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My 300-Days Journey Through Nuclear Turmoil

By Okafor EmmanuelPublished 4 months ago 9 min read

Days 301-310

Discovering a haven in the midst of chaos, we fought fiercely to establish our sanctuary, a place we dared to call home. However, the illusion of safety shattered when the town uncovered my deception about my identity. In this new world, honesty became a non-negotiable virtue. Consequently, the town council discreetly requested my departure. I chose not to disclose this to Alexis, Lilith, Annie, Meg, or Robby, understanding that they would willingly accompany me, jeopardizing their safety. Every action I had taken thus far aimed to safeguard them.

Driven by intelligence from a raider, I learned of an emerging threat in the desert—an individual amassing forces in the post-apocalyptic landscape. With the old world in ruins and factions vying for dominion over the new, and the US government holed up in the heartland, the majority of the country had become a lawless expanse of nuclear remnants. My family's safety hinged on unraveling the mystery of this looming danger. Following the retreating raiders through treacherous mountains, I sought to uncover the gathering army's whereabouts. My plan was unclear, but knowledge equated to power, and understanding my adversary became imperative.

Navigating the challenging terrain of the mountains proved arduous, despite utilizing various service roads and highways. Early and thick snowfall, coupled with a pervasive layer of ash in the atmosphere, necessitated the use of breathing protection. The radioactive fallout posed threats to exposed skin and inhalation.

Closing in on the group of retreating raiders, survivors of the Big Bear assault, I observed their hurried escape, leaving behind guards and supplies. My solitary journey allowed for swift progress, and I trailed only a few days behind. Regrettably, I stumbled upon the remnants of a campsite, evidence of survivors fallen victim to ruthless butchery, reminiscent of the cannibal atrocities. A man lay dead in the snow, accompanied by two others, now vanished—likely assimilated into the raider's grim inventory. A sense of urgency gripped me as I contemplated the possibility of intervening to rescue any potential captives and thwart further tragedy.

Days 310-320

From a distance, I observed their camp at night, its flickering fires revealing their oblivious sense of security. Determined to close the gap, I steadily increased my pace each day. However, I needed to conserve my energy, fully aware that a confrontation with the remaining five or six raiders awaited me at their main camp, possibly joined by reinforcements acquired along their journey. Concerns loomed over the fate of the captives they had taken, particularly the one they had brutally killed and butchered.

Under the cover of darkness, I stealthily approached the raider's camp, finding two guards on night duty. Bound to a tree were two female captives—a middle-aged woman and a teenage girl. A lifeless body nearby suggested the unfortunate fate of the father. Seven raiders inhabited the camp, with five resting while two negligently watched over the prisoners and supplies. Seizing the opportunity, I decided to weaken them before launching a full assault.

Despite the bone-chilling cold, I patiently awaited an opening. Finally, one guard left to relieve himself, unknowingly becoming my first target. Silent and swift, my knife found its mark in the dark. Tempted to eliminate the second guard, I reconsidered, realizing the risks of trusting untrained civilians to remain silent. Carrying the lifeless body into the darkness, I aimed to maintain the element of surprise.

On the second night, confident in my knowledge of the camp's layout and personnel, I executed my plan. Advancing stealthily through the snow, I took out the guards on duty who had become more vigilant due to the mysterious disappearance of one of their own. As I closed in on the tents, my M4 in hand, I fired four shots, neutralizing the guards. In a strategic move, I employed a found fragmentation grenade, causing chaos among the raiders as they scrambled for weapons.

With half their force incapacitated, I easily picked off the remaining survivors emerging from the tents. The superior firepower of my M4 proved invaluable in ensuring my success. Amidst the settling dust, I entered the camp, finding the wounded in the first tent. Initially poised to eliminate them, I reconsidered upon making eye contact with the older captive woman. Instead, I freed her and her daughter, urging them to follow me into the safety of the darkness, leaving the injured raiders to their inevitable fate.

The rescued captives were Clara and her daughter Alana, confirming my earlier suspicions about the murdered man being their husband and father. Faced with a dilemma of whether to continue my mission or protect them, their fear rendered them incapable of navigating on their own. Consequently, I altered my course, leading them westward towards a known desert community that would offer refuge. Consulting my map, we embarked on a challenging journey through the mountains, with the absence of snowplows making it a daunting trek.

Days 321-330

Having escaped the chaos that followed the bombings north of Los Angeles, Clara and Alana, like many others in Southern California, found themselves grappling with the loss of electricity, which also meant the loss of water. With the power grid down, survivors faced the harsh reality of scarcity, prompting mass migrations in various directions. Some sought refuge in the rural landscapes of northern California, while others ventured east toward the heartland. Clara and her daughter, mirroring our own initial journey, headed south, hopeful that military bases in San Diego had endured the attacks.

Nearly a year had passed since the world was turned upside down, and the few remaining survivors were burdened with severe PTSD. Our attempts at conversation about our past were veiled in a peculiar dance around the painful memories, using phrases like "I used to do this..." or "I used to do that...". There was an unspoken agreement among survivors to avoid discussing the old world or the lives lost since then. However, one topic we did explore was the unsettling transformation of human behavior in this new reality, where people had become predators, turning on each other with alarming speed. I recounted a quote about civilization's fragility, emphasizing how true it had become in the aftermath of the power outage.

Tragedy struck when Alana twisted her ankle, leaving her with a debilitating limp that threatened to impede our progress. In her eyes, I saw the fear that she would become a burden and that I might abandon them, a disturbing reflection of the world's new order. Clara, displaying her past skills as a nurse, took charge, wrapping Alana's ankle, while I fashioned a crutch from branches, assuring them that abandoning them was not an option.

During a private moment at night, I pulled Clara aside to assure her of their safety and my unwavering commitment. I emphasized that she didn't need to prove her value; I had made a promise to ensure their well-being, even if it meant risking my life. Clara, overwhelmed with emotion, collapsed into tears, releasing the pent-up sorrow she had been concealing for a long time. As we returned to the warmth of our campfire, she had composed herself, putting on a brave front for Alana, who remained unaware of the emotional exchange that had taken place.

Days 330-339

By Scott Goodwill on Unsplash

Marked a challenging descent from the mountains, exacerbated by the treacherous mix of snow and ash obstructing our path. Despite our well-stocked supplies, courtesy of scavenging from raiders, particularly the non-human edibles, our progress was hampered by Alana's injury. After a week of travel, a distant plume of smoke caught my attention, prompting me to instruct the others to conceal themselves while I investigated.

Venturing towards the source of the smoke, I discovered a small cabin nestled along a dirt road. Eager to ensure the absence of imminent danger, I stealthily circled the cabin, attempting to peer through its windows. However, my reconnaissance efforts were abruptly halted by the unmistakable click of a safety catch and a gravelly voice commanding me to freeze.

Confronted by the business end of a shotgun wielded by a weathered man, I admitted the truth about our small group and our quest for safety. His steely gaze scrutinized me suspiciously, a clear indication that charity was a rarity in this post-apocalyptic world. Yet, as I recounted our escape from the city, encounters at the Salton Sea community, and the assault on Big Bear, the man surprised me with an unexpected inquiry.

“How many people have you killed?”

With honesty, I acknowledged, "As many as I had to keep my people safe." Remarkably, the man, who seemed disconnected from the cannibalistic threat, lowered his shotgun and instructed me to follow him. Devoid of choices, I complied, and after a brief stop at his cabin to retrieve crutches, he warned me of the consequences of deception.

Guided by him and his shotgun, I led him to the hidden girls. Initially alarmed, the terror in their eyes prompted him to lower the weapon apologetically, revealing an unexpected hint of shame. Introducing himself as Watson, he provided crutches for Alana and extended an invitation to stay the night at his cabin.

Days 334-339 saw an extended stay at Watson's cabin as Alana's sprain healed. Despite his gruff exterior, Watson revealed a surprisingly kind interior, shaped by a life where kindness was best concealed. My inquiry about concerns regarding raiders and scavengers in the mountains unveiled his vigilant defense of what he deemed "his land." Watson's ability to approach unnoticed showcased his expertise, leaving me duly impressed.

In those days, we enjoyed the hospitality of Watson's cabin, indulging in real meat despite his lamentations about the dwindling game population. Expressing mutual hopes that this scarcity was a temporary adjustment to the new world, our bonds strengthened. Alana, in a surprising moment, invited Watson to join us, citing the depletion of game in the mountains. Uncomfortable with the idea of joining a group, Watson's resistance melted away as Alana's sincerity touched a soft spot. Though he maintained an air of privacy, I couldn't help but wonder if Watson's past held a connection to a daughter, and I refrained from prying into his personal history.

Days 340-350

By Andrew Teoh on Unsplash

When Alana regained the ability to put weight on her foot, we resumed our journey, fueled by my growing anxiety. Every passing day on the road increased the potential threat to Big Bear, and I felt a pressing need to gather information about the looming army. I needed details on its size, leadership, and plans—whether another attack on Big Bear was imminent or if their target lay elsewhere. The uncertainty weighed on me, but before pursuing answers, I had a promise to fulfill to Alana and her mother.

Surprisingly, Watson agreed to join our quest. His gaze at Alana hinted at a personal connection, perhaps a daughter or a reminiscent figure from his past. I welcomed his decision, recognizing his expertise as a tracker and woodsman, skills that could prove invaluable.

With Alana's healed ankle and Watson guiding us through faster routes, our pace quickened. We left the mountains behind and entered the desert, our destination just southwest of our current position, only a few days away on foot.

To avoid the risks associated with Slab City, we took a detour, skirting the lake along its western shore. Once a lawless community, Slab City had transformed into a haven for raiders and outcasts after the war. Nightfall found us seeking refuge in abandoned buildings on the outskirts of the old communities surrounding the Salton Sea. Having overhead shelter provided a sense of security against potential raider attacks. Until we neared the safety of the farms, we refrained from lighting fires and endured cold meals.

One night, Watson slipped away, driven by a mysterious feeling. Silently, he disappeared into the desert, returning just before sunrise with a bound man dressed in worn travel gear. Watson identified him as a scout, confirming his suspicion of being watched the previous night. The captive, silenced by Watson's stern demeanor, revealed unsettling news—an impending visit from a smaller force scouring the Salton basin for survivors.

The severity of the situation prompted Clara to inquire about our plans for the scout. Watson volunteered to handle it, but I decided against allowing him to mete out justice without due process. Instead, we opted to turn the scout in at our destination, where law and order prevailed. The decision received unanimous agreement, though internally, I couldn't dismiss Watson's inclination for a harsher approach. Perhaps, however, a more civilized world required a departure from savagery.


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