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How to Launch a New, Organic Skincare Product—An Interview with Dr. Kimberly Lincoln

Dr. Kimberly Lincoln is the founder of the all-natural oil based beauty line in Tucson, AZ: GLAUX CHEM®.

By GLAUX CHEM®Published 5 years ago 5 min read
Dr. Kimberly Lincoln

It all started in grad school. Dr. Kimberly Lincoln was introduced to intense studies on something called the endocannabinoid system, which serves a crucial purpose to our bodies in addition to regulating key aspects of our biology. For Dr. Lincoln, she discovered that there could be a beneficial implications between hemp oil and the skin—but information on this topic at that time was limited.

In her first experiment—that would later become the company GLAUX CHEM®—Dr. Lincoln used herself as a guinea pig. She purchased her first-ever bottle of cold-pressed unrefined hemp seed oil. At first, she used it on her body. And later when there were no adverse side effects, she used it on her face.

Two months later: her skin felt and looked more healthy than it had ever been. This started Dr. Lincoln's unique approach to skincare solutions.

In this exclusive interview, we talked with Dr. Kimberly Lincoln about her female-lead beauty company, GLAUX CHEM®, her successful Face & Body Oil, and the newest product to her line, The Luxurious Lavender Oil.

Dr. Kimberly Lincoln, featuring the Face & Body Oil and the Luxurious Lavender Oil

Blush: Tell us about GLAUX CHEM®. What was the moment that you knew you needed to create a revolution in the skincare industry?

Dr. Kimberly Lincoln: During grad school is when I discovered all the bad things that are in beauty products from the traditional companies you find in the drug stores and department stores. I worked a lot on an organic synthesis project to develop a specific molecule, and that process was not so friendly for me due to the types of chemicals I used daily.

After getting home from work and washing the chemicals off that made my skin dry, irritated, and red I slowly found myself not wanting to use the products I had anymore. I began to search for products that were fully free of synthetic ingredients, but all the labels I read on all the products I found failed to meet my desires.

I also first learned about hemp oil in grad school and fell in love. Finding 100 percent natural hemp-based skincare products was not successful, so I just decided to make my own formula with a little help from a friend.

How did your first customers react to the Face & Body Oil?

Our first customers are now some of our most loyal to date. They tried the oil and loved the way the oil absorbed quickly, and did not leave a greasy feeling behind. Some people noticed changes in the look of their skin after one week, and some noticed a change in the way their skin felt after only a few applications.

When did you know you were ready to launch a second product—The Luxurious Lavender Oil?

Our survey results! The biggest customer note for improvement was with the smell of our Face & Body Oil, which is formulated without fragrance for people with dry and sensitive skin. Our LBO launch was a little less than two years after we launched our Face and Body Oil to address our customers and their feedback. Hence, we formulated a product that featured the essence of lavender (one of my favorite scents) and marketed it as a night-time repair oil.

What inspired you to create a nighttime skincare solution with an essential oil like lavender?

The lavender essential oil contains a variety of compounds called terpenes. If you are familiar with cannabis then you know that terpenes are critical to the smell, taste, and effects you feel from different cannabis strains. Linalool is the most concentrated terpene found in lavender. Linalool is a biologically active molecule that fights inflammation, helps calm your body by reducing the levels of hormones that trigger stress and anxiety. It's beneficial for you and your brain.

What are 3 of your favorite ways to use the Luxurious Lavender Oil, go!

  • At night before bed to help me sleep; especially after an intense workout.
  • When relaxing in the bathtub, along with some cannabis and rock tunes.
  • On mosquito bites to stop the pain, swelling, and itchiness!

You don’t test your products on animals, which is amazing! How do you test your new products?

GLAUX CHEM® will ALWAYS be a cruelty-free brand. All testing of new products starts with yours truly—moi! If I would not want to put it on my skin or in my body, how the hell can I expect someone else to do it?

After I give myself the initial approval, I then send the new formulas out to our amazing loyal customers who are always eager and willing to try my new creations. I have a set number of people that I like to test the product on and then collect feedback, refine, and resend for the next batch of testing. I do this process at least three times before considering a new launch.

Walk us through the process of creating a new oil. What starts first?

The process of creating a new oil is dictated by the specific application of the oil. The type of oil and specific ingredients I chose to use is based on if we are looking to solve dry skin, aging, sensitive skin, acne, and so on.

Then, after I make a selection of oil I then research the literature to look further into the chemical makeup and what published articles I can find on the skin and the specific ingredient or oil. Making new products is a careful and strategic process, as any research and development project should be.

5 other ingredients you’d love to make products with?

Cannabis (not hemp) oil, hot pepper oil, spearmint and sandalwood essential oil, and tomato seed oil.

What skincare issues have you personally struggled with? How have the FBO and LBO helped?

Living in the desert of Tucson, Arizona, dry skin and sun damage are by far the two most common issues my skin experiences. I use the FBO religiously, at least twice a day, to help prevent my skin from flaking and itching.

I also use the oil in conjunction with sunblock; I only use zinc oxide formulas before I go out into the sun. Our oil helps stop the damage from the UV rays that penetrate deeper into your skin after your sunblock wears off. For extra protection, I make sure to apply more oil to my skin post-shower after a day of intense sun exposure.

The formula for the LBO is a bit more fatty or greasy than the FBO so I tend to use the lavender on my skin at night before bed when my skin needs some extra moisture love.

What’s next for GLAUX CHEM®?

Lotssssss of things. I have a list of about 20 different products I want to launch, and some of these formulas are even in our pending patent application. The next few products that come to mind are a face cream, body lotion, cleanser or soap, exfoliant, lip plumper, and mask.

We also have plans for a beauty line, and since I love colors, the line will initially focus on lipstick, foundation, and mascara.

The big picture later down the road is to research the effects of our products on skin cells, and have an established research group dedicated to publishing and learning more about the benefits of hemp and skin repair and protection.

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About the Creator


Our mission is to help those with skincare needs by developing natural products that are inspired by Mother Nature. Learn more at

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