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The Ultimate Halloween Playlist

Let's Get Spooooooooooky

By Connie MatthewsPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 3 min read

When I think of Halloween, I think of Goths. I think of heavy black eyeliner, back-combed hair, creepers - old-school goths. Therefore, my Halloween playlist reflects this. The vibe we are going for here is creepy, and sad.

We kick off the party with the ultimate Goth King himself, Robert Smith, with A Forest by The Cure. I can imagine it now - walking into a dark club, smoke machines pumping out mist, this creepy, ethereal intro accompanying me. The perfect song.

We move onto something to get people moving - Spellbound by Siouxsie and the Banshees. Fast, upbeat, whilst keeping in with the theme of a Goth Christmas, I mean, Halloween...

The next song is by a band called Sugar Horse, who feature twice on the playlist. Hailing from Bristol, these miserable goths make music made for fans of The Cure, mixed with The Chariot. There was no way I'd be able to make a Halloween playlist without including Sugar Horse. They once played a secret set at a gig under the pseudonym "Goths in Hot Weather." Their debut album that was recently released, The Live Long After, is truly a piece of art. Check them out.

We then have Bread by Sunflower Bean. This band aren't who you would usually associate with Halloween, but this song, from one of their earlier EPs, is just hauntingly beautiful, and really fits the mood. Julia's vocals are that of an angel, and you can definitely catch me in this imaginary club crying to this.

Hey Colossus' track Memory Gore is also one that just felt right being on this playlist. Heavier than Bread, it just picks up the mood, whilst still keeping the creepy vibes we're aiming for.

Now we get back to the old-school Goth rock with Marian by Sisters Of Mercy, and Bella Lugosi is Dead by Bauhaus. You know it. The security guard at my Halloween party is refusing to let anyone in that doesn't have thick enough eyeliner.

Next we have some Molchat Doma, some Pixies and some McLusky. Why? Because it's MY playlist, and I get to put whatever the hell I want to put on here. Also, who wouldn't want to hear these songs at a Halloween party? Not anyone I know. McLusky especially, although their lyrics often include satire and comedy, they deal with some interesting themes, and I reckon they were secret goths back in the day.

Mad World by Tears for Fears - party anthem for sad goths. Confirmed. This one would definitely get everyone singing along, it would be a sight for sore eyes. Might even make some of the goths in attendance crack a smile.

Same with the next few tracks - do I need to explain?! Just pure bangers, mate. Who doesn't want to belt along to Kate Bush on Halloween? There's bound to be at least one person that has dressed up as Wuthering Heights Kate Bush at my party.

Of course, I had to include my own band. We're called wych elm, and every day is Halloween for us. Our obsession with folklore and dark tales comes through in our music, and the tracks I have included on the playlist prove it. Feed Me is a creepy song heavily made up of my disgusting bass tone, with lyrics from the perspective of someone that has been kidnapped and held captive, and Scold's Bridle is written about the medieval torture device used to silence and humiliate women. Fun, right?

The playlist is only one hour and 41 minutes long, and that's because by the end of it, the whole party would be crying together in a sweaty heap. I've thought of everything here, trust me.

Here's the link to my playlist:

Happy Halloween.


About the Creator

Connie Matthews

Hi friends, my name is Connie and I play bass in a band called wych elm. This blog is for me to write down my inner ramblings, talk about music, being in a band and just whatever the heck I want.

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