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"Humble Request"

"From Struggle to Success"

By Isra SaleemPublished 15 days ago 3 min read
"Humble Request"
Photo by Saad Chaudhry on Unsplash

As I walked through the dusty streets of the small village, I couldn't help but feel a sense of desperation wash over me. My family and I had been struggling to make ends meet for months, and I had heard of a wealthy merchant who lived on the outskirts of town, known for his generosity and willingness to help those in need.

I had heard that he was a proud man, but also fair, and that if I could humble myself and ask for his help, he might be willing to lend a hand. So, with a sense of determination, I made my way to his grand estate, hoping against hope that he would be willing to listen to my plea.

As I approached the entrance, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. What if he refused? What if he laughed in my face? I took a deep breath and pushed open the door, stepping inside with a sense of trepidation.

The merchant was sitting behind a grand desk, his piercing eyes fixed on me as I approached. I could feel his gaze like a weight, but I refused to be intimidated. I bowed my head, trying to appear as humble as possible, and began to speak.

"Sir, I come to you with a humble request. My family and I are struggling to make ends meet, and I was wondering if you might be willing to help us out. We are in desperate need of food and shelter, and I promise to work hard to repay your kindness."

The merchant looked at me for a long moment, his expression unreadable. Then, to my surprise, he nodded.

"Very well," he said. "I will help you. But first, you must complete a task for me. I have a garden that needs tending, and I need someone to care for it. If you can do this for me, I will give you the help you need."

I was taken aback. I had expected him to demand something much harder, but this seemed almost too easy.

"Thank you, sir," I said, bowing my head again. "I will do my best to tend your garden."

And with that, I set to work. The garden was overgrown and neglected, but I worked tirelessly to restore it to its former beauty. I weeded and watered, pruned and planted, until the garden was thriving once again.

When I finished, the merchant was impressed. He nodded in approval, and handed me a small pouch filled with gold coins.

"This is for your family," he said. "Use it well."

I was overjoyed. I had done it! I had humbled myself and asked for help, and it had paid off. I thanked the merchant again and again, and made my way back to my family, feeling like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

From that day on, our fortunes began to change. We had enough to eat, and a roof over our heads. And I never forgot the lesson I had learned - that sometimes, all it takes is a humble request to change your life forever.

I returned to the merchant's estate a year later, to thank him again for his kindness. He was pleased to see me, and asked how my family was faring. I told him of our good fortune, and he smiled, his eyes twinkling with pleasure.

"I knew you had potential," he said. "Remember, humility and hard work can take you far in life."

I nodded, grateful for his wisdom, and left his estate feeling proud and determined to continue on the path of humility and hard work.


About the Creator

Isra Saleem

Versatile writer skilled in both tale & stories. Captivate readers with engaging content & immersive narratives. Passionate about informing, inspiring, & entertaining through words.

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