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10 Ways to Protect Your Skin During the Winter Cold

Don’t freeze your face off this winter! To keep your skin clear, soft, and glowing this season, you’re going to need to protect your skin.

By GLAUX CHEM®Published 6 years ago 6 min read
Top Story - October 2018
Photo by Siarhei Plashchynski on Unsplash

Winter is a time when snow gently hits the ground, where hot cocoa is brewed up by barrelful, and where people get to spend time with their loved ones. It’s a wonderful time for people who enjoy baking cookies, itchy sweaters, and cozy times by the fire. Great as winter may be for your memories, it’s not too great for your skin.

Bitter cold, harsh winds, and dry air from heaters can all negatively impact your skin. When left unchecked, these kinds of conditions can cause dry, cracked, flaky skin that becomes prone to both breakouts and premature wrinkles. If you want to keep your skin looking great, you need to protect your skin during the holiday season.

Figuring out how to keep your skin safe from Jack Frost can be difficult, since there aren’t many resources that discuss it out there. Thankfully, skincare companies like GLAUX CHEM® educate the masses about important winter care. Here are ten tips that will keep your skin glowing this holiday season.

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Protect your face with a wax-based product when hitting the slopes.

Wind is not your skin’s friend, and that means that many winter activities can exacerbate skin damage. When you do things like skiing, snowboarding, or even ice skating, you’re exposing your face to a lot of cold air and wind damage.

In fact, you can even get something called wind burn from too much cold air blowing in your face. With these kinds of activities, an ounce of prevention really is worth a pound of cure. Sadly, regular moisturizer won’t always cut it.

Wax’s thick molecules are shown to be effective in preventing wind burn, which means you will be able to prevent burns while you play outside. Moreover, waxy moisturizers and creams are better at locking in moisture. It’s a win-win.

Don’t forget your sunscreen!

Believe it or not, sunscreen is not just a summer-oriented thing. You should be applying it any time you go outside. When you go bare-faced in the snow, you’re exposing your skin to UVA, UVB, and UVC rays. All of those create free radicals in your skin. Free radicals are what cause premature aging, cellular damage, as well as skin cancer.

The sun doesn’t stop shining during the winter, and snow also can reflect the sun’s UV rays. This, in turn, can exacerbate sun damage by upping the number of free radicals that may attack your skin. If you want to play it safe, it’s best to go with a broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects against all UV radiation.

Sunburns and skin that remains exposed to light during this time of year is susceptible to premature aging, acne, and dryness. You can protect your skin from sunlight by applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen to your face.

Photo by Tony Ross on Unsplash

Get a humidifier.

Even staying indoors can be bad for your skin when it’s winter. Did you ever notice how dry the air in a heated home can be? If your home has that heavy dryness issue, then you will need to find a way to add some more moisture to the air.

A humidifier is an appliance that adds water to the air, which in turn, can help reduce the dryness in the

Believe it or not, the cold winds of winter actually can cause your skin to become an oily mess. When cold air first dries out your skin, your skin’s oil glands get triggered to produce more oil. More oil production leads to greasy skin.

Keeping your skin’s oil production level can help reduce winter acne, and also will help your skin adjust to spring’s warmer temperatures. Hemp seed oil has been shown to help keep your skin’s oil production in check, and it’s actually one of the main ingredients in GLAUX CHEM®’s Face & Body Oil.

Avoid scented products.

Those peppermint-scented winter soaps might smell delightful, but you might want to keep them as decorative accents in your bathroom. The name of the game during winter is ensuring that your skin doesn’t lose moisture. Unfortunately, those delicious-smelling soaps aren’t very good for your skin.

It’s common knowledge that faux fragrances, as well as natural perfumes, have a way of stripping the natural oils from your skin. As a result, these really shouldn’t be used during the winter if you want to keep your skin’s moisture intact.

Photo by Joe Yates on Unsplash

Stick to the natural stuff.

Along with learning to avoid those scented soaps and suds, another good way to protect your skin is to stick to all-natural skincare products. Many of the chemicals and additives used in skincare products are just not that good for you at all.

Some products include additives that are known for causing irritation. Others may dry out your skin, or cause your skin’s oil production to go haywire. Why risk your skin with these additives? There are plenty of products out there that offer a nature-based take on skincare.

Moisturize two to three times a day, ideally with an oil-based moisturizer.

The cold, dry winter air sucks all the moisture you have in your skin out—and that means your skin will need to have extra moisture just so that it can stay healthy. The best way to protect your skin is to moisturize a little bit more than you typically would.

A good way to make sure you maximize your skin absorbs as much moisture as possible would be to use an oil-based moisturizer like GLAUX CHEM®’s Face & Body Oil penetrates deeper into your skin, and also doesn’t clog pores. Moreover, the ingredients in the oil reduce inflammation, which in turn, can help reduce the irritation your skin feels from the winter weather.

Photo by Vitor Pinto on Unsplash

Learn when to moisturize when you hit your sauna.

Winter season is sauna season, and there’s plenty of proof that saunas can definitely help you stay healthy during the winter season. They’re also a great way to make sure that your skin sweats out any nasty stuff from your local environment.

However, there’s an easy way to add emphasis to your sauna time: moisturize with oils beforehand! The warmth of the sauna allows the oils to penetrate deeper, which in turn, allows the oils to nourish your skin on a deeper level.

Not a sauna person? Add oils to your bathwater for similar effects.

A great way to make sure that you get the moisture and nourishment your skin needs is to help your skin’s pores absorb the moisture you want it to receive. The easiest way to do this is to run a warm bath, and add some moisturizing oils like GLAUX CHEM®’s Face & Body Oil into your bathwater.

Dropping in a little GLAUX CHEM® into the warm bathwater will allow the oils to slowly penetrate your skin, giving you the moisture you need without the requirement of sweating things out.

Photo by Alexander McFeron on Unsplash

By the way, you might want to wait a bit before you take baths.

When it’s cold outside, it’s oh, so tempting to get home and immediately jump in the bath, isn’t it? That feeling of the warm water just getting every inch of you nice and cozy sounds great, but you may want to wait a bit.

Studies show that skin that’s exposed to cold, then immediately run under heat tends to go into shock. This is what causes goosebumps when you first hit the tub. The temperature shock alone is pretty terrible for your skin, and can actually cause moisture loss and irritation.

Thankfully, you don’t have to swear off hot baths in the winter. Before you hop in the tub, wait until your skin is room temperature. Your body and your moisture levels will thank you.

Finally, exfoliation can do wonders for your skin.

Even with all the moisturization in the world, there will still be a need to make sure that your skin gets sloughed off from time to time. Dead skin will be more likely to cling to your face during the winter, so doing something as simple as adding a little exfoliation to your skincare routine can make a huge difference.

With a little bit of care and the right tools for your maintenance, you can easily help your skin stay radiant as ever during the winter.


About the Creator


Our mission is to help those with skincare needs by developing natural products that are inspired by Mother Nature. Learn more at

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