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Tour Diary: My First Ever Tour!

October 2021

By Connie MatthewsPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
wych elm @ stereo in glasgow


When I joined wych elm, I didn't even think about gigs. I was so excited to be playing bass with a band that I loved pre-Connie joining, and we learnt new songs and recorded the EP as soon as I joined. We then got a Booking Agent (shout out to Mother Artists, you rock), and our diaries started getting rather full.

Of course, the support slot at Brixton Academy with legends IDLES in January is the most mind-blowing, but before that, we got booked as the touring support for the mighty JOHN in October for six of their UK shows. Nottingham, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Stockton, Leeds and Manchester.

Now, being based in the beautiful city of Bristol, we have played a lot of Southern shows, so this tour is going to be a great introduction to a lovely Scottish and Northern audience, but also, a lovely holiday as I've never been to some of these cities!

The first thing we had to think about what how to get there. We needed a van, and a driver. Alas, I am a driver, and my beautiful mam has a van, which she (for reasons unbeknownst to me) felt confident letting me get insured on and use for the tour.

So let's f*cking do it. Beep beep. Wych elm party bus is taking flight.

Wednesday 6th October


Day one in the party bus. I was TERRIFIED. Panic attack central all day Tuesday, but alas, my lovely mother was free so said she would come with us to help me drive there and direct me and take over if at any point I didn't feel confident.

We have played Nottingham before, at this venue, as part of Dot to Dot Festival, which was great. So we were very excited to play again.

Alas, it wasn't meant to be. Two hours into our drive, we got a message saying JOHN's van had broken down and they weren't going to make the show. So gutted for them. But, it's going to get rescheduled, so hope is not lost.

Stuck in standstill traffic, desperate to get to the next junction to turn the party bus around back to Bristol, I felt pretty deflated, and just wanted to get home. It's hard driving the van, it's super loud in there, so being in the front, and the band being in the back, means feeling very isolated. You can't hear a thing anyone's saying, and having your paranoia and anxiety heightened by hormones and general stress, makes that pretty crap.

Anyway, back to work for two days before the big drive to Glasgow.

Sunday 10th October


Oh my, well, we made it. Yesterday I drove the van to Glasgow. I can't even believe I'm typing that! I left my home in South Wales at roughly 12:20, and I got out of the van for the final time yesterday at roughly 23:30. Pretty long ol' day.

Alas, getting to Glasgow safely meant getting settled into our home for the night, and getting some shut-eye.

After going to sleep at 2am, you'd think I would manage to get up past 8am today, but that wasn't the case, and here I am, sat in our room for the next couple nights, waiting for everyone else to wake up.

Unfortunately, Caitlin woke up with Tonsillitis, so she spent the morning ringing around getting her some antibiotics. Standard first day of tour stuff, but alas, she's a trooper, and by the afternoon, the antibiotics were with her.

The venue and staff that worked there were a pure joy. The rep was an energetic, excited, helpful and wonderful man who made sure everyone was okay at all times.

The crowd wasn't packed out, and we didn't feel we played our best, however the feedback we received was lovely. We sold quite a bit of merch, and got to have a nice catch-up with John and Johnny.

Hopefully tonight's sleep on the sofa will prepare me for another big day in Edinburgh.

Monday 11th October


Another chilly morning in Glasgow, and Caitlin and Jack are feeling very poorly. Knowing them however, I'm not worried about the shows at all; they are both absolute superstars, and will dose themselves up and sweat it out onstage.

Edinburgh isn't too far, so we are staying in Glasgow again tonight after Edinburgh's gig, which is nice. We've made a little camp here, and it's nice having somewhere cosy to come back to each night. I'll miss staying here after tonight.

Well, Edinburgh is going to be hard to beat. I know it's only day two, but my lovely mam and stepdad flew up to surprise me, and it was totally what I needed.

That, plus a really enthusiastic crowd, and great venue, made it a strong 10/10 gig.

wych elm @ sneaky pete's in edinburgh

Tuesday 12th October


Day three and Caitlin and Jack are still super poorly. It's really tough because I feel so helpless, I wish I could make them feel better. It's not the dreaded 'Rona, which at least is one positive thing, but seeing them struggling through the day when they need to be wrapped up in bed sucks.

Hopefully a nap in the van on the drive to Stockton will give them a boost for tonight's show, and an enthusiastic crowd like last night's in Edinburgh would make this whole thing worthwhile.

Well, Stockton was an absolute hidden gem. Met some lovely people from the IDLES community, AF Gang, one of which bought the band a round of pints, and were all so kind about our set.

The venue was AMAZING, the Georgian Theatre is an apt name because that is exactly what it was. We were treated like royalty, and we were so grateful.

There were two green rooms, and lovely JOHN gave us the bigger one as there are more of us, which was so kind of them. True angels. I am trying to keep this tour diary fairly short and sweet, with just the highs and lows, but I could talk about how much I bloody adore John, Johnny and Ed forever, they've been so wonderful and supportive and have made the tour thus far such a joy.

I manned the merch stand after our set and everyone that came up and bought something was truly lovely, what a kind, enthusiastic and supportive crowd.

The drive from Stockton to Leeds put a bit of a damper on the night for me, sadly. The motorway was closed so the Sat Nav sent me down some interesting little winding lanes. Being completely exhausted and having to use your entire body to concentrate on driving for an hour and a half in pitch dark country roads that you're not familiar with, in a van when you're used to driving a Renault Clio, is ridiculous. I get so tense and my wrists and back are in bits. Touring has definitely aged me about 10 years, but after the next few I reckon I will be built like a tank.

wych elm @ the georgian theatre in stockton

Wednesday 13th October


After a decent few hours sleep at our next home away from home, I'm feeling a bit calmer and less upset after last night, which is good. A mix of a heavy and painful period, plus being over-tired, missing my partner and cat, and a stressful drive, got a bit much last night. I've always been a suffer in silence type, so had a little cry when everyone finally fell asleep. I think that's the first cry I've had on tour so far. Surprisingly. Go me.

I saw Heavy Lungs at the venue we are playing at tonight a few years ago, and I'm so excited to play there, it's amazing.

After a stressful morning of misunderstandings, tears and tissues, we championed on, and my goodness it was worth it. Playing to a pretty packed out Brudenell Social Club was immense.

Highlight was after the show, meeting a lovely lady named Kate, who likened us to The Breeders, and me to KIM BLOODY DEAL. There's no compliment that will top that. I heard about her stories going to see The Breeders and Nirvana, and it was amazing.

Thursday 11th October


This is it. Technically the last day of tour. Nottingham is being rescheduled for the 29th October, so that's going to just feel like a stand alone show now, which is pretty nice.

I feel sad that Caitlin and Jack have been so poorly this entire time, meaning they've not enjoyed it as much as I have, but admire their professionalism and determination so much to get through it, and smash each show they play. Playing a show every night has been like a dream, and I reckon I could keep doing this forever. Alas, back to the 9-5 on Monday and I'll not feel like a rockstar any longer.

I'm excited to play Manchester tonight, I reckon it could even be busier than last night.

Manchester, you have stolen my heart. I'll write more about you tomorrow, as it's currently 4am, and I just cuddled my cat for the first time in five days, so I am happy and ready for a sleep in my own bed.

It's morning now, and I'm still not over how magical last night's show was. Such a great crowd, and I had an absolute blast watching JOHN from the front. Joined the mosh pit for the last song, and it was beautiful.

Alas, the tour is not quite over, as we play the rescheduled Nottingham on the 29th, but I've never played five shows in a row before, I've never been to Scotland before, I've never driven a van before, and my oh my, what a wonderful time I have had.

John, Johnny, Ed, Caitlin, Jack, Issy, Owain, Santiago, Jen, and every person I met at a show made this experience so enjoyable, and I cannot wait to do it again soon.

ed, me, john and johnny in manchester


About the Creator

Connie Matthews

Hi friends, my name is Connie and I play bass in a band called wych elm. This blog is for me to write down my inner ramblings, talk about music, being in a band and just whatever the heck I want.

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