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That Ikigai Book

Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life

By Justine CrowleyPublished 10 months ago 11 min read
That Ikigai Book
Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

This is the book that yours truly is talking (literally raving) about in the opening image of this article. I kind of have my work on social media to thank, for helping one really get in touch with her Ikigai. Who knew that one simple book could be packed full of wisdom, gems, and other tips for living a life on "purpose." And it is not dry and academic, as would be the norm (and maybe even the expectation) of some of those types of books. For example, and much respect to Stephen Covey (in more ways than one, and thank you for your work); yet one is still stuck on what the seven highly habits of effective people actually are.

I have to confess that there will be a few spoilers; yet they (the spoilers themselves) are not designed to deter you from buying this book, if you so choose to.

This is one book that is actually worth sacrificing a few lattes for, because the value you receive in exchange is even sweeter.

By Finde Zukunft on Unsplash

At this point, you might be wondering what does Ikigai mean?

Simply put, Ikigai is that "sweet spot" between doing what you love, and what you are good at, while adding to value to the world, and actually being paid for such work. All professions fulfil a need, and/or solve at least one problem.

It really is that simple. This is no different to the petal exercise in What Color Is Your Parachute? - however, the concept of Ikigai (beginning with a small rundown on what logotherapy means; in other words, finding your purpose in life) is a much simpler conclusion to reach. Not only is this book life changing (in my humble opinion); it is designed for those who want more of a fast food kind of option with substance and meaning. And no insult to the author in saying fast food.

By Linda Yuan on Unsplash

This book delves into whether or not Ikigai is the reason as to why people are living longer in regions where this concept is ingrained in their skulls, combined with eating and living well in general; as in the Okinawans. Without giving any prizes away here; this book astounded me with such remarkable and unbiased discoveries.

The concept of not retiring at all may rub a few of you up the wrong way; but stay with me. The book purports that if people retire, and there is no purpose in line with meaningful work; then life is dull, and this is the trend as to why many people drop dead, or are dead broke at age 65 onwards. Sure, there might be a time where you will have to stick with unenjoyable work for a little while longer, until you find your Ikigai, while you are in process of clarifying, and then setting such processes and life systems up. Therefore, the penny really drops as to why many so called retired people jump at the opportunity to engage in some volunteer work at that side of life.

By Headway on Unsplash

That is so life changing, because working in the right form of work (in other words, your Ikigai) is the essence of optimal mental health and vitality. You are seizing the day. This is how yours truly is determined to remain a writer, and as a result of now knowing my Ikigai; I have recently pivoted to research work in the nutritional sciences, as well as studying data analytics; and despite the challenges of such, I am already more than a quarter of the way through my studies a short few weeks later, despite other commitments going on.

If Google (of all tech companies) tells you that you are learning data analytics 72% faster than other learners in such modules, and an all-important exam is aced without any open books at a busy cafe; then you have guessed right: I'm (clearly) in the zone in my Ikigai.

By Finde Zukunft on Unsplash

This little book surprisingly carries more value beyond just figuring out your Ikigai, and then taking that calm and inspiration to apply it to your life with confidence in as little as a few weeks. This (shall I say awesome) book also delves into the anti-aging not-so-secret-secrets beyond knowing what retinol means, and it is cheaper than anticipated. A little bit of stress (eustress was not the word to describe such) as a little bit of pleasant stress is the fuel to the fire in relishing, and hence in living out your Ikigai authentically.

By Uday Mittal on Unsplash

Whether you have experienced anxiety of not (this is not off topic, and there is a purpose to bringing up this particular condition); this little nugget below was life changing on its own (metaphorically speaking) two feet. In other words, if we are way too outside of our comfort zones, and/or we are engaged in work that is way too difficult for our talents to comprehend; it just makes natural sense as to why such people would be anxious. You would be demotivated and discouraged, and the same would ring true if (on the other hand) such work was way too easy. Ah, it makes sense. Ikigai = FLOW:

Easy = Boredom

Challenging = Flow / Immersion

Beyond our abilities = Anxiety

This book further explains that when we engage in work that is challenging, and hence adds meaning and purpose to our lives (you've got it...your Ikigai) then your brain will have no need for external distractions such as cell phones, addictions, other webpages, and social media.

By Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

Being at peace with your work is key, and work that is in line with your Ikigai is not meant to be easy. According to Gitnux, job dissatisfaction in the US in 2023 is as high as 50.1%. It really astonishes me that these statistics (although expectantly high) are still surprisingly so high. I do not know about you, however every time I have been in a job that I have disliked in the past; it mainly boiled down to boredom, as a by-product of not being challenged enough.

By César Abner Martínez Aguilar on Unsplash

For example, this book has inspired me to take a full inventory of my career as follows:

Part 1: My Ikigai - Job/Career/Business

1. Data Analytics

Do I enjoy it? Yes. No one is poking and prodding me to study.

Am I good at it? Yes. An 80% mark is required to pass all exams. I've been getting 100% on some of them. (Not to impress, but rather to impress upon).

Can I get paid for something like this? Upon finishing my studies, absolutely. In Australia, entry level salaries for such is at least $60K, if not more.

It's challenging - especially the bits on SQL (when the course provider does not update the teachings to include the changes on the BigQuery user interface, for example).

By Tyler Nix on Unsplash

Part 1: Ikigai is On The Fence - Job/Career/Business

2. Content Moderation

Do I enjoy it? Sometimes. There are other times where I cannot concentrate, and I am distracted. Sometimes I have to watch some distasteful content. My values and opinions around a couple of social media tools are also changing.

Am I good at it? Sometimes. My QA scores keep score on this. Sometimes I am below the clients target; other times I either meet or exceed it, depending on the content involved, as well as my mood.

Can I get paid for something like this? Yes. This is one of the most secure freelance assignments that I have held since 2020. The client, and the other freelancers I work with, are really nice people.

It's challenging. Once I have secured a full-time Data Analytics Consultant position; this opportunity will be downgraded to a side hustle, for a little extra moolah.

By Tim Gouw on Unsplash

Part 1: NOT my Ikigai - Job/Career/Business

3. UX Design

Do I enjoy it? Not anyone. I did for the first three years. This book gave me a kick in the pants to work on a much needed specialty change in IT. That is what one is doing as a student again.

Am I good at it? The feedback from my clients is great; yet I am still not sure anymore, as I am feeling the effects of imposter syndrome post-pandemic.

Can I get paid for something like this? I have been paid plenty of times for this work while freelancing since the beginning of 2020. Work is naturally dropping off though. That is a clue from the universe that it is time for a change.

It's still challenging though. Not my Ikigai anymore, thanks to this stellar book.

By eleonora on Unsplash

Part 2: My Ikigai - Side Hustles

4. Freelance Writing (Vocal Media, and a private UX Writing client.)

Do I enjoy it? Yes. I love to write. I am in flow every time I sit down to write. I am helping people, and the majority of the time I am also helping myself. Writers block is never really an issue for me. I also love creating headings, and selecting the images to use, and their placements in a feature article.

Am I good at it? Yes. Client feedback (from the private one) has been really positive; even though I am adept at taking constructive criticism on the chin. I have also won editors choice and Top Story awards. I am a proud owner of the (mint) Vocal Media Top Story t-shirt. Even the reader feedback given on this platform has been helpful too. And I am earning some passive income; even if it only feels like pocket money.

Can I get paid for something like this? Yes, however the income is super slow. This is why my writing work is a side hustle.

It's challenging. It keeps me on my toes, creatively speaking. It keeps me thinking, and my mind is therefore fresh and active.

5. Academic Research Assistant

Do I enjoy it? Yes. I love walking to campus, and feeling like a uni student all over again. I work with a lovely and supportive team, and the perks, together with the tax free stipend is mint.

Am I good at it? Yes. The feedback on my work has been great. This is why my research supervisor is asking me to come back.

Can I get paid for something like this? Yes, however the income is super slow again. This is why this work is a side hustle.

It's challenging. It teaches me to manage my time, and I am signed on with a top 20 University around the world. Working around really smart people is a blessing.

6. Dog Sitter

Do I enjoy it? Yes. I love walking dogs, as well as sleeping with them, and in giving them treats and cuddles. It is fun to be a dog owner, without the responsibility of full-time dog ownership.

Am I good at it? Yes, according to one-off clients, where I have looked after their pups.

Can I get paid for something like this? Yes, however this work is quite seasonal. Pocket money once again, which is why it is a side hustle.

It's challenging. Dogs force you to get out of your shell, and talk to people. You will also have to pick up doggy-you-know-whats at an inopportune time. Dogs can also misbehave, and bark loudly.

By Simon Hurry on Unsplash

Part 2: Ikigai is On The Fence - Side Hustles

7. Graphic Design

Do I enjoy it? Sometimes, although it can feel boring and monotonous at other times. I have been procrastinating on getting started on my Etsy shop.

Am I good at it? Yes, according to client comments.

Can I get paid for something like this? Yes, although due to AI and the cost of living pressures; I do not see much demand for digital downloads on a site like Etsy.

It's easy and beyond my ability. Producing the artworks is easy for me; yet I am overwhelmed with the steps that one has to take to get the Etsy shop up and running.

By Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash

Part 2: NOT my Ikigai - Side Hustles

8. Temporary Employment

Do I enjoy it? It all depends on the job. If the assignment length is short and sweet, then I tend to enjoy the work that I have been doing. In saying that, there are some assignments that I have loved, while there have been others that I have despised. One sent me to the physiotherapist twice, and one week before completion as well.

Am I good at it? Yes, according to recruitment agency feedback, and sometimes the feedback I get from my direct supervisor.

Can I get paid for something like this? Definitely. This work also feeds my superannuation account; no different to the 401K in America.

It's a mix of easy, challenging and beyond my ability - depending on the role, as well as the hours involved, and the duration of the assignment. There are times where I have been bored, and there have been other times where such work is either good for my mental health; while there have been other times that such work has sent my mental health down the tube in comparison. Conclusion = not my Ikigai.

Money is never the motivator as this book rightly implies, subject to the contrary. Motivation comes from within.

Would you like to try this self reflection on your career? It can be overwhelming at first; yet you will never know your Ikigai unless you apply those key questions that this sensational book brings out. And of course, even if we are deemed good at certain tasks and skills; we can always improve and be better and more efficient at such.

You can then focus your attention, time and energies on those work related activities that end up being revealed to be your Ikigai. Pretty sweet right?

By Marcel Eberle on Unsplash

Some key points are also published in this sweet little book in bullet points for easy to digest concepts. Would you gasp with awe and surprise if I told you that the author also interviewed some centenarians as to how they lived to longer than 100 years? Wow. That part of the book was also a surprising read, in and of itself. Don't worry, and live the slow life (thank you, page 112).

By madison lavern on Unsplash

For the fellow yogis out there, or for anyone keen on yoga; this part of the book shows some visuals, and explains how sun salutations work. If you were once (or still are like me) in a position to engage in 108 full sun salutations in a solstice period; it would feel like you are in heaven at this point. And the same rings true if all you can do is one full sun salute a day, on average or otherwise. If Qi Gong is more of your jam; this same book (seriously) has you covered from head to toe. It is inspiring to therefore take action on such; in other words, to actually move that body correctly.

By Jack Blueberry on Unsplash

In conclusion, all of us need to be resilient, no matter what. If you do not find your Ikigai at the end of the book; please keep trying until you do. This is something that could be refined (say) once every six months; no different to your general life values.

Handy tips are provided, and with this book (and it is travel sized, and hard cover too) it so feels like you are supported throughout your Ikigai journey through and through. Surprisingly, this is the best $14 that one has invested in her personal development - ever. This is something I do not take lightly.

By Shreesha bhat on Unsplash

The general consensus is that this book is warm and friendly, if I had to describe it as a personality. Relationships are hard work at the best of times. This is one book that I am thrilled to have developed an ongoing working relationship with (hence to revise my Ikigai once every few months), giving me a source of luxury, and most of all some comfort (no different to hugging a squishmallow) in such crazy times or otherwise. Books can evoke all kinds of emotions, and this article is living proof of such life changing transformations. Enjoy, and please seize the day.


About the Creator

Justine Crowley

Freelance Internet Moderator/UX Writer/UX Consulting Designer/Graphic Designer

Lives in Sydney, Australia. Loves life.

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  • Justine Crowley (Author)9 months ago

    Now for the side hustle - Ikigai changes from the 15th of September 2023: Part 2: My Ikigai - Side Hustles 1. Writing - That remains for Vocal Media. Still slow there. However, my UX writing work is soaring high, and I am loving it. NB: Research Assistant & Dog Sitting - I am not really choosing to engage in these opportunities at this time, due to the surge in demand in my freelance writing, UXD & Content Moderation work. (And the Data Analytics study is still going on.) Graphic Design remains unchanged on the fence. And temporary jobs for the Government in various roles - I still do not like. Therefore, that too remains unchanged. Thank you so much.

  • There are some changes to my Ikigai since, as of the 15th of September 2023: Part 1: My Ikigai - Job/Career/Business 1. Content Moderation - My confidence has improved since, and I am inundated with so much work. I am really enjoying it again now. (Upgraded from being on the fence). 2. UX Design - As per the above. I was tested, and since the beginning of September, my work is doing well. Confidence is back, including attending an unexpected emergency client meeting. And another client increasing my value at the end of another meeting.(Upgraded from not being my Ikigai, to being my Ikigai again.) Part 1: Ikigai is On The Fence - Job/Career/Business - nothing now. Part 1: NOT my Ikigai - Job/Career/Business 1. Data Analytics - So difficult for me right now. I am going to get my Google Data Analytics Certification, however I am now struggling with my studies, and I have mentally and emotionally checked out of this course over the last couple of weeks. Part of that is due to my writing and Content Moderation/UXD work soaring and growing. The constructive feedback on iterative suggestions on a data viz from a potential employer was a lot, and I do not know if I will achieve those iterations in time, due to how busy I suddenly am in my business.

  • Kayleigh Fraser ✨10 months ago

    Yoga and Qi gong saved my life over and over. How different life would have been if I had practiced this from a young age. Really engaging article and enjoyable read, Justine. Well done 👏

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