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The Spooky Soundtracks That Best Suit Your Halloween Persona

A selection of songs from popular soundtracks, handpicked to suit any personality type.

By Rachel M.JPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read
The Spooky Soundtracks That Best Suit Your Halloween Persona
Photo by Carol Lee on Unsplash

The Spooky Soundtracks That Best Suit Your Halloween Pesona

Entered Into Vocal's Graveyard Smash Challenge: Create the soundtrack for the ultimate Halloween party.

I take a moment to dust off my witch's hat before proceeding with this playlist. It has the distinct ability to sort any wearer into their respective Halloween houses.

"The sorting hat?" you enquire.

I shake my head with vigour, "never heard of it." I inch my body to obscure my illustrated copy of The Chamber of Secrets displayed behind me on my bookshelf. No, this hat will not sort you into your Hogwarts house, but it can tell you which one of the three Halloween personality types best describe you.

As it slowly descends towards my crown, it let's out a baritone hum. It has barely touched my hair before it shouts,

"Whimsical and Eerie!"

Sounds about right - I can't stomach a horror movie for life of me. Although I'm likely to enjoy the songs from every set playlist, regardless of my prescribed personality. This is because the songs have been selected from some of the best media soundtracks, including the likes of Lord of the Rings, Maleficent, and The Nightmare Before Christmas (to name a few). Weather you're a Dark and Ominous type of guy, someone who prefers the whimsical, or a full blown Party Planner, there's a playlist for you.

Dark and Ominous

The house with the spookiest decorations... if you get around to hanging them up. People can expect to find hallowed pumpkins travelling up your stairway, wearing grimaces of course - no smiling pumpkins here. You give the trick or treaters something to talk about; sour candy, and secretly save the sweeter candy-corn to yourself.

You're tired by the time midnight rolls around, and you ignore the stragglers still looking for a haul. If they were to peak into your window they'd catch you watching Eldritch Horror... or Lord of the Rings, which is totally a Halloween movie. Your playlist of choice sounds like this;

Hoist the Colours - Pirates of the Caribbean

Misty Mountains (Cold) - The Hobbit

Rise up Dead Man - Hunt Showdown

Whimsical and Eerie

You simply can't deny yourself another pumpkin spice latte... but you don't post about it like your Party Planner sisters and brothers; you sip it in silence, and hope no one asks you what's in your cup. You've always wanted to celebrate Halloween, but you've been told your threshold for movie violence ends at a painful stub of the toe.

Regardless, you've made your piece with a horror-free Halloween, and have channelled the energy instead through changing your ring-tone to the Harry Potter theme song and wearing a darker shade of lipstick. For those who don't wear makeup, the temptation of a complete Edward Scissorhands costume almost has you converted.

Harry Potter Main Theme - Harry Potter

Once Upon a Dream - Maleficent

Ice Dance - Edward Scissorhands

This is Halloween - The Nightmare Before Christmas

The Party Planner

You are what makes Halloween fun... and you know it. You go all out with the costumes, the decorations, and the drinks - for the years when you have time. You're open to any interpretation of the holiday, because your only wish is for people to get involved.

You hate people who say "I dressed as myself...", but you invite them to your party all the same. Maybe next year you'll have a reserve of funny hats dedicated to the boring folk. You have an array of costumes for yourself, and bring your spooky energy right from the beginning of October to the very end. You still can't decide if The Nightmare Before Christmas is a Halloween or a Christmas movie, so you settle on "both."

Touch-A Touch-A Touch Me - Rocky Horror Picture Show

Thriller/Heads Will Roll - Glee

Spooky Scary Skeletons (Remix)

While I - myself - lean more towards the whimsical kind, I wish one day to embody the energy of a Party Planner, but I've never had the gaol to dress in more than a simple wizards mask (which I assure you, is terrifying) paired with a little black dress (which is doubly terrifying). So to the Party Planners, thank you. To the Whimsical and Eerie folk - stop hiding your pumpkin spice! And to the Dark and Ominous kind, no thank you - you can keep your sour candy, just give me the candy-corn.

The Full Playlist


About the Creator

Rachel M.J

Magical realist

I like to write about things behaving how they shouldn't ~

Instagram: Rachel M.J

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