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The Good Fortune

Modern Satire

By Matthew PrimousPublished 18 days ago 4 min read
The Good Fortune
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

I am just a poor little woman from Bach, Mississippi. What do I know about anything? My father was poor and my mother was poor. All my siblings started from poverty. What do I know about wealth? I never thought in my wildest dreams of anything. Because too much is given much is required says the Good Book. I never thought in my life. It started while working at the restaurant. I worked at my uncle's restaurant since I was 14. I never asked for no raise. I never asked for anything. I was just happy to cook and work. Because that's what my parents taught me. You worked hard you receive. You worked hard you get. You worked and worked and a blessing. The only name I went by was Rebekka. All my friends called me Rebekka and all my family called me Rebekka. I was Rebekka of Bach, Mississippi. And my family lived here most of their lives ever since slavery ended. We lived in these shacks and never looked back. We were just happy to be freed and without bondage. You oppressed people so much that they just want to be freed., They just want to be by themselves. All by themselves and don't care about money or fame. Although I was famous in church for my Southern gumbo. The Pastor said Rebekka cooked us some of the most excellent gumbo that God gave you. I would be like all Pastor don't. My grandma and mother taught me and my uncle did give me the job. And after being shy of relationships and being married. This man came to my uncle restaurant. He must of been an out of townee or something. He had on this fancy suit and this suitcase. And he would order just a sandwich and chips and a light drink each time. My uncle thought he is from the IRS or some federal agencies. I thought nay he must be up to something. So he told me to keep watch and have good conversations. I shouted Hey you. And he politely looked at me. What;'s your name? My name is Rebekka everybody call me Rebekka. He politely said Mr. Peterson. I said let me buy you a drink on the house. You will love the Caribbean, it's sweet and tangy and full of flavor. And he said Thanks. So I made him the house drink. he just said thanks. I said where are you from? He said pulling his glasses off I am from an agency. i said what the government or something? He said No. And he had a phone call that made him abruptly leave. And I went in the back after checking everyone on a full house. I told my uncle. And he said he still thinks he is from the IRS. He eventually came back and asked what church I go to? I said Calvary Baptist Church down the street. My family always go to church most of the week and so does everybody else. He said Good when is service? I said well they usually do service every Sunday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. He said I will be there and you will find out why I am here. So I politely wave to him and told uncle. And uncle sweated and said be there and tell everyone that I will give them a discount if they find out why he is here. I said Whoa I am not making that gumbo. Uncle if I find out you better hire a new staff because I am tired of gumbo. Days later on Saturday, we were having church and praising the Lord and I was getting my praise on. Just because God is that good and I liked to thank him. And just before prayer, Mr. Peterson stepped in and he said he has to testify. I am from one of the agencies up North. And somebody I need to talk to. Everybody begin talking and scared. The Pastor silenced the church with the choir humming the spiritual, It is Well. And the Pastor spoke to Mr. Peterson and asked him privately but Mr. Peterson resisted and said I will talk to you if I could bring the person out. The Pastor let him. Mr. Peterson said I am looking for Saint, the last name is Saint. And the church laughed we all are Saints in God's eyes. What are you talking about man? said the Pastor. Mr. Peterson said Julia Saint. And the church started asking each other. Then the Pastor said Can we please get on with the sermon? People have to go home. Mr. Peterson said Her name starts with an R. I was shocked but so were the other people. Mr. Peterson said born in Virginia, Mississippi. And my uncle came into the meeting. And he heard and pulled me out and said Rebekka your real name is Julia Rebekka Saint and you were adopted. I said No uncle no. He said shaking his head yeah yeah. I almost passed out when my uncle straighten me out to save the town by saying it was me. I said it quietly and a little louder and then loudly. And Mr. Peterson said That;'s your name, ah ah ah I found her. You are the heir of Mr. and Mrs. Saint you are worth a fortune. Then I passed out and the church members came to help me. i said No Lord no. I worked all my life. I am not a rich snob. I worked all my life. The next day Mr. Peterson met me alone at the restaurant while my uncle was getting the restaurant ready. Mr. Peterson told me about my parents and he reassured me that I was their only heir. Then he asked me what I would do with the money. And I said spend on charities, save the church, repair the restaurant, and live well. Mr. Peterson said You really impressed me. You are thoughtful and kind. Your parents could not have prepared for this. Your check will be in the mail. Good Day Ms. Julia Rebekka Saint.


About the Creator

Matthew Primous

I am a Black Scholar, International Scholar, & Google Scholar, & 3-Time Eber & Wein Best Poet., Nominee for Poet of the Year, 2020 Black Author Matters Winner, 2 time Akademia Excellence Essayists,& 2022 Honorary Muckrack Journalist.

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