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"2 Exciting New Nonfiction Books released in February 2023 Part II"

"2 Exciting New Nonfiction Books released in February 2023 Part II"

By Akale MandunduPublished about a month ago 4 min read
"2 Exciting New Nonfiction Books released in February 2023 Part II"
Photo by Studio Media on Unsplash

1. "A Darker Wilderness: Black Nature Writing From Soil to Stars" is a captivating anthology edited by Erin Sharkey that brings together a series of essays from Black writers, each exploring the complex relationship between nature and Black history, culture, and identity. This collection presents a unique and multifaceted perspective on the natural world, blending personal experiences with historical context to create a rich tapestry of stories that challenge traditional narratives of nature writing.

The anthology's structure is particularly intriguing, as each essay is centered around an archival object of Black history. These objects include Benjamin Banneker's 1795 almanac, a statue of a Haitian revolutionary, and a photo of a woman at a civil rights demonstration, among others. The writers use these objects as entry points to explore their personal connections to nature and the broader historical and cultural contexts surrounding them.

Through these essays, the collection delves into themes such as the legacy of Black resistance, the impact of systemic racism on the environment, and the enduring strength of Black communities in the face of adversity. The writers skillfully weave together their personal narratives with historical events and figures, offering readers a deeper understanding of the intricate interplay between nature, history, and Black identity.

The essays also reflect on the beauty and resilience of the natural world, as well as the profound ways in which Black individuals and communities have connected with and been shaped by their environments. From urban landscapes to rural settings, the collection spans a wide range of experiences and geographies, highlighting the diversity of Black voices and perspectives in nature writing.

Sharkey's thoughtful curation creates a scrapbook-like experience for readers, allowing them to immerse themselves in the rich history, politics, and beauty that permeate each essay. The writers' intimate and evocative prose invites readers to reflect on their own relationship with nature and consider the ways in which their personal histories intersect with the natural world.

"A Darker Wilderness" challenges the conventional boundaries of nature writing, offering a fresh and necessary perspective on the genre. The collection serves as a celebration of Black voices and their contributions to the literary landscape, as well as a call to recognize the importance of diverse narratives in understanding our world.

Overall, this anthology is a thought-provoking and moving exploration of the connections between nature, history, and Black experience. It is a must-read for anyone interested in expanding their understanding of the natural world and the complex histories that shape it. Through its powerful essays, "A Darker Wilderness" invites readers to appreciate the profound impact of Black voices on our perception of nature and our place within it.

2. "The Darkness Manifesto: On Light Pollution, Night Ecology, and the Ancient Rhythms That Sustain Life" by Johan Eklöf, translated by Elizabeth DeNoma, is a thought-provoking exploration of the profound impact of artificial light on the natural world and the intricate web of life that thrives in darkness. Eklöf, a conservationist with a deep appreciation for the night sky, delves into the beauty and mystery of nighttime and its essential role in maintaining the balance of ecological systems.

The book begins with a historical overview of how humans have extended the length of our days over the last 150 years, particularly with the invention of the light bulb. Eklöf highlights how this has drastically altered the natural rhythms of life, disrupting the delicate balance that has sustained ecosystems for millennia. The widespread use of artificial light has not only illuminated our nights but has also obscured the wonders of the night sky, diminishing our connection to the cosmos.

Eklöf goes on to examine the consequences of light pollution on various aspects of the natural world. He discusses how artificial light disorients and harms nocturnal creatures, such as insects that are drawn to streetlights and other sources of light, often resulting in their death. This disruption of insect populations can have cascading effects on other species that rely on them for food or pollination.

The author also explores the impact of light pollution on human health, particularly in relation to our circadian rhythm. An out-of-sync internal clock can lead to a range of health issues, including sleep disorders, mood disturbances, and even chronic illnesses. Eklöf emphasizes the importance of natural darkness in supporting our well-being and the need to restore our connection to the ancient rhythms of day and night.

Throughout the book, Eklöf offers insightful observations and data-driven arguments to illustrate the far-reaching effects of light pollution. He presents the case for embracing darkness as an essential part of our environment and culture, encouraging readers to reconsider the ways in which artificial light shapes our lives.

In addition to its educational content, "The Darkness Manifesto" provides practical advice for individuals and communities seeking to reduce light pollution and restore the natural rhythms of life. Eklöf suggests simple changes, such as using warmer, dimmer lights, shielding outdoor lights, and promoting awareness of the importance of preserving dark skies.

Ultimately, "The Darkness Manifesto" is a call to action for readers to recognize the value of darkness and its role in sustaining life on Earth. Eklöf's passion for the subject shines through in his eloquent prose and compelling arguments, making this book an engaging and enlightening read for anyone interested in the intersection of ecology, health, and the environment. Through his work, Eklöf invites us to reconsider our relationship with artificial light and embrace the beauty and mystery of the night.

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