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How She Tamed This Wild Beast

Is She the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me?

By Andrew PretzelPublished 3 months ago 3 min read
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Holy, where do I begin?!

When we first met at that crazy frat party, I never thought my dragon lady would become my whole damn world. But here I am, years later, and she's still taming this wild beast I call a soul.

My friends used to laugh at how whipped I was, but they're not laughing now!

I was the biggest partier on campus back then.

My liver was taking more shots than I was!

Weekends were one big blur of beer pong and random hookups. Looking back, I was a selfish bastard.

But my dragon saw something in me, even if I couldn't see it myself.

When she said she cared, I was sure her flames would burn me.

Little did I know, her fire was exactly what this fool needed.

Our first real fight was brutal. I came stumbling in at 4am, reeking of tequila and some skank's cheap perfume.

The screaming match that followed shook the whole damn neighborhood! But you know what, it was the slap across my face that finally sobered me up.

For the first time, I saw how much I was hurting her dragon heart. That fight lit a fire in my soul and I knew I never wanted to make her roar with anger again.

Since that night, my dragon lady has been teaching this stubborn ass of mine how to treat a woman—and myself—with respect.

I stopped living for those sloppy weekends and started focusing on the real prize I had right in front of me.

Now, years later, I'm the happiest I've ever been.

And you know what really blows my mind?

My dragon is carrying our little baby dragon in her belly!

I never thought I'd be ready for this—holy, I'm going to be a dad?!—but I know with her by my side, I can do anything %$#!

To all you beasts out there still lost in the woods, let me tell you: the perfect woman is worth changing your ways for.

My dragon saved me from my worst damn self.

So give your heart a chance, boys, you never know what's hiding in the flames ;)

The best things in life come when you least expect it, and sometimes our dragons are exactly what we need to soar.

“Live fast, die old.”

– John Wayne

Being a dad-to-be has been the craziest adventure.

Every day my lady belly grows, reminding me that soon this little dragon will be here.

I'll never forget the first ultrasound, seeing them wriggling around in there - so tiny and precious already, it terrifies me.

All those big plans I used chase seem so pointless now.

All I want is to protect this little one and give them the world. It hasn't always been easy - some nights I still feel like I'm winging it.

But watching my dragon's smile grow with her belly each day makes it all worthwhile.

My wild nights out have been replaced by baby name research marathons on the couch.

I never knew I had this side until I found out I was gonna be a dad. It's brought me and my lady dragon closer than ever.

My friends are floored watching me prepare, even though this little dragon isn't here yet.

But my woman had already sparked the fatherhood fire within me from the start.

She knew just how to train this beast's heart to see what truly matters. I'll always be grateful she saw potential in me when even I couldn't.

She challenged me to be my best and now gives me the greatest gift - our coming little dragon cub.

FriendshipTeenage yearsFamilyDating

About the Creator

Andrew Pretzel

Anxious and depressed. Muhawahahaha! 😈 Hmm.. wait what? 🥴

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  2. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

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  • kristiono3 months ago


  • Such a beautiful story. Love it and congratulations!

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