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The Cheshire House One

Morticia was spending the summer watching over her grandparents house. Mostly just keeping it clean,taking care of the fish and bringing in the mail. The first night was a breeze. What she found on the second night was...strange. Noises seemingly from no where, strange smells, and this feeling she wasn't alone. A disturbing dream that gets progressively more scary with each night. Will she last the summer?

By Raphael FontenellePublished 6 months ago 4 min read
The Cheshire House One
Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash

Dear Journal,

Hey. I just got you from my Grandmother as a birthday gift and way to keep myself occupied. Well aside from watching t.v. or movies. Cuz they don't have WiFi here, so basically I'm going three months without it. But it shouldn't be too terrible. I have gone a long while without it and I was fine. Sure it was three weeks but same difference.

Anyway. My name is Morticia, I'm eighteen years old. But I won't be graduating from high school until I'm nineteen next year. And I'm a huge horror movie fan. Yeah, yeah I know. The chick with the spooky woman name is a horror movie fan. What a shock. Well, I don't care about this. It might be clichéd of me. But it's one that I'm more then willing to embrace. As well as the fact that I have molded myself into looking like her. Pale skin and such. My big sister, Stephanie, has taught me how to make my face up like hers too. She really helps me with this kind of stuff. Even if it really isn't her style either. My sister's style is very preppy. Well what most people consider preppy. Lots and lots of pink coupled with her being bright blond, naturally tan, and tall. Basically a Barbie doll. And I know this is also a giant cliché. One kid preppy the other goth. But unlike those sibling clichés, I love my big sister. She supports what I do and helps me get the clothes I want. Like when I turned seventeen, she got me this black skull sweater. One that wasn't from hot topic too.

Okay, I'm rambling. But my sister is great. She does a lot for everybody and normally, she'd be watching the place. Unfortunately this year, she had to go to Italy for a business thing. I forgot what it was but she suggested to my Grandmother that I take care of the place since...well..I honestly had nothing better to do. And I love this place. It's pretty darn big, it's near a huge ass lake and there's barely any neighbors. It's like a horror movie location. Though, I guess that isn't the best part. The best part is that I don't have to do much. It's summer vacation, so all I gotta do is take care of the fish and boring stuff. Though I definitely can find some games to play. My cousins usually leave their PlayStation here so I can find something to mess with. Plus Gramps has some comic books that I could probably borrow. So long as I'm, ya know. Careful and don't rip them.

So hopefully, I won't be bored. Now. I should probably mention something about this place. Other than it's near a lake. It's two stories. The guest room is on the first floor and the fish are all on the second floor. Just some cute goldfish who need to be fed twice a day. Which I already did. There's two big windows in the front of the house. And the door has several locks on it. You know,the standard old people locks. Which both of my Grandparents thoroughly reminded me to keep locked when I'm sleeping tonight. And to remember to lock the backdoor too. Like I'd need to be reminded. It's not like someone would break in. They have nothing of real value to steal. Other than an old ass PlayStation or comics. But I promised and whatever.

The upstairs has a huge bathroom, a storage closet, their bedroom, and not much else. It's kind of empty in here since they don't own much. Mom says that they moved here because they were hoping to have a huge family and it was cheap. Instead they had my Mom and her little brother only. And she isn't sure why this place was so cheap though. It isn't haunted, or so she remembers.

My guess is that it probably just wasn't selling or the previous owners were desperate. In any case, they got this place and I'm enjoying the silence. Also probably sounding like a giant weirdo but at least I'm just talking to you for now. It would be pretty awkward if someone was reading this.

I honestly got nothing else other than talking about what I got planned for today. Which is to pick out a cheesy movie. Go swimming afterwards and make myself some food. Maybe have some burgers or something. Heck I could probably just snack instead and stay up until whenever. I just might. Is it kind of weird to be excited by doing nothing? Maybe because at home it feels like I'm wasting my life. Or that's just how my parents make it seem like. I might just try to get another summer job. One that will let me work during the school year too. My old job fired me after they refused to let me work during the school year. And I dunno if it was entirely legal. But honestly, it was good to escape it. I was working at an annoying bookstore that had nothing I liked and shitty hours. I think I was planning on quitting any way but being fired just feels terrible. And it's scary. Well scary to me. Adults are probably just sad when it happens to them. I dunno. I haven't asked Mom or Dad what it was like for them. And Stephanie hasn't been fired before so I doubt she knows.

Well, I assume she hasn't been. I know she would tell me if she has been. But I don't remember her ever being fired. And I really wish I could call her, but I don't wanna drive up the phone bill. Mom and Dad would probably understand. But I'd rather not do something really expensive and possibly not get good reception. And with how busy her schedule seemed to be, I doubt she'd have time. Along with the fact that I don't know what time it is in Italy. I could call her up and she could be going to bed. Or be asleep.

Or not even at her friend's place and I don't know any Italian to ask.'s just better off that I don't call. Okay, I'm gonna go see what movies I wanna watch. I'll check in tomorrow.

<3 Morticia


About the Creator

Raphael Fontenelle

Horror movie fan trying to write decent horror.

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran6 months ago

    This seems to be a very good start. You've already published up to part seven. I'll see if I can read them all.

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