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Redemption Of Drowning 7

My Collaboration with Dana Stewart and Will McGhee(The Invisible Writer)

By Mariann CarrollPublished 2 months ago Updated 2 months ago 6 min read
Redemption Of Drowning 7
Photo by Miriam Espacio on Unsplash

Chapter 7 Redemption Of Drowning

Written By: Mariann Carroll, Dana Stewart, and The Invisible Writer(Will McGhee)

Jonathan had not heard from his friend, Seth Miller. It has been two weeks since they last spoke. Jonathan’s cell phone started vibrating.

“Hello,” Jonathan answered his phone.

“ Hi, Buddy! Sorry, it took a while before I got back to you. I have this new X-file case and I was working with the Men and Black. Anyway, I told them about your cousin's story and they say it looks like the Aliens from planet Zofloon caused the body switch.” Seth told Jonathan what he knew.

“How are Danny and Paul going to switch their body back?” Jonathan asked.

“That’s the thing, Paul and Danny would have to go to the Men and Black headquarters and have their body switched back before this month's end. If this does not happen they will permanently remain in each other body.”

Jonathan told Seth he would get back to him. Jonathan called his cousin and told her what his FBI buddy told him. It just so happened Jonathan called when both Paul and Danny were at her apartment.

Paul sat with Danny and Teresa at the table after the phone call. He watched Danny in his body shout more than he spoke at Teresa, blaming her for everything. He leaned back in Danny's body, completely disgusted, as he looked at his own body yelling at the woman he once loved. Once was that true? If he was honest, he had to admit sitting across from her, the love was still there.

His mind went to Judy. He wasn't in love with her. He hadn't been for a long time if he ever really was. In the early days, he thought he might be. After the devastation of losing Teresa, Judy had helped pick him up. She was sweet, and it was obvious she loved him. He had let himself get lost in her feelings, but had he had his own, or was he living in hers?

When she asked him to get married he was surprised. But, he had said yes because he thought he could be somewhat happy with her. He could get by. He thought her happiness would be enough for the both of them. But, after their first year, her happiness had turned to paranoia. And in the time since it had only gotten worse. His life had become an endless chain of accusations. He had his suspicions about what happened on the water the day Danny and he switched bodies. In his gut, he knew Judy had something to do with it. It wouldn't be the first time she had gone to extremes.

Looking at Teresa's hazel eyes as she glared at Danny, screaming at her from his true body, Paul marveled at her beauty. Looking at her now, he was certain that he loved her. He had never stopped loving her. The thought resonated inside him. He suddenly knew it with every fiber of his soul. Teresa was all he would ever want, ever need. He didn't care if he got his body back, anymore. All he wanted was her.

"Paul." Teresa was looking at him. Danny was finally quiet. Meeting her eyes with his, he knew. She wanted him too. Every word he needed to hear was written in her gaze. His mind started to turn to how he would work this out for all of them. Judy could have Danny in his body or back in the one he belonged. Then, they could spend the rest of their lives making each other miserable, and he and Teresa could spend every day in love.

It was suddenly clear to him. He would be the father to Danny's baby. Danny wouldn't care. The selfish prick wouldn't hesitate to skip out on his responsibilities, he knew it. And if on the off chance he didn't. Maybe it was time for Danny and Judy to taste their own medicine. Because it wasn't just a hunch anymore. Paul knew it in every cell of his being. Judy and Danny had tried to kill him that day out on the water.

"PAUL!" Teresa yelled, snapping him out of his thoughts.

Teresa shared with Danny and Paul what her cousin Jon told her on the phone. Danny told her he wanted to go to the Man and Black headquarters. Danny wanted his body back.

“Danny, it is not a guarantee, you will get your body back,” Teresa warned

“ I am not going, I am staying here with Teresa. I will take my chance with your body, Danny boy.” Paul told them.

“ You guys do what you want to do, I don’t care anymore, I just want my body back. I am leaving tomorrow morning. Call your cousin, Jon. Asked him if Paul needed to come, too.” Danny commanded.

“Paul you need to go with Danny to the Men and Black headquarters to get your bodies switched back,” Teresa repeated what her cousin told her.

" I love you, Teresa. I want to be with you.” Paul confessed.

It was agreed upon by the three of them that Paul and Danny would take the trip tomorrow morning to Men and Black headquarters. They will be gone for a week. It will give Teresa time to decide if she should stay with Danny.


The day after Danny and Paul left to go on a trip to Men and Black Headquarters, Seth decided to visit them.

Seth sat behind the wheel of his FBI sedan with the steering wheel gripped tight in his hands. The motor underneath the hood screamed with power as the car careened down the highway. Jonathon was still an hour away, and Teresa was an hour past that. Seth was not informed that Paul and Danny already left, Teresa's apartment. He had to get to them. Everything had changed. Somewhere in the sky, he knew, was a metal sphere flying, ominous in the sky. He was no longer doing a favor. He wasn't concerned about switching back people into the correct bodies, anymore. If he could, of course, he would, but his mission now was to stop the aliens moving across the blue somewhere above his car. He hadn't raised the flags that would send the government running, but that time was coming.

He had no idea why the aliens had come or why they seemed to be headed toward Teresa's apartment, the fact that they weren't hiding their presence from him had every hair on his body standing on end. Pressing the gas pedal, which was already mashed against the floor, Seth prayed for the sedan to find more speed.

Teresa was at her apartment feeling strange. Teresa stared into the steamed mirror in the hall bathroom. The damn lightbulb was flickering on and off, the same one she had asked Danny to change several times before he left for his trip. Just like her, the lightbulb was ignored.

Danny might not be able to switch back to his body. She had to admit it and face the facts. Maybe he would be it would work and Danny might be nice after he gets switched back. Even though he mistreated her, and abused her, he was still her husband and the father of her unborn baby, or was he? What if Paul and Danny cannot switch their bodies back?

I’m disappearing, she thought as she wiped the steam from the glass to see her reflection.

Something was different. She was different. She could feel it in her bones. She knew she had to decide if Danny was worth waiting for. As the baby in her belly moved she knew she had made her decision.

She would wait for Danny. She had to give it one more chance for Danny to change his toxic ways after his body switched back.

But she wouldn’t be the one to give up on her marriage . She had to admit it and face the facts. Even though he mistreated her, abused her, he was still her husband. She knew she couldn’t be that person.

Paul confession confused her even more. Paul was always sweet and nice to her when they were dating. He would accept my baby. Life would be very pleasant with Paul.

Teresa cannot see her reflection in the steaming mirror anymore. Something Strange is happening. The apartment is now in total darkness. She tried to feel her packets for her cell phone.


This chapter was made possible by two talented writers, Dana Stewart and The Invisible Writer, AKA Will McGhee. Thank you so much for sharing your talent with this chapter story collaboration.

Science FictionRomanceFictionFantasyCliffhangerAdventure

About the Creator

Mariann Carroll

Proactive for positive change.Born in the City of Chicago ,Illinois.

Multi race .Studied in a foreign country .Fluent in several languages .

fascinated by diversity.A Romantic and a dreamer.Interest in healthy living

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Comments (7)

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  • Kelli Sheckler-Amsden2 months ago

    hahahaha, next...(Great colab)

  • I was so shocked when aliens came into the story hahahahahahhahaha. I'm sad to know that Teresa still wanna still Danny another chance. Waiting for the next chapter!

  • Thanks Mariann this was a lot of fun

  • Clyde E. Dawkins2 months ago

    What an awesome chapter! Love it!!

  • Babs Iverson2 months ago

    Loved this chapter!!! ❤️❤️💕

  • And the story continues! It's been a while. I was wondering if it was over. Well done, you three.

  • Thank you so much Will McGee and Dana Stewart. It was a great pleasure to collaborate with you both 🤗🥰🌞🎉

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