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I Had A Kiss of A Life Time And I Told My Husband...

Which is better, to confess or not to confess

By Nathal NortanPublished 2 months ago 4 min read

For the purpose of this story I would love to use the name Clara though that’s not my real name. I hope after reading my story you would leave a comment for me to know what you think.

I’m Clara and usually content in my predictable life with my husband, Tomas, I felt a disquiet I couldn't explain. Our 10-year marriage had settled into a comfortable routine, devoid of the spark that once ignited our love.

I had an encounter one night that was different. I was meeting Lukas, a charming Czech artist I'd encountered at a gallery a week ago. His laughter, his eyes and his general manly physique was something I could not stand. This specification of a man was something that sparked a long-dormant yearning within my.

Dressed in a scarlet dress that felt unfamiliar yet liberating, I sneaked away to the quaint jazz bar around 7pm under the pretext that I was visiting one of my old school friends. Under the smoky air with the melancholic melody of a saxophone sat Lucas amidst flickering candlelights.

His smile, as warm as the golden glint, made my heart skip a beat. The evening flowed like an unhindered smooth river, our conversation was captivating. He spoke of his passion for capturing the city's soul on canvas, his words painting vivid pictures in my mind.

As the night deepened, we found ourselves on Charles Bridge, the city lights painting a breathtaking backdrop. He spoke of a secret place, a hidden garden overlooking the river, and with a mix of trepidation and excitement, I followed.

The hidden garden was a fragrant blooms bathed in moonlight amidst the sweet scent of jasmine, our conversation morphed into a shared vulnerability. Lukas confessed his artistic frustrations and his longing for recognition. I, in turn, spoke of the hollowness that had crept into my marriage.

Our connection wasn't purely physical. It was a meeting of minds, a solace in shared dreams and unspoken desires. Yet, as our lips met, there was a flutter of excitement, a rush of adrenaline that quickened my heart rate. This immediately brings butterflies to my stomach.

I closed my eyes while I dived fully into the ecstasy accompanying the kiss. For a moment I forgot about myself and felt like I was in a dreamland. I don’t know what overcame me but deep within I realized I lacked something I’ve not had for a long time.

Immediately a surge of guilt morphed over me. Pulling away abruptly, tears welled up in my eyes.

"This is wrong," I whispered, my voice thick with emotion accompanied by shyness, nervousness, and a sense of exhilaration, all stemming from the intimacy and novelty of the experience.

Lukas, his gaze filled with understanding, took my hand. "It is. But perhaps it's a wake-up call,. A sign that something needs to change."

His words resonated deep within my mind. The stolen kiss, though a betrayal, became a stark reminder of the emotional neglect in my marriage. Tears flowed freely as I confessed the emptiness I felt despite having a seemingly 'good' life.

Seeing my vulnerability, Lukas held me close, offering a silent support that felt comforting yet foreign. We didn't speak much as we walked back, the weight of our encounter hanging heavy between them.

The following days were a blur. I felt a strange mix of exhilaration and shame. The stolen moments replayed in my mind, the memory a bittersweet reminder of a connection I craved. However, the guilt gnawed at me.

One evening, I found the courage to tell Tomas everything. The initial shock gave way to a torrent of hurt and anger. Our conversation turned into a painful excavation of our neglected relationship, truths left unspoken for years bubbling to the surface.

The following weeks were a crucible. We sought therapy, the air thick with unspoken thoughts and accusations. Slowly, the raw honesty began a journey of rediscovery. They acknowledged our individual needs, the communication gap that had grown into a chasm.

It wasn't easy. Forgiveness didn't come wrapped in a pretty bow. But we chose to confront the reality of our loveless existence. We decided to rebuild our relationship, this time with open communication and a commitment to address each other's emotional needs.

The affair with Lukas remained a painful chapter, a stark reminder of the consequences of emotional neglect. It wasn't a story of simple infidelity, but a catalyst for a much-needed transformation in our relationship.

Prague, the city of ancient beauty, became a symbol of our past mistakes and our newfound resolve. We returned a year later, not as a couple teetering on the brink, but as two individuals committed to rebuilding our love on a foundation of honesty and vulnerability.

If your marriage is going through challenges and you need a specialist to bring it to excitement and normalcy, look no further than this seasoned counselor who has redeemed thousands of marriages: Brad Browning.

If you are going through similar challenges, one of the books that brought me healing was this one:

Forgiving What You Can't Forget: Discover How to Move On, Make Peace with Painful Memories, and Create a Life That’s Beautiful Again

This Youtube video can also assist you to get over your challenges;

"Have you been unfaithful to your spouse? It's time to confess and find healing together!"

Above all, let me know your take on the whole issue. Apart from the fact that ours ended up well, some may not. What do you think?


About the Creator

Nathal Nortan

About Me:

Embark on a journey through the sultry landscape of love, science, and technology. I'm an unapologetic wordsmith and fervent explorer of the heart's deepest desires. My tales are woven with threads of deep care for humanity.

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