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How To NOT Wear Your Mask

It's okay to laugh...

By Alexis Dean Jr.Published 3 years ago 3 min read
Top Story - April 2021
Smile, even if the world can't see it...

First, I would like to say sorry that it's been over a year since the pandemic hit us all in different ways and I'm just now sharing these helpful tips. But, I think once you finally read through them, you will see that I needed to go through a lot of embarrassment in order to compile a great list for you. Also, it's not easy to let everyone know that you've done some wild things with this face accesory! Lastly, feel free to laugh. If I can make you smile during these times, it's a pleasure...


1. Do not play games like Hide And Seek or anything involving monsters with kids that aren't very familiar with your new masked face. Teachers may really feel me on this one, but kids have really had some mixed reactions to large humans walking around with their faces covered up. It can be an emotionless stare, or it can be a scream of terror and fast dart away from you. I once made the mistake of getting caught up in the game with the kids, and one wrong "BOO!" left a kid in endless tears. Be careful my fellow ghosts, dragons, and daddy sharks...

2. Do not ride down a large hill on your bike while your glasses are fogging up. For a large portion of my time in the pandemic, I could not figure out how to make my glasses stop fogging up. I was bumping into things, stared at weirdly when one eye was fogged and the other wasn't, and was almost in a terrible accident as I saw my bike drop down what looked like Mount Everest. Learn the situations where your mask is just not serving you, and try to find some mask hacks like below...

3. Do not put your mask in your pants pocket, and then put your Chinese food on your lap. I really regret the day I spilled soy sauce on my pants, and I had to have a Soy Face for the rest of the day. So, I'm hoping this gem saves you from making this same mistake. I've seen people put their wrist through the ear loops of their mask, and wear it like a bracelet. Or just place it somewhere they won't forget it. If you can keep yourself from losing your mask and keep the smells away, you are succeeding! We don't need more things discouraging us from wearing them...

4. Do not flip your mask up to show your face. If you understand that description, you've either done that before or you're just laughing envisioning me doing this genius (not really) move. Many people need to travel or have been back to traveling now, and at the airport you will be asked to show your face when you give them your ID. I get annoyed taking my mask off because I have to take my glasses off first, then pull it down, then put the mask back on, make sure it's high on my face, and then put the glasses back on perfectly so I don't get the fog on them. IT'S A PROCESS. So, this day I decided to just grab my mask from my chin area and lift it up to show my face. Well. The person just laughed at me, and I realized (as my glasses were now covered with a mask) that they were laughing because now the OTHER half of my face is covered instead. Just quickly take the mask off people...

5. Do not try to make your laugh louder just so people know you heard their joke. People can't see us smile now really, and at times it's hard for people to hear your voice with it covered. This once led me to laugh extremely loud at a joke that someone said so they could hear me, and it was one of the most uncomfortable moments of my life as we just stared at each other silently. I don't have a solution for this one. Just don't do what I did...

6. Do not forget your mask at home because you think everyone else will not wear a mask. This is important. Once you are in situations where you're with others, you may have an urge to return to normal. It feels embarrassing or weird to be the only person with a mask on sometimes, but this is OKAY. It's very important to feel safe, and for you to feel comfortable. Don't let the pressures from others influence you into doing something you don't want to do. Bring that mask. Wear it proudly! Even if you're the only one...

This concludes the embarassment...

Stay safe friends...

Bad habits

About the Creator

Alexis Dean Jr.

Alexis “L.E.X” Dean Jr. is a clean Hip-Hop artist, poet, and educator from Milwaukee, WI. As a writer and music artist, he focuses on the importance of educating through his words and stories...

IG: @DreamsStartYoung

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