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Understanding the Spotify Algorithm

So you wanna know how the Spotify Algorithm works? You’ve come to the right place! I have spent years figuring out how to best take your records to the next level. This is what I have learned so far on how you can best break into Discover Weekly and get your records on Editorial Playlists!

By Kyle TreadwellPublished 4 years ago 1 min read

Stream to Engagement Ratio

The first and most important thing for you to understand is the stream to engagement ration. This your Stream to Save/ Like ratio meaning if you have a lot of streams that is great but it means nothing if people are not saving your record to their own playlists. This is something to focus heavy on in 2020 as you are gonna need these numbers to have to 100:3 or better in order to get the best results.


To get these numbers up the best thing you can do is get your record on high tier playlists with a lot of followers and engagement. You can either build connections to these playlist yourself or simply hire me. I have spent year building these connections to help artist get in front of the right people.

Building a Campaign around your record

In addition to Playlisting it is best to build a campaign around your release. This means securing blogs, influencers and music videos for your record to make sure you have the best bet at standing out. You have to understand Spotify have thousands of records added to their platform daily. You have to do everything in your power to stand out and get your music in front of curators where they are looking for new music.

In Conclusion

Being successful is all about putting yourself in the best position to win. This means executing all of these steps at the same time. You have spend money to make money. If you do all of these steps you will be ready to win in 2020 and make the best out of your career.

To learn more tips you can follow me on Instagram at @NovaWaveKyle where I drop tips for artist weekly if not daily and reach to me and let’s get to work on making your career take off!

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About the Creator

Kyle Treadwell

Instagram: @NovaWaveKyle

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