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Don't Be Ashamed

Low Cost and Free Education

By Leiann Lynn Rose SpontaneoPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Did you ever go to school and thought you had everything under control but events happened and such events got in the way? I understand completely.

I guess I can spare you the details of my past. However, I would like to share with you my plans for the future if I may. Maybe we can learn from each another.

I would love to become a Clinical Aromatherapy Practitioner. I want to help people with their ailments utilizing essential oils. However, such education is very, very expensive. I am not about to take any loans.

So, I need to deflate my bubble of obtaining such an education.

The following is where we can learn from each other.

There is a website called This website has courses in everything imaginable...including low in cost and even including free!

For example, this website has aromatherapy courses both low in cost and for free. If I take all of the aromatherapy courses, I can call myself a Master of Aromatherapy.

I am not going to be able to have the fancy education, but heck, simply being an aromatherapist is just going to have to do. I am not ashamed and am not attempting to impress. I want to help people.

Aromatherapy is a form of alternative medicine, which is the craze these days.

What would you like to return to school for? Do you feel that you do not have enough moments in the day or night? I know how you feel, but we need to.

Would you rather have a fancy job title?

Would you rather have a fancy education?

Would you rather pay thousands?

I want you to see the light! Sometimes cheaper or free are just as good if not better! With Coursesity, you can study at your own pace. You can study from the comfort of your own home. No commute. No dorm.

Do you have a stressful job? Why not take up courses on Coursesity to get you out of that rut!

Are you just poor like I am? Why not take up courses to help you earn a better living!

What is your passion? For example, I have been obsessed with scents my whole life. Then, I have always wanted to help people. So, there you have it! Aromatherapy!

Make sure that you have a plan. For example, I want to sell essential oil body mists made specifically for each ailment. I want people to be able to afford such alternative medicine.

I can give massages once my education is through. However, I am not sure whether with a chiropractor, on my own or both.

Essential oils can be found on eBay for very cheap. Cha-ching! Empty body mist bottles can be found on eBay for very cheap. Cha-Ching! If I want, there are rollers sold online to give massages with. ..very professional.

One last comment...

If you just find it too difficult to return to school, educate yourself all by yourself.

Go to your local library and take out book after book of what you are interested in and take notes.

Watch YouTube videos on the topic you are interested in.

If I educate myself on aromatherapy, I can still call myself an aromatherapist. For example, I taught myself how to apply make-up on myself and on other ladies. I can call myself a make-up artist. Do you understand where I am coming from?

Finally, just go after what subject that you really want. We figured out the cost (low and free), the where (, the how (online, from home) and the why (to go after your passion).


About the Creator

Leiann Lynn Rose Spontaneo

Studied Political Science at Duquesne University.

Highest Honors Graduate in Fitness and Nutrition from Stratford Career Institute.

Her future plans are to become an aromatherapist to help people with their ailments using essential oils.

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