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How To Build A Skincare Guide in 3 Easy Steps

My skincare routine wasn’t complete until I found this one drink that provides 8mgs of Marine Collagen, contains Aloe Vera, and boosts hydration levels from the inside out.

By Alana HosnPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 4 min read

Created withDune

Top Story - August 2021

When it comes to beauty, women are constantly inundated with new products, tools, hacks, treatments and regimens. Quite frankly, it can be overwhelming to try and keep up with all the novelty; deciphering what actually works and what’s just a trend could be a full time job.

Full disclosure here: I’m a beauty lover. I’m no stranger to trying something new just because it sounds interesting. But for the most part, I like to stick to what's tried and true. For me, that’s sticking to the notion that beauty starts from within. Sure, you can buy all the fancy serums or pay a pretty penny for an ultra luxe celebrity facial, but the fact is that true, lasting beauty results start with the nourishing things we put in our bodies.

If you’re like me and are always looking to get your healthiest, glowiest skin yet, then you’ve come to the right place. I’ve highlighted my three essential rules to follow so you can get your happiest skin yet.

Hydration: Don’t Settle for Just Water

My first tip may seem like a no-brainer, but hydration is essential for your body to function at its best. Have you ever noticed that, when you skimp on drinking water, your whole body seems to be out of sync?

The first place I notice a lack of hydration is my face. Dehydrated skin is like a bad hangover– and no one wants tired, hungover skin. Right away, I start seeing more dry spots along my chin and jaw and know it’s time to up my hydration game. Applying and reapplying moisturizer is an immediate fix, but it’s not a long-lasting fix.

Water is great for hydration, but to take things a step further I look for beverage options with ingredients that really target my needs, like Dune’s Glow Remedy drinks. Filled with hydrating, happy-skin ingredients like collagen, aloe, coconut and prickly pear, Dune is the easiest, yummiest way to get my hydration, plus all those extra added nutrients.

Dune’s Glow Remedy drinks come in three delicious flavors: Bliss (with mango and turmeric), Boost (with acai, coconut, and ginger), and Dewy (with collagen, coconut, and aloe). My favorite of the three is Dewy because it has all the vitamins and nutrients I need to supercharge my skin from the inside out.

We’ve all heard about collagen before. It’s the most abundant protein in the body and helps build and support many areas of the body from bones, skin, hair, eyes, and the digestive system. For skin, adding collagen to your diet is great for elasticity and hydration. Having tried collagen in capsule, liquid, and powder form, I absolutely swear by it. The downside? I can honestly say I’ve never enjoyed taking my collagen. But Dune Dewy makes it so easy to get all the benefits of collagen in a super delicious way. I also love Dewy because drinking collagen is one of the best ways to take advantage of all its benefits, since it’s most easily absorbed and utilized in the body in liquid form. So, drink up and get ready to glow from within!

SPF: Always Use Prepare with Protection

Protect, protect, protect! I cannot stress how important it is to use SPF every day (rain or shine) to protect your skin. So many people skip SPF in their morning routine or think that the little bit of SPF in their foundation is enough. There’s no excuses! If you’re someone who hates the way sunscreen feels on your skin, you’re probably using the wrong SPF for you.

Thankfully, it being 2021 and all, there are a ton of amazing sunscreens to try: from serums to oils to powders. It’s taken a bit of trial and error, but after trying a few different kinds, I’ve finally found one I love.

I want to be someone who ages well, so using sunscreen everyday is a must for me. Applying sunscreen is always the last step in my skincare routine before moving onto my makeup routine. I’m so obsessed with SPF and protecting my skin that I even have a bunch of makeup with added SPF, too. Yup, that’s right, I even have lipstick, eyeshadow, and a makeup setting spray with SPF. The more the merrier!

Exfoliation: Out with the Old, in with the New

For my final skincare rule, we have exfoliation. Exfoliation is the key to vibrant, healthy, glowing skin. On a daily basis, our skin cells renew, leaving dead cells on the surface. When we don’t remove these dead cells through exfoliation, the skin looks dull, pores appear larger, and the skin is more prone to breakouts, whiteheads, and blackheads. Proper and safe exfoliation is a must in order to remove that layer of dead skin, which then allows your moisturizers and serums to penetrate deeper and really work their skincare magic.

Luckily, the beauty industry has come a long way when it comes to exfoliating products. Long gone are the days of harsh peach apricot scrubs. Now, there are easier, safer ways to get rid of dull skin. From exfoliating polishes, to retinoids, to beta alpha hydroxy pads, there’s a wide range of options.

I focus on exfoliation twice per week. I love exfoliating in the shower because the steam from the shower softens the skin, opens the pores, and prepares my skin for exfoliation. I usually stay in the shower for 10 minutes before using a gentle exfoliator and rubbing the scrub in circular motions for 30 seconds before rinsing it off.

After exfoliation, I follow up with my hydrating skincare routine. I love a hyaluronic acid and gel moisturizer after exfoliating! Don’t forget to apply your SPF if you’re exfoliating during the day.

Building a Skincare Routine That Works for You

The above tips may not seem groundbreaking, but I swear they will give you results when you’re consistent. When you start neglecting one of these steps, I guarantee you’ll see your skin suffer. If you are consistent in all three together, you’ll start seeing dream skincare results. Remember, when it comes to beauty and looking your best, it’s not always about a fix-all product.

Sometimes, you have to get serious with what you’re doing (or not doing) on a daily basis. Sticking and committing to a fool-proof plan as simple as this one will make all the difference as you age.


About the Creator

Alana Hosn

Content creator. Writer. Foodie. Lover of all things health and wellness.

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