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Tears of A Clown

Songs Can Sometimes Make Me Cry

By Mike Singleton - MikeydredPublished 3 years ago Updated 6 months ago 3 min read
Tears of A Clown

This is a list of songs that might make me cry at times, this is probably just me but crying is a good release, and I hope you feel free to cry and get rid of unhappiness. It won’t be a huge playlist and there will be repetitions from other posts. The Smokey Robinson song is appropriate because my tears could definitely be described as the “Tears of A Clown”.

I could see there may be more Motown to come in this one.

Today while working, a song came on the CD player. I was listening to Badfinger “Timeless … The Musical Legacy” a compilation and “Baby Blue” came on and the tears started welling up. The first verse always gets me:

“Guess I got what I deserved

Kept you waiting there too long, my love

All that time, without a word

Did you really think, that I'd forget and regret?

Special love I have for you

My baby blue”

It’s the song that closes the final episode of “Breaking Bad” and for me is one that just pulls at the heartstrings until you cry.

This is the Heisenberg Special which is really worth your time

When I split with my first girlfriend and she found herself a new boyfriend I was incredibly upset and did some blood stupid things. I still miss her forty years later but know she met a lovely guy and raised a family with him, so am so happy for her about that, But Bob Dylan was going through a divorce and released “Blood on the Tracks” and the song “If You See Her Say Hello” nailed my situation perfectly.

I would play that and cry at what I had let slip through my fingers.

Listening to “Taak” by Sigur Ros and the second song in “Glósóli” has an introductory bass line that almost makes me well up. I don’t know why, it really has that effect on me.

Maybe I was in a fragile state after “Baby Blue” so not a great choice, although it is beautiful.

Although I used Smokey Robinson for the lead in, “Tracks of My Tears” is a beauty that will stimulate my tear ducts if I am emotionally down, which does happen more often than not, though I seldom broach it with anybody. It’s another Motown beauty and deserves its place in this list.

Many years ago I discovered a wonderful singer Jordan Reyne, who is an absolutely magical experience, and “The Shadow Line” subject and delivery is heartbreakingly beautiful for me. She is worth investigating with her work swathed in Celtic Pagan shades.

The Delays recently lost their lead singer Greg Gilbert, to Cancer but “Long Time Coming” is a poignant beauty that makes me cry in a good way.

My favourite film is Tony Scott’s “True Romance” and the main Hanz Zimmer theme (semi-lifted from Carl Orff’s “Gassenhauer” which was used as the theme to “Badlands”) is “You’re So Cool”, Alabama Whitman’s phrase for Clarence Worley, and this is just just one of the most beautiful pieces of music that I have ever heard and gives me goose-bumps and could make me cry. I am including the eight-minute extended version which is a beautiful love story and brings me tears of joy.

I really hope this doesn’t make you think less of me, make you think I am not a man because I shed tears and cry sometimes over the most trivial things. I don’t like to bottle things up although there are times you have to hold it in, but you must let it out otherwise it will destroy you.

I hope this has been an enjoyable trip for you and maybe even brought a tear to your eye too.


About the Creator

Mike Singleton - Mikeydred

Weaver of Tales, Poems, Music & Love

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  • Hannah Moore6 months ago

    You daft apeth, think less of you for crying.... No. Absolutely not. Music has some magic emotional powers, eh.

  • Heather Hubler6 months ago

    Oh this was wonderful, Mike!! I'm so glad you just shared it with me. I hope others see it and read it too. I love how the power of music can bring us to tears for so many reasons. There are pieces I listen to that are just instrumental that are so poignant they make me cry. You are a beautiful human for feeling emotion, never feel badly for that :)

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