.
  35. Damn i keep typoing.
  36. its okay Ill fix it later
  37. that aganst the rules
  38. Guess I'll just leave them in here.
  39. lol good luck to any brave souls who try to read this garbagee
  40. Frick another typo!.
  41. oh well moving on!
  42. My dog is chewing a hole in the carpet
  43. ANOTHER hole I should say
  44. wheres the headslap emoji?
  45. too long... just imagine one here
  46. my fingers are so freaking numb
  47. i cant feel the keyys anymore
  48. no wonder im typoing so much
  49. okay thats okay
  50. muscle memory is a powerful thng
  51. just close my eyes and run with tit
  52. lol that typo says tit
  53. oh man my brain
  54. i know the keyboard like the backs of my hands
  55. this should be easy
  56. speaking of the back of my hand... what strange saying that is
  57. i actually know the palms of mine better i think
  58. ya those lines are pieces of my history
  59. that scar from when my dog bit me
  60. i was ten
  61. i deserved it though
  62. i was taunitng her.
  63. but it was my fist time getting stitches and going to the ER
  64. wait
  65. nope. that was when i was five
  66. the first time i went to the hospital
  67. oh could i forget?
  68. the lump on my neck
  69. they thought t was cancer
  70. it was just a cyst i guess
  71. but that CT scan man
  72. that was hell
  73. and the scar never went away
  74. yep... there it is
  75. but then i got a teddy bear from my grandma
  76. id pointed it out the week before.
  77. i wonder what ever happened to that th8ng?ish i knew.
  78. wish i knew where a lot of things were
  79. so much lost over the years
  80. alas.
  81. my toes are going numb now
  82. i really should have gotten a better position than half off my bed for this
  83. and the mattress is falling i just slide down to the floor
  84. jneed to buya new bed
  85. but the money!
  86. wait supposed to be all clever and creative here
  87. be orignal LENA!
  88. too much pressure!!!
  89. look at the clock how much time?
  90. ooh only six miuntes.
  91. i gotta hurry okay how many things
  92. what!? im at 92!
  93. I can do this... next thought...
  94. sonaofa... i cant think
  95. stupid brain dying on me mow
  96. you never shut up normally!
  97. anxietey all the time
  98. a million thoughts in a million directions
  99. squirrels upon squirrels upo0n squirrls
  100. and i never end up catching any of them!
  101. Just anxeity weging me down. I wonder if anyone will follow my line of thought here?
  102. thats okay though because I dont really get a lot of reads anyway
  103. i mean who wants to read my stuff anyway?
  104. noone! who can blame them
  105. im so dumb
  106. Stop it lena!
  107. gosh i hate myself
  108. STOP IT!
  109. you can do this, but you're ruining it with useless chatter!
  110. and your usual self deprecating nonhumor
  111. frack i really hate myself
  112. should i delete all this hating myself stuff?
  113. everyones going to know what a freaking loser i am
  114. no they wont cuz they aint no one gonna read it, you dum dum
  115. stop it!!
  116. damn my fingers hurt so bad
  117. oh man, my foots gonna be like impossibly painful when i move it.
  118. im scared of that pain. its the worst. like cuttng and biting and
  119. oh frack. i only i=have two minutes left and ive said nothing important
  120. ooh... i surpassed the 100 things tho
  121. ya but its all useless garbage!
  122. am i even doing this right?
  123. doesnt matter. When do you do anything right?
  124. another headlsap emoji needed!!
  125. what can i say that will change the world in only a minute!?
  126. world peace?
  127. sixty secondss leftand thats the best you got, huh Lena?
  128. a stupid Miss Congeniality reference!?
  129. Yeah but I love that movie!
  130. Sandra byllock rocks it
  131. BLAHHH
  133. II hate myself so much.
  134. No. I don't want this to be the last of my 100 things. I must do better than that!
  135. oh well.
  136. times almost up
  137. Bless any of you readers who actually make it to the end of this! Why on earth are you still reading this trash!? I love you! forty seconds left
  138. Wait... did i do it wrong!?
  139. I suck.
  140. GOD my toes hurt...
  141. i have to stand now.
  142. the dogs ruining the carpet.
  143. Im just typing till the closck runs out.
  144. Do i get to edit this? i dont know!
  145. nineteen seconds...
  146. quick something smart...
  147. ten, nine, eight
  148. aaaahhh!

**** Man alive. this is garbage. Sorry dear friends if any of you read this. I blame Judey lol! With love, of course! Oh... and go read hers!!! And Cathy's! Cathy is like the best. She gets me!


About the Creator

Lena Folkert

Alaskan Grown Freelance Writer 🀍 Lover of Prose

Former Deckhand & Barista 🀍 Always a Pleaser & Eggshell-Walker

Lifelong Animal Lover & Whisperer 🀍 Ever the Student & Seeker

Traveler 🀍 Dreamer 🀍 Wanderer

Happily Lost 🀍 Luckily in Love

Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

Top insights

  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  2. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  3. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  4. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  5. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

Add your insights

Comments (7)

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  • Randy Wayne Jellison-Knock11 months ago

    But it's delightfully fun garbage, Lena. I say, kudos to you. Bravo!

  • Jazzy 11 months ago

    This was very fun to read πŸ–€πŸ–€

  • Denise E Lindquist11 months ago

    I read all the way to 149+! Nice job!πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•

  • Gerald Holmes11 months ago

    Well, I think you did a great job. It felt like I was inside your mind.

  • Judey Kalchik 11 months ago

    There is no wrong way to do this. You are talented and perceptive. You are also truthful and transparently I afraid. I’m proud of you.

  • Lol, your fingers getting numb and then your toes getting numb. This wasn't garbage, I enjoyed reading it!

  • Let it pour Lena, it took me thirty minutes but I am not a fast reader or writer. ANd you did 150, great to get these things out of our systems. Big hugs

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